the puppies have grown! my first reaction upon seeing yuki: why did she become ugly?? but when i got used to her, i loved her! :D she's growing up and looking a lot more like her dad.
couldn't resist kissing yuki, and mae doing the 'kon-kon' LOL
yuki looks like a sigbin (a mythical creature in our local folklore) here. i always call her either that or donkey bcoz of the donkey ears XD
not really ecstatic about my new laptop. i think there's something wrong with it. it keeps restarting by itself -_-
march 22: irene called! she said she's thinking of shifting from nursing to dentistry haha
ivette loved koishite akuma! LOL she's always asking me what asian dramas to watch and i recommended koishite akuma to her :D
my fillings on my molars are defective. one feels sensitive when i chew on it, one even got removed =_=
i just found out i didn't lose any weight the whole time i was in cebu. i have to jog soon!
march 25: bought dvds - alice in wonderland (bcoz i thought it wasn't shown in theaters anymore, then i went to sm and it still there! -_-), junjou romantica (BL XD), 2 horror ones :P
ate ramen, gyoza, japameshi (fried rice), and japacotta (mocha panacotta) with my cousin niko at l' kaisei
i couldn't find the pics. i'll post this replacement for now (niko eating from the pan *oink* XDD)_____________
march 26: wasn't able to watch the last episode of YamaNade T.T
march 27: junjou romantica marathon. though it was a bit nc-17 i still managed to cry, not just once LOL nowaki is so sweet~~ and he's not even the main guy in the story :P
my NEWS calendar arrived! YAY~
front of the hard cover: i was surprised that it had labels too. i was expecting just a plain carton :P
back of the hard cover
me opening the carton, in my pajamas XD
poster (we kyaaaaaa-ed once when we saw massu's face LOL)
the calendar wrapped in plastic with a hard plastic that looks like a stand or support

the other side of the calendarureshii~ :D
-DareKiss is showing in Japan starting today!
-tita mayet arrives today
-XLR8 on party pilipinas tomorrow (wasurenaide!)
unfortunately i have not updated on NEWS yet, jikan ga nai D: i have listened to 'anata ga tonari ni iru dake de' though...