papa called in the morning to tell me they were in bohol for a staff seminar and that the place was beautiful with the cliffs, bungee jumps, ziplines, and cable cars, even overlooking the chocolate hills. i am very envious! i've never been to bohol except for that one time when my friend celebrated her birthday and we only stayed the night and weren't even able to see the sights -_-
made a tegomass t-shirt! got this idea from mae after she showed me the NEWS and tegomass doodles on her bag. so i went and bought some fabric & craft pen too and doodled on my white shirt for the trial version. leeho fabric paint pens in pearl pink and glow in the dark pink (i'm planning to buy more colors bit by bit)
my bedsheet: sailormoon (not my choice XD). and i found out the movie was under toei animation, which was coicidentally the same company DareKiss is under :D
i used the pearl one on the laptop bag and the glow in the dark one on my hand XDD
first try. my hands were shaking! i have to stop drinking too much coffee -_-
trial fitting. believe me i don't usually have this poor fashion sense, i was just too tired to remove what i was wearing underneath XD i'm saving this for kei's birthday this saturday. it's either this or the other shirt i'm planning to use for the DareKiss one. i hope it won't be removed after washing, after all the work i put into it...
finally tried updating my ipod using copytrans. it worked! and i didn't have to risk losing the old contents of my ipod, yokatta~ but as expected, my lyrics are really gone, also most of my album artworks -_- it doesn't put pictures too, unless i install copytrans photo. most of my vids are LQ as well. i'd have to replace them with better ones. but i don't have the energy to put lyrics, album arts, pictures, etc etc right now. i still have to try updating my fics first.
手越祐也の彼女@3:50 PM
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
a common thing my mother and my cat have
yesterday i read a chapter of this ryotego fic where shige gets all allergic to a cat they found (which in reality he really is allergic to). can't help but sympathize him since i have cat allergies too, but i still keep a cat anyways *masochistic* XD but now i'm back here in bacolod and she (the cat) is in cebu. i think it's a good thing. i don't suffer from watery eyes, nose that feel like it's pulsing with pain, and the urge to scratch at my face, and of course the endless sneezing spells.
i think i can describe my relationship with my mom like the interaction i have with my cat. i love her and all but when she's around i tend to get irritated and's best if we love each other with distance in between, which is true in me and my mom's case. we get along better when she's not around and just communicating thru the phone. sad, isn't it? -_-
later going to bacolod to meet mae and pay for the tegomass concert goods. i decided to order the uchiwa after all. mae and i agreed to split the payment on tegoshi's photoset.
lastly, happy 75th birthday to my maternal grandfather, tatay mansing!
tatay's girly cake XD
blowing the candles
edible flower
poor flower~
batsu having a fitful sleep :DD
on my way home from downtown i noticed at a distance the night sky flickering with thunder. i pretty much watched it the whole way, smiling to myself.
gah. maria mena's songs are amazing. and she writes so daringly too. i'm getting hooked on more of her songs, couldn't even stop myself from crying when i listened to 'if you'll stay in my past' but the one i can't stop listening to is 'all this time' love the lyrics:
You self destructive, Little girl. Pick yourself up, Don't blame the world. So you screwed up, But you're gonna be okay.
Now call your boyfriend, And apologize. You pushed him pretty far Away last night. He really loves you, You just don't always love yourself.
And all this time, Ohh-oh, all this time, You have had it in you, You just sometimes need a push. (La la la la la) All this time, Ohh-oh, all this time, You have had it in you, You just sometimes need a push.
(La la la la la)
Think all the mean girls, That pulled your hair, Are barefoot now, And pregnant dear, And you write pop songs, And get to travel around the world.
And all this time, Ohh-oh, all this time, You have had it in you, You just sometimes need a push. (La la la la la) And all this time, Ohh-oh, all this time, You have had it in you, You just sometimes need a push.
(La la la la la)
So you've had some detours, Some stupid men. Now we know what not To do again. Besides you lucked out, Finally.
And all this time (all this time) Ohh-oh, all this time (all this time) You have had it in you, You just sometimes need a push. (La la la la la) And all this time (all this time) Ohh-oh, all this time (all this time) You have had it in you, You just sometimes need a push.
