uwah~ i really waited for the clock to strike 12 so i would be the first to greet myself (aside from my mom and twinkle who greeted me days ago, so technically i'm not the first one XD)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAMA!!! yep, my mom and i share the same birthday (she's 44)~ also HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUNSU (of dbsk) and his twin brother JUNHO :D
and NewS' winter concert tour starts today in osaka! i can't help thinking that if only i was living in japan, i would've gone to the concert in any way that i could. it would've been an awesome way to spend my birthday, ne? getting to see NewS perform...instead i'm stuck here, miles away from where they are, penniless, and with less enjoyable company -_-
but i'm still happy bcoz a lot of ppl greeted me already. yeah, i'm not one who's hard to please, i get really high on such simple things. to everyone who remembered my birthday (the jcers and my bestfriends, etc etc), thank you! i love u all! :D
手越祐也の彼女@12:04 AM
Friday, December 14, 2007
a 23-yr old's last day
i don't want tomorrow to come. it'll confirm that i am finally 24 yrs old! gah, i'm OLD -_-
and it's not like i have anything to look forward to. aside from being away from the computer when NewS' winter concert starts in osaka, i'm also broke as heck, and apparently will be friendless as well. now tell me, should i be happy?
so while waiting, i'm just gonna blab more, hehe.
as i have mentioned earlier, i had the house all to myself for these past couple of days. and as expected i haven't been eating regularly. see that's the tiring thing when you're living all by yourself, cooking seems too be a bit more of a hassle just bcoz it's for yourself. so it doesn't really matter whether i ate or not. hence, i have been living on chocolates and tea :P
i had two more NewS-related dreams. yay! the latest one was shige (due to my 'sugata sanshiro' hangover) but i didn't remeber any other detail except for the main character himself -_- the less recent one was NewS performing 'akai hana' on hey3. they were still wearing their weeeek outfits, but yamapi went out singing his parts wearing a mask and cape (w/c reminded me of 'the phantom of the opera'), followed by yokoyama yu also w/ a mask and cape (why was there a random kanjani8 guy in my NewS dream?!). anyways, after the perf they were huddled over this waist-high small round table. and for some odd twist of things i was with them *grins* and we were eating these mushroom shaped strawberry biscuits w/c we dip in chocolate *yum* (w/c reminded me of my favorite meiji chocolate, kinoko~ except for the strawberry thingy). then one of the hosts (the long-faced guy in utaban) started saying that the food was quite plain. he just kept at it, and then he looked at me like he's asking if i agree. but since i had my mouth full (apparently i was really enjoying, hehe) i just pouted on my biscuit, and my eyes kinda strayed and ended up staring at tegoshi's eyes. for a moment i felt like i just drowned in them, kind of like in a trance. but then i snapped out of it and lowered my head in embarrassment, but still kept eating, trying to act as if nothing happened, when deep inside my heart was *doki doki* yeah,when i woke up, i had this really idiotic/spastic look on my face XD
gah, i wonder when i'll get fully better so i could be done with recording ryo's HwM parts and submit it for collaboration. i am also quite nervous since i've never done this before. and usually when i'm nervous, the more things get worse LOL the theory of paranoia and aggravation :P
i'm really loving yukan club lately. i know i wasn't expecting much from it ever since i saw the shaky pilot episode but then it has showed improvement episode by episode and now i'm really enjoying it. i always get a kick at yoko aka seishirou cross-dressing (argh! why is he so pretty in women's clothes?!) and junno aka bidou whom i initially thought failed at convincing me that he really was a natural blonde, being always indeliberately hurt, and minami aka yuri who's worse than massu in her addiction to food but is cute that way, and emi aka karen who's goal in life is to marry into riches (and comes off as shallow at times), and yu aka the man-phobic noriko, and lastly jin aka miroku...whom surprisingly i have come to like *surprise surprise* i never thought the day would come when i'd be at peace w/ him :P but now, i'm finding myself being drawn to him as well, like i'm seeing for the first time what the others have been seeing. yay! at least i like everyone in kat-tun now. win~
