i know i haven't been able to update since i have been trying to focus on studying, thus i have less time to go online.
i had a chance to meet the jcers again (sakuya, justin, dan, gerty) this time with jaika and margaux and some sjphils newbies over noraebang. i was really happy to get closer to all of them esp someone who asked for my number. i know the reason behind it was entirely different but i'm glad just the same :D dan, gerty, sakuya, and justin were planning to go back to the former sjphils hosted by proboards. apparently they have some discontent with the current administration. i was asked to visit every once in a while but i was reluctant to promise them anything when i'm not sure i could do it. i'm too swamped as it is, and going to sjphils is very far down my list of things to do. besides, i'd be at a loss of what to say when i go there. my interest have strayed too far. but i hope they did it though, bcoz i prefer the then compared to now. it was a more organized and people were more committed and less biased.
finally i met yayo! she's prettier in person. plus i finally had a pic with the elusive justin, hehe

^ yayo, sakuya, me

^ me, dan, justin
i still have a little 'mayonaka no shadow boy' hangover. i hope i could find a 3gp format of the pv making. my converters are just crap so i couldn't do it myself -_-
the RyoTego birthday bash pushed through!!! i was able to meet irene for the first time. mayne (whom i first met at the JE gathering) and yna (whom i also met for the first time and turned out to be ilongga too, and dislikes RyoPi too :P) came too. irene and i were the first ones to arrive at bubble tea, so we spazzed about our otp until the others arrived. irene even bought cake for the occasion. there was 'omedetou ryo and tegoshi' written on it, and it seems like a wedding cake since the 'otanjoubi' word wasn't there XD but it's ok, we actually liked it since we are so die-hard ryotego fans. the happy birthday single was also repeatedly playing in the background. we were watching random scenes from the pacific dvd and squealing (ok, just mostly me and irene XD) when our otp would come across the screen. mayne also conveniently pointed out something tegoshi did that shocked us for a moment. we couldn't believe our eyes! how could we have missed that? it was a lot of fun (even though irene and i didn't get to bash our arch-enemy LOL)

^ otanjoubi omedetou, ryo to yuya!!! smores, anyone?

(r-l) me, mayne (a fellow tegoshi and ryotego fan), yna, yna's friend

^ me and irene: "RyoTego rocks!!!" woot~
massu's going to have a new drama "rescue" with nakamaru! it's been a while since his last drama. they're be playing the roles of firefighters. whoa~ will be looking forward to it.
me and my roommates went to tagaytay with renz and his aunt to visit a church famous for their nuns that wear pink. we didn't go there for fashion, rather we've started visiting churches and write petitions for passing the board exams. the place was beautiful. afterwards, we stopped by Max's to eat since it was also renz' aunt's bday. too bad, the weather was gloomy that day so we can't see the taal volcano clearly.

^ taal volcano

^ happy birthday, tita ni renz! (i have poor memory *acck*)

^ outside the pink sisters' chapel

^ love this shot with the cross adorned with bells behind us

^ bowling alley at the country club (we didn't go bowling though...)

^ very nice pool area

^ acting like we own the place XD
through irene's insistence, i went and read 'the love that chases'- a ryoshige fic, even though i abandoned that pairing months ago. i must say the story was really nice. if shige's fic character had been a girl she would be so much like me. the fic was just my type, since i'm masochistic by nature. i was like 'poor shige' and wanted to hit ryo in the head most of the time. for days i was inlove with the fic and how it ended, which was such a sweet relief, but then it wore off coz tegoshi was nagging me in my head, pouting like i cheated on him, which i kind of was :P
we also went to a couple of churches in bulacan and one in manaoag, this time with more people. the trip took a whole day, but we had fun.

^ on our way we saw not just one but two rainbows! they say it's a good sign :)

^ goofy faces with the priest!

^ stone benches, a fountain of holy water, and a virgin mary shrine, the place was beautiful!

^ jesus in a cave. shhhhh~

^ we're tired but we're still pretty! :P

^ lab review

^ yaoi!!! ewww haha, i feel like a third wheel XD
we had a fire scare at the dorm just days after dr. tan came to visit and pray for us. i tell you, it was an event i wouldn't forget. in the end we panicked despite ourselves and even left out door hanging wide open just to flee the building. you would too, if the fire was in your floor, just fronting your room. when we opened our door we were greeted with chaos and the smell of burning plastic. it was scary! we we're afraid that something would explode any time, so i was shaking when i had to go up to our room again and make sure the door was locked. my heart was beating very fast the whole time, praying that nothing would happen. at least my two roommates went back too.
nezie told us to secure our board papers etc. i wouldn't have thought of that by myself and just opt to save my ass first. when we finally got out of the building in just our pjs, there were also other tenants gathered at the front, looking up to watch for what might happen. i immediately informed my father. i had nothing but the clothes i was wearing. no cash or atm card whatsoever. the firetrucks were late, as usual. some seemed to be there just for show, no sign of panic in there faces at all. and i thought it was unnecessary to have 5 firetrucks, i mean, it wasn't that serious.
good thing, everything was taken cared of and we were able to go back to our rooms. our floor still smelled of smoke, and it gave me a headache. there was soot in the hallway. plus i just found out i was missing some things from my board envelope, like the brand new rosary i bought in manaoag and was planning to bring on the day of the exam, and brand new sharpener that got broken -_- i refused to think of it as a bad omen. i was just too negative, that's all, at least that was what i was trying to convince myself of. i had been feeling negative about the board the past days. we felt sore for days after that, from all the running up and down the stairs.

^ they broke the door to the room where the fire started

^ they also broke the glass to access the hose

^ covered with soot
i got everyone in our room to get hooked on 'nobody'! it's 'nobody' mania. every single moment of the day we were listening to it. we even attempted to dance the way wg does it (but failed, obviously). everytime studying proved too much, we would just take a break and listen to 'nobody' again. genette and nezie even asked me for the lyrics (w/c i just made up by ear). i got obsessed with yubin's rap and didn't rest until i got it. even other people like renz, who lived a few floors up got mesmerized by wg, and pam even recognized the song when we were singing it in the elevator!
tegoshi's gonna have a new movie! with maki!!! omg, the twins finally working together, this is like a dream come true for me YAY!!! and i hear it's mainly an english movie. it's just that the main characters were made into asians (i dunno why that is) but the director is english and i think emma roberts is in it too. i'm so excited for this movie! i hear tegoshi has to speak in english since they were supposed to be in an international school. good luck with the engrish then :P but seriously, i wonder how tegoshi fared, but i'm sure i would love it either way :D
and i've been seeing tegoshi everywhere these days, not that i have been online much. but it makes sense since he's been promoting 'shabake 2: uso uso'. speaking of which, i still haven't watched it -_-
room randomness:

^ took time off studying and took a pic of maddox (the doll/my extra pillow) and genette (who seemed to be sleeping when she should be studying XD)

^ auditioning for sadako