(La la la la la)
All this time, Oh, all this time, You've had it in you, You just sometimes need a push. (La la la la la) (All this time) (All this time) (La la la la la)
and i love charice pempengco's 'pyramid' especially the remix by barry harris.
手越祐也の彼女@1:53 PM
Monday, April 26, 2010
wet and wild
WET like the rain:
it's the first rain after so many weeks. i'm thankful that it's cooler today instead of the usual wave of unbearable heat. i'm sure the plants are happy too. my cousin said it's acid rain. i don't know if i believe it or not. but just to be safe i'm not going outdoors without any cover. the smell of dry earth is filling up my nostrils. it's slightly suffocating and headache inducing. it's pretty heavy. the strong winds make me think it could probably be a typhoon. i hope we won't have a power failure due to this---i should've bitten my tongue. oh god, it's starting. i better finish watching troubleman episode 2 and 3 before it gets worse. i really like 'be funky' it's so easy to get hooked on NEWS songs, memorizing without a lot of conscious effort :D oh and it's written by zopp! that guy really writes great music!
also decided to finish watching orthros no inu (half of episode 7 until the last episode). i love it!!! i for a minute there i was scared that it would have a sad ending but yokatta~ it didn't. everything ended well, after all: sawamura was caught, kumakiri (hikaru's character) apologized to shirakawa, both ryuzaki and ryosuke are alive and (thru the process of fulfilling the legend) ended up losing their powers and are able to live happy normal lives. gah, i cried twice in those 2 episodes alone. this is going to be on my list of favorite jdramas.
shige's diary: although it makes me happy to know that shige might have a lot of foreigner fans (and a guy at that), it's too funny when he said interval instead of international LOL it's so uncommon to see shige failing when he's supposed to be the smart one in NEWS XD and losing the newly bought yoga mat and blaming it on kami kakushi (spirits) LOL
i'm still deciding on what program to use for my ipod. i'm getting good reviews on copytrans manager. i like the feature where you can back-up/copy files from the ipod to the pc. that would save me a bloody amount of time going thru my cds.
i'm still deciding whether to preorder for tegoshi's uchiwa, or other goods too (i love the t-shirt and bag, and maybe the towel too except that i haven't seen how it looks, but the one in the first concert looked good, so *confused*) i only have until wednesday to decide -_-
WILD like tegoshi's hair: i'm really getting annoyed with tegoshi's hair on music station. i just watched the performance part today. even massu had mentioned in an interview that he wanted to shave tegoshi's hair if ever they exchanged bodies XDD
this. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH but he still manages to look good even with the HORRIBLE hairstyle *acck*
手越祐也の彼女@5:07 PM
slept over at granada. movie marathon: wizards of waverly place, accidental husband, jennifer's body, race to witch mountain
had my windows prob fixed but the pc still restarts every hour -_- reformatted my flashdrive too. tita neneng's celebrity picture XDDD
i'm making a list of my ipod songs before finally updating it.
kanjani8's kyujo show pv. so that's where ryo's 'LOL' face came from. i hate tacchon's curly hair.
glad i watched the talk part of tegomass' guesting on hey3x bcoz they showed the concert goods. LOL the bag and t-shirt has tegoshi's drawings all over them XDD tegoshi's hair in the uchiwa is -_-
手越祐也の彼女@2:41 AM
Friday, April 23, 2010
had a patient earlier. a kid. a fussy one. and what i got was not even worth it. i could just have patients at home and get much more -_-
tegomass concert goods for preorder : mae wants to buy an uchiwa . i'm still deciding if i would buy the uchiwa (i'm having doubts about tegoshi's hair)
i somehow ended up looking for pics of my 2 favorite pinay actresses:
erich gonzales and maja salvador
i love her make-up in this pic
so pretty~
maja with her fellow 'it' girls iya (who looks like kitagawa keiko, but i think iya's prettier), shaina, and anne
with the cast of impostor (she looks prettier without make-up!)
she has a japanese book!!! i wonder if she went to japan for a vacation...
was going through the results of my Ryotego google search when i found these from 2 years ago: -a fic by mousapelli: sixth times the charm -and an interview on ryo on potato's nov 2008 edition (credits to suketeru@livejournal)
I'm of the actor league (laugh), so I'm good at surprises!