ahhh, i love chinchinpuipui bcoz of ryotego moments. well it was kind of one-sided but it's still loooove~ they mentioned about tegoshi's self-centeredness again, like the times when he would disappear and go to the toilet w/o notifying anyone. haha, he just doesn't realize he was being rude. it wasn't on purpose ne? then blames it on idenshi (genes) LOL so adorkable~ and then pi mentioned koyama's dekomes, ryo saying he's being ignored XD massu on shige's thick (? or unruly?) hair, and massu being early...omg i forgot what was the thing about yamapi *flails*
girls club rules!!! matsujun being the leader, members tsubasa imai, ryo, and tegoshi--all of w/c are my faves (except for jun) lmao~ someone over at lj made this stuff up--exposing the JE guys who are really girly on the inside, complete w/ club activities, cooking sessions (w/c tegoshi apparently sucks at XP), and boyfriends!!! ryo having the most number of boyfriends is just LOLOL
i just finished watching 1 litre of tears sp today. i must say i cried a lot more watching the flashbacks than in the series itself. i got to see that scene between ako and hiro again, one of my faves!!! i really cried a lot in that scene. in fact i can't remember another time when i cried as much. in the sp ako was already a nurse and asou a doctor (ryo in a white coat *flails*) ryo cried a lot in this drama, huh? amazing how someone can cry so effectively and still look gorgeous. i love seeing ryo cry (not that i like him all sad but it's just awesome, like jawdropping kind of awesome!) i wonder if guys like asou really exist. his love confession to aya is just so...kyaaaaaaa~ but it was sad how he still haven't gotten over aya's death, it was *tears*
and so bcoz of that i'm in ryo-mode right now. adding the fact that i love ryotego and ryotego pairings (w/c obviously has one common denominator--seme ryo), and some ryopi moments as well. i read their mag interview trans last night and they're so cute talking (exposing) each other. ryo's just a bully, and pi had had enough and decided to stop keeping silent, retaliate haha~ they're so cute, seriously! i love it when they talk about each other, love just leaks out XD
oh and i'm on riko-mode as well. she has always been my fave character in 1 litre of tears. plus she's gonna be working w/ toma (saw the cm already) for honey and clover. she's so pretty and talented, and so young (she's only 15) and yet having a lead role already! well, she deserves it. coincidentally, she hails from kanagawa as well! hmmm, why are most of my fave ppl (like tegoshi, koyama, nagase, tsubasa, notti, yamada) from that area?! that hottie mukai osamu (who's also in honey & clover) is also from there! i love him already!
there have been rumors about a gokusen 3 due on spring 2008. still no confirmation but ppl have started discussing about the possible cast. i've heard kame (w/c is highly unlikely since he was in gokusen2) and yamapi (if this proves true, then i'd be 'finally! yamapi in gokusen!' i don't see him in a lot of serious high school dramas), ryo (it's been a while since his last drama, and if he ever gets picked, this may be the first time i'll ever watch gokusen, since i never really had the urge to watch the previous 2) totally risking getting killed by ryo-sama's hawtness XD
lately i have been pissed at fangirls who think they're really friends with their idols, talking about them like they're close, even claiming to be their wives. i mean i get it, don't we all act crazy sometimes? but goodness, i can still tell reality from fantasy, and play along as much as i can, but puh-leez, spare me from all the excessive delusions!!! do you really expect me to believe that he came here?! i mean come on!!! we all know they really don't know us, and we have to accept it. it's just ludicrous to say differently. yeah, make yourself believe in the lies, for all the good it will do to you. you just make yourself look really pathetic in my eyes. i hope i never talk to you again, so i can be spared from all your shit and not puke on every word you say. just stay away! i mean it! i don't need to be bothered by you. go find someone else who's willing to put up with your insanity.
oooookay, i'm so glad i had let that out of my system coz it's poisoning me.