I'd like to be invited to Finland, and go to a sauna over there. I saw that on TV, and it seems to be a good feeling. But, it seems there are a lot of mosquitos in Finland, so one should be careful not to be stung while entering (laugh). If I go, it would be in summer, it would be like fall there, right? During summer one can experience the white night phenomenon. If instead I'm asked to go during winter, I'd like to see the aurora.
Speaking of invitations, it would be the one my friends made me for a birthday party. That time they'd prepared it as a surprise, but it was obvious (laugh). It's like, you can't fool me (laugh). Because everyone would be all tense, right? Sure, I act as if I didn't notice anything, but once the party tension rises I tell them.
If on the contrary I'm the one to plan a surprise, I wouldn't let it show. I absolutely don't become nervous, because I'm of the actor league (laugh).
Before the execution, I'd have a fight on purpose with my friends and say, "Enough, I'm going home!" Then, I'd invite the birthday person out, and when we get to the restaurant we'd find the other friends with whom I'd fought earlier (laugh). For an unexpected surprise, a fight is efficient.
If I were to invite a girl? First I'd go pick her up by car. Then we'd go to a date spot theme park and we'd eat there. Then, once we get home, we'd prepare dinner and watch a DVD. Well, it would be a normal date. A surprise? I get embarrassed at such things, so if I had a present I'd give it to her casually the moment we meet.
"Invitation to Tegoshi Yuya!" First I'd try to call his mother, because I'd want to invite Tegoshi's family along. Then we'd eat something together (laugh). Being with his family, I might be able to find a surprising side of Tegoshi's, no?! Maybe I could discover unexpected sides to his character. I should be able to have a glimpse of the "Tegoshi at home", ne (laugh).
ryo wants to invite tegoshi's family too! awww~ that's like meeting your bf's parents :D or maybe ryo has a hidden agenda ne XD
i finally saw the pics from jin's an-an photoshoot (i know i'm late. i knew there was this shoot but i didn't really bother looking for pics but i stumbled upon a discussion and got curious so) and *JAWDROP* that was worse than pi's!!! i hope tegoshi or any other NEWS members (well, maybe ryo is acceptable too, or not. i think it'll make tegonyan cry, so better not XD) don't follow this example.
and weirdly my mixpod keeps on playing 'bambina' XDD
last but not the least: tegomass' recent latest perf on MS (tegoshi with afro hair WHYYYYYY)
miso soup, anyone?
even with the horrible hair he still manages to look cute *acck*
massu, on tthe other hand was looking so gorgeous in this *acck*
and i love his jacket! *glomps*
massu's so funny at the end XD
手越祐也の彼女@9:32 PM
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
finally watched Yamanade till the end. i miss yukinojo's cuteness~ -yuki's fighting skills XD -tegoshi's still a prankster even in the drama XDD
just realized that i was right to name my dog yuuki (courage) instead of yuki (snow, which doesn't suit her color anyways) bcoz then she'll end up being called yuu-chan for short and tegoshi is also yuu-chan ne. he could be her daddy. wait, HE IS HER DADDY! XD
watched troubleman's first episode with subs. i like it so far :)
been rewatching my old chinese movies: the twins effect, ab-normal beauty, diva ah-hey (still makes me cry at the exact same scene)
tegomass perf on hey3x, tegoshi has short hair again (but it's still curly, and he has clips again!) massu 's airplane ring was excessively distracting! LOL
i love massu's smile at the end, so bright! MABUSHIIIIIII~
and from here the flailing begins :D
his new actions are too cute~ he also has a new way of making his face look cute (not that he wasn't already cute, but the way he does it this time is just so asdfghjkasdfghjk~)
kyaaaaaaaaaa *dies* zomg he looks so kakkoi~~~~ he really reminds me of johnny depp XD
i'm still working on my 'half down' (ryo's solo from k8's puzzle album) and 'share' (lyrics written by NEWS) memorization. i read the translation for 'share' and almost cried thinking that that was how each one in NEWS was thinking about their relationship. i feel guilty not liking it that much at first. and i still am not getting anywhere memorizing it, it's like a tongue-twister exercise =_= i'm doing better with 'half down' at least.