i'm also write a ryotego fic since i don't see a lot. irene (a fellow ryotego-shipper) and i both agreed that we'd try to write. but knowing me, it'd probably take me ages. still i want to do it. bahala na si batman! wahaha~
pao-san smsed earlier, saying there was a meteor shower. i went out, i looked and looked but didn't see anything, not a single star even though the sky was unusually bright at that time :(
just hours until the NewS winter concert tour kicks off. why why why am i not living in japan?! -_-
手越祐也の彼女@11:33 PM
Thursday, December 13, 2007
i actually stayed stubbornly late last night despite my folks telling me to sleep just to make the previous post bcoz i thot i won't have another go at it, only to find out i'll be having the house all to myself for the whole day, and even the day after that. pfshh~
手越祐也の彼女@11:24 PM
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
i've had enough!!!
i've had enough of this voice inside my head nagging me everyday on how i have managed to make it this far without writing one proper post for over a month!!! well, i did say i am extremely lazy in nature and once it strikes there's no stopping and no telling how long it'll last. actually i still am in it, but the days seem to go by so fast and i'm afraid that i won't have another chance before my bday comes, and then i'll just nag myself more. goodness knows there are tons of things i wanted to talk about, and now they have just been accumulated in such horrendous heights *dead*
shabake (tegoshi's period drama) aired last nov 24. as expected of tegoshi, he did great as far as his acting was concerned. well, i never really thought he could ever disappoint me in that aspect :D also watched a bunch of shows with him promoting the drama, one w/c struck me the most was mecha-mecha iketeru where tegoshi got a flying kick. hilarious!!! i would've killed the guy who dared kick him if only i wasn't too busy laughing my butt off XD
listening to the one-time thing hosting of 'all night nippon' by ryo, pi, and shige turned out to be quite entertaining. made me love the pairing ryoshige more *has now the image of ryo and shige feeding each other purin in my mind*. couldn't help but wish it was a permanent thing. they should definitely do it more often...
oh, and i went to work for 4 days at dentex, a dental diagnostic center (where doctors refer people who need radiographs of their head or mouth area, and also for orthodontic patients). the resident dentist had to go somewhere for a few days so i was the filler or proxy or whatever you call it. it was fun, at least i have experienced how it is having to wake up early bcoz i had to work. i was nervous at first but i got used to it, kinda, hehe.
the new duet, potato, and winkup magazine scans are looooove. so much ryotego in it = happy me!!! now if only more ryotego fics would turn up, i'll be completely happy. instead, i am again getting hooked on ryoshige ones...
birthdays--grizzel (nov23), tina (nov27), moc-moc aka my estranged husband LOL (nov 26), leny prado (dec1), my deceased tita bebing (dec2), charo (dec4), kristine lobaton and merrill (dec12)...HAPPY BIRTHDAY, EVERYONE!!!
i had a really mean cough 2 weeks ago. for 3 nights i couldn't sleep well bcoz i find it hard to breathe lying down. my throat was so sore and painful, it was an effort having to finish one meal, and most of the time i had to catch my breath. so this is what having an asthma feels. great, bcoz of my stubbornness, i have acquired it -_- good thing i got better after, and that it wasn't pneumonia after all. but until now, i still haven't fully recovered. it's amazing how i have lasted until now w/o drinking anything cold (since i couldn't remember the last time i didn't)
finished reading the last hary potter book a month ago, finally!!! a great ending to a great series. i really have high respects for j.k. rowling's ingenuity.
'sore wa totsuzen, arashi no you ni' has finally ended (well, it was more like i have finally watched the last episode :P). as expected, it didn't turn out the way i wanted it to be. i guess the producers opted for a more righteous ending, w/c explains a little on why the ratings fared the way they did. oh well, i kinda agree with it though, in life you don't always get what you want. one thing's for sure, i'm gonna miss seeing the skinny pi/takuma i have grown to love.
i'm looking forward to upcoming dramas--honey and clover (w/ ikuta toma, narimiya hiroki, narumi riko), 1 pound no fukuin (w/ kame and yamada), and the prodai sp!!!