手越祐也の彼女@11:42 PM
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
been playing badminton for until an hour everyday. but my weight doesn't seem to be going down -_- gave the dogs baths.
black jack
pic captured in motion, thus jack looked distorted
he wanted to get out of the basket
love his spiky hair~~
caged XD he looks rabid in this pic hehe
my yuki~
yuki and batsu (i decided to name him coz his owner doesn't often come to the house thus he still doesn't respond to any name we call him plus he's been called so many names i think the poor thing is confused as well). so i named him batsu from 'koi no abo' by NEWS and bcoz JE is fond of batsu game (punishment games). but my brother calls him bachi (which means the same thing anyways). we call him bats more often though, hehe
2 in 1
vie has dengue fever (which explains why i haven't seen her OL lately). my poor imouto~
手越祐也の彼女@11:50 PM
you have stumbled upon my blog~ the chocoholic's refuge
feel free to wander around...
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and one more thing,
this is my blog
if you don't like what you see
then GET LOST!
why are you here anyways?
>NewS 大好き!!!
>johnny depp
>tegoshi yuya ♥♥♥♥♥
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>chocolates, coffee, cheese
>kpop, jpop, cpop, opm classics, oldies
>horror flicks
>great danes, rottweilers, yorkies, dachshunds, schnauzers
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>my lola's leche flan
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>tumblers & coasters
>road trips
>picture books
>paisley & velvet
>candied fruits
>old wives' tales
>mang ambo by larry alcala
>pugad baboy by pmjr
>NewS' Never Ending Wonderful Story dvd
>G3-my partners in crime!
>worms, maggots, caterpillars, etc.
>rainy days and mondays
>cigarette smoke
>frying fish
>household chores
>my sensitive nose -_-
>two-faced ppl
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>being pressured
>crappy service
>crowded places
>too much drama
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>monthly periods
>chain letters
>exclusivity and all that shit
>backbiters and rumor-mongers
>being binbou -_-
>my full name
>my brother XP
>delusional fangirls
>unwanted admirers/suitors/textmates (GRRRR!)
>Tegoshi and RyoTego haters
>'MEMOIRS' philippine release
>TegoMass concert dvd
>a Coraline doll
>harry potter and the deathly hallows
>a series of unfortunate events (complete)
>more neil gaiman books
>the adventures of tin-tin
>my own dika
>new celphone
>jenga and twister games
>revel bars!!! *drools*
>body shop's olive oil
>maltese or yorkie
>electronic dictionary
>the nightmare before christmas merchandise
>JE merchandise
>lose weight overnight
>mole under left eye
>learn how to play violin/cello
>learn how to bake
>bungee jump
>vacation to japan, thailand, korea
>go to a NewS concert
>my own tegoshi yuya XD
>more ryotego fics
>tegoshi singing nino's niji
-itteQ-tegoshi eps
-massu's 'musashi'
-pi's 'byakkotai'
-ie ga tooi-news epi
-kei's high school musical
-kei's 'nurse aoi'
-kisarazu cat's eye
-princess d
+ the nightmare before christmas + harry potter + romeo and juliet + city of angels + now and then + moulin rouge + chocolat + from hell + the neverending story + the labyrinth + a walk to remember + the chocolate factory (willy wonka and charlie versions) + the secret garden + snow white: a tale of terror + great expectations + don juan de marco + napoleon dynamite + sleepover + sleepy hollow + centerstage + the sisterhood of the travelling pants + tuck everlasting + what a girl wants + casper + bourne identity + ocean's eleven + mr. bean + the abyss + deep blue sea + ghost ship + titanic + jurassic park (1,2&3) + resident evil (1,2&3) + the land of the dead + the dawn of the dead + ella enchanted + shrek (1,2&3) + face off + con air + the x-files + coach carter + time machine + the land