also watched shige's sp 'sugata sanshirou' a few days ago. sugoi! shige looked really cool playing a guy who's really good in judo. and the girl he liked was pretty~ what's with the carpenters' yesterday once more?! now it's stuck in my head XD
by accident i stumbled upon a bunch of cms promoting heysayjump--sempais showing their support for the newer group...and can i just say that i was totally inlove w/ ryo's cm!!! he looked gorgeous yo~ and wearing my fave colors is more win XD also loved kei's cm, he's being his usual adorkable self. and nino was so cute in his, he reminded me of sungmin in that clip, in the way he looks and talks.
i'm sure everyone now is aware of the new audio file option at esnips. meh, it has ceased to be of use to me now. if i wanted streaming, i have imeen for that. why destroy something that was going so well?! *sigh*
taiyou leaving johnny's is sad *cries*. heysayjump, look at what you've done!!! i'm just praying shoon won't do the same thing. oh by the way, shoon's brother reon is sooo cute, their such cute siblings :D
i now realized just how funny notti was when he was singing 'arigatou no uta' (with tegoshi and massu) on sc. this is an old clip okay? not to confuse anyone to thinking notti's back, hehe. i just have a habit of watching old notti (or NewS) clips :P. when he was singing his part, he forgot the lyrics, and just sang about how he forgot them LOLOL oh notti, this is exactly the reason why ilusm, u are such a baka!!!
ooh, johnny depp (my biggest and longest crush everrrr) has a new movie. a musical 'sweeney todd, the devil barber of fleet street' again by the genius tim burton. these two seem to be working a lot together. or is johnny a fave of tim's, and vice versa? it also stars helena bonham carter (gawd, i love her since 'merlin' and 'wings of the dove'!!!), and alan rickman! what a cast. and i have heard of some of the songs *is currently addicted to 'johanna'*, and now i couldn't wait for it to hit the local theaters. i rarely go to the cinemas but this is one movie i'd gladly watch on the big screen.
also excited to watch 'prince caspian', the 2nd of 'the chronicles of narnia' after 'the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe.'
gah, so much to watch, so little time -_-
手越祐也の彼女@10:55 PM
Friday, December 7, 2007
looooong overdue
almost a month of not posting! majide?! i can't believe myself -_-"
手越祐也の彼女@8:01 PM
you have stumbled upon my blog~ the chocoholic's refuge
feel free to wander around...
shout-outs are much appreciated :)
and one more thing,
this is my blog
if you don't like what you see
then GET LOST!
why are you here anyways?
>NewS 大好き!!!
>johnny depp
>tegoshi yuya ♥♥♥♥♥
>purple and green
>chocolates, coffee, cheese
>kpop, jpop, cpop, opm classics, oldies
>horror flicks
>great danes, rottweilers, yorkies, dachshunds, schnauzers
>halloween & christmas
>eeyore & doraemon
>noona songs
>potatoes & buttered toast
>paper & pens
>susan baker tea
>my lola's leche flan
>sleep overs
>ice cream sandwiches
>tumblers & coasters
>road trips
>picture books
>paisley & velvet
>candied fruits
>old wives' tales
>mang ambo by larry alcala
>pugad baboy by pmjr
>NewS' Never Ending Wonderful Story dvd
>G3-my partners in crime!
>worms, maggots, caterpillars, etc.
>rainy days and mondays
>cigarette smoke
>frying fish
>household chores
>my sensitive nose -_-
>two-faced ppl
>spicy food
>being pressured
>crappy service
>crowded places
>too much drama
>sad endings
>monthly periods
>chain letters
>exclusivity and all that shit
>backbiters and rumor-mongers
>being binbou -_-
>my full name
>my brother XP
>delusional fangirls
>unwanted admirers/suitors/textmates (GRRRR!)