before time + mulan + hocus pocus + interview with a vampire + practical magic + princess diaries + miss congeniality + queen of the damned + romeo must die + the others + thumbelina + ever after + breakfast at tiffany's + gone with the wind + west side story + bridget joneses diary (1&2) + brokedown palace + darkness falls + valentine + the exorcism of emily rose + witches + the count of monte cristo + shakespeare in love + love actually + the man in the iron mask + four weddings and a funeral + the island of dr. moreau + narnia: the lion, the with, and the wardrobe + the cube + the mummy (1&2) + identity + beetlejuice + frequency + phenomenon + the guru + stardust + pursuit of happyness + stardust + coraline + the lake house + the sorcerer's apprentice +
+ the twins effect + the death curse + hero + the house of flying daggers + crouching tiger, hidden dragon + the curse of the golden flower + infernal affairs (1,2&3) + my sassy girl + il mare + the classic + a millionaire's first love + kawi + koma + the uninvited + vacation (dbsk) + 200 pounds beauty + jenny&juno + one missed call (1,2&3) + the phone + the eye + a tale of two sisters + nana + death note1&2 + six + shutter + lovely complex + kanojo to no tadashii asobikata + chinese odyssey + protege de la rose noire + house of fury + spy dad + diva ah-hey + chinese tall story + new police story + 6AM + ab-normal beauty + battle royale + wishing stairs + the red shoes + shissou/dead run + one missed call 2 + attack on the pin-up boys (suju's movie) + cinderella ni naritai + boys love + kurosagi the movie + calling you + L change the world + koizora + crows zero + cyborg girl + tada, kimi wo aishiteru + 4bia/phobia + phobia 2 + coming soon + liar game: the final stage +
+ harry potter (j.k. rowling) + series of unfortunate events (lemony snickett) + stories of eva luna (isabel allende) + daddy long legs (jean webster) + behind the attic wall (sylvia cassedy) + how stella got her groove back (terry mcmillan) + pet sematary (stephen king) + stardust & coraline (neil gaiman) + robert fulghum books + roald dahl + frances hodgson burnett + grimm brothers + hans christian andersen + memeoirs of a teenage amnesia (gabrielle zevin +)
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+ beautiful days + love letter + winter sonata + my name is kim sam soon + my sassy girl chun-hyang + sweet 18 + meteor garden1&2 + dbsk's banjun drama + full house + goong + hana yori dango + bad family + nobuta wo produce + proposal daisakusen + kurosagi + my boss my hero + dragon zakura + hana yori dango2 + 1 litre of tears + 1 litre of tears sp + gachi baka + papa to musume no nanokakan + hanazakari no kimitachi e + himitsu no hanazono + tsubasa no oreta tenshitachi - season 1 + tsubasa no oreta tenshitachi - season 2 + tantei gakuen Q + liar game + shabake + sore wa totsuzen, arashi no you ni + sugata sanshirou + yukan club + deru toko demashou + lost time life (kei's episode) + waraeru koi wa shitakunai + anego + kakure karakuri + car radio ga owareba + last friends + absolute boyfriend + what's up, fox? + binbou danshi + 14 sai no haha + code blue + ryusei no kizuna + atashinchi no danshi + koishite akuma + buzzer beat + guests of room zero (koyama's & shige's episodes) + orthros no inu + you're beautiful + hidarime tantei eye + troubleman + sunao ni narenakute + loss time life + hyoten +
+ fushigi yuugi + master of mosquiton + monster rancher + doraemon + fruits basket + trigun + sugar sugar rune + alice academy + cardcaptor sakura + time quest + ranma 1/2 + lovecom + gravitation + black blood brothers + ouran high host club + yamato nadeshiko shichi henge (the wallflower) + howl's moving castle + spirited away + kimi ni todoke +
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++ jang woohyuk (h.o.t.) + micky yoochun (dbsk) + kim junghoon + jo insung + lee sangwoo + lee junki + kim jihoon + im joohwan + brian joo (ftts) + tablo (epik high) + t.o.p. (big bang) + attack (trax) + jin taehwa (battle) + kim dongwan (shinhwa) + park jinwoo + kim hyeseong + hyunbin + jang geunseok + wonbin (f.t island) + jung yonghwa (cnblue)
+++ tegoshi yuya + shun oguri + hongo kanata + news + kenichi matsuyama + ryo nishikido (news) + kazunari ninomiya (arashi) + matsuda shota + matsuda ryuhei + kaname jun + yamapi (news)+ tatsuya fujiwara + mizushima hiro + tsubasa imai (t&t) + wakaba ryuuya + hiraoka yuuta + tsukamoto takashi + tamayama tetsuji + yonemura daijiro & yodogawa yoshihiro (question?) + arioka daiki & yamada ryousuke (hey!say!) + ohkura tadayoshi (k8) + nakamaru yuichi (kat-tun) + oshinari shugo + tamaki hiroshi + mukai osamu + koide keisuke + miura haruma + seto koji + nakayama yuma + inohara yoshihiko (v6) +
++++ vanness wu (f4) + edison chen + jay chou + kenny kwan (boyz) + daniel wu + stephen fung + ananda everingham + golf + ray macdonald +
+++++ john lloyd cruz + jc de vera + enchong dee + hideaki torio +
+ the corrs + sarah mclachlan + shawn colvin + michelle branch + selena + mariah carey + lee sooyoung + jewel + aaliyah + craig david + jason mraz + josh groban + boa + dbsk + lene marlin + frou frou + enya + leann rimes + big bang + sung sikyung + sg wannabe + se7en + epik high + clazziquai + loveholic + sugababes + all saints + lara fabian + gregorian chant + vonda shepard + foofighters + green day + rachael lampa + bosson + linda ronstadt + the cranberries + the cardigans + india arie + seal + george michael + lighthouse family + sting + garbage + dc talk + duncan sheik + coldplay + jars of clay + blur + third eye blind + john mayer + fiona apple + spice girls + kelly clarkson + utada hikaru + 'd sound + jim croce + david foster + eric clapton + boyz 2 men + babyface + alison krauss + richard marx + the company + jose mari chan + martine mccutcheon + kathy troccoli + jj lin + dream + honeyz + foj + darius + maksim + aaa + haley bennett + perfume + teddy geiger + yui + shimizu shota + kato miliyah + jyongri + coraline soundtrack +
+ nicole kidman + charlize theron + sandra bullock + anne hathaway + alexis bledel + evan rachel wood + amanda bynes + alexa vega + rachel mcadams + uma thurman + leelee sobieski + eliza dushku + emily browning + emma watson + dakota fanning + annasophia robb + alicia morton + kate maberly + mia maestro + jennifer connelly + paz vega + emmanuelle chriqui + hilary duff + marisa tomei + helena bonham carter + amber tamblyn + julia stiles + meredith bishop + thora birch + jessica alba + kristin kreuk + sara paxton + monica keena + katie holmes + marley shelton + camilla bell + angelina jolie + milla jovovich + amanda seyfried +
++ choi jiwoo + song hyegyo + jeon jihyun + son yehjin + goo hyejin + park shinhye + go ara + han jimin + lee yeonhee + bae seulgi (the reds) + ayumi (sugar) + song jihyo + yoon eunhye (baby vox) + han chaeyoung + kim taehee + han jihye + park bom + park heebon (milk) + kim bomi (milk) + chaeyeon + nam sangmi + cats + kara + lina and sunday (csjh) + sunye (wg) + kim ah-jung + uhm hyunkyung + yoo hyunyoung + choi sooyoung + han gain + kim junghwa + go eunah + goo hyesun + jung ryeowon (chakra) + kang junghwa + so yihyun + jo jungrin + kim ok-bin + eunseong + min seohyeon +
+++ nakashima mika + aoi miyazaki + horikita maki + toda erika + aragaki yui + shida mirai + uno misako + ueto aya + ueno juri + kashii yu + ito misaki + maya miki + ayase haruka + karina + narumi riko + kato rosa + naka riisa + esumi makiko + ito yuna + mimura + leah dizon + kiritani mirei + aoi yu +
++++ twins + miriam yeung + angelica lee + jolin tsai + rainie yang + niki chow + race wong + yumiko cheng + isabella leong + joey yung + stephy tang + janice wei vidal + vivian hsu +
+++++ maja salvador + erich gonzales + vaness del moral + jennica garcia +