>Tegoshi and RyoTego haters
>'MEMOIRS' philippine release
>TegoMass concert dvd
>a Coraline doll
>harry potter and the deathly hallows
>a series of unfortunate events (complete)
>more neil gaiman books
>the adventures of tin-tin
>my own dika
>new celphone
>jenga and twister games
>revel bars!!! *drools*
>body shop's olive oil
>maltese or yorkie
>electronic dictionary
>the nightmare before christmas merchandise
>JE merchandise
>lose weight overnight
>mole under left eye
>learn how to play violin/cello
>learn how to bake
>bungee jump
>vacation to japan, thailand, korea
>go to a NewS concert
>my own tegoshi yuya XD
>more ryotego fics
>tegoshi singing nino's niji
-itteQ-tegoshi eps
-massu's 'musashi'
-pi's 'byakkotai'
-ie ga tooi-news epi
-kei's high school musical
-kei's 'nurse aoi'
-kisarazu cat's eye
-princess d
+ the nightmare before christmas + harry potter + romeo and juliet + city of angels + now and then + moulin rouge + chocolat + from hell + the neverending story + the labyrinth + a walk to remember + the chocolate factory (willy wonka and charlie versions) + the secret garden + snow white: a tale of terror + great expectations + don juan de marco + napoleon dynamite + sleepover + sleepy hollow + centerstage + the sisterhood of the travelling pants + tuck everlasting + what a girl wants + casper + bourne identity + ocean's eleven + mr. bean + the abyss + deep blue sea + ghost ship + titanic + jurassic park (1,2&3) + resident evil (1,2&3) + the land of the dead + the dawn of the dead + ella enchanted + shrek (1,2&3) + face off + con air + the x-files + coach carter + time machine + the land before time + mulan + hocus pocus + interview with a vampire + practical magic + princess diaries + miss congeniality + queen of the damned + romeo must die + the others + thumbelina + ever after + breakfast at tiffany's + gone with the wind + west side story + bridget joneses diary (1&2) + brokedown palace + darkness falls + valentine + the exorcism of emily rose + witches + the count of monte cristo + shakespeare in love + love actually + the man in the iron mask + four weddings and a funeral + the island of dr. moreau + narnia: the lion, the with, and the wardrobe + the cube + the mummy (1&2) + identity + beetlejuice + frequency + phenomenon + the guru + stardust + pursuit of happyness + stardust + coraline + the lake house + the sorcerer's apprentice +
+ the twins effect + the death curse + hero + the house of flying daggers + crouching tiger, hidden dragon + the curse of the golden flower + infernal affairs (1,2&3) + my sassy girl + il mare + the classic + a millionaire's first love + kawi + koma + the uninvited + vacation (dbsk) + 200 pounds beauty + jenny&juno + one missed call (1,2&3) + the phone + the eye + a tale of two sisters + nana + death note1&2 + six + shutter + lovely complex + kanojo to no tadashii asobikata + chinese odyssey + protege de la rose noire + house of fury + spy dad + diva ah-hey + chinese tall story + new police story + 6AM + ab-normal beauty + battle royale + wishing stairs + the red shoes + shissou/dead run + one missed call 2 + attack on the pin-up boys (suju's movie) + cinderella ni naritai + boys love + kurosagi the movie + calling you + L change the world + koizora + crows zero + cyborg girl + tada, kimi wo aishiteru + 4bia/phobia + phobia 2 + coming soon + liar game: the final stage +
+ harry potter (j.k. rowling) + series of unfortunate events (lemony snickett) + stories of eva luna (isabel allende) + daddy long legs (jean webster) + behind the attic wall (sylvia cassedy) + how stella got her groove back (terry mcmillan) + pet sematary (stephen king) + stardust & coraline (neil gaiman) + robert fulghum books + roald dahl + frances hodgson burnett + grimm brothers + hans christian andersen + memeoirs of a teenage amnesia (gabrielle zevin +)
+ csi las vegas + criminal minds + gilmore girls + supernatural + house m.d. + oprah + will and grace + extreme makeover (home edition) + charmed + joan of arcadia + dark angel + tru calling + angel + monk + the pretender + moonlight + i survived a japanese game show +
+ beautiful days + love letter + winter sonata + my name is kim sam soon + my sassy girl chun-hyang + sweet 18 + meteor garden1&2 + dbsk's banjun drama + full house + goong + hana yori dango + bad family + nobuta wo produce + proposal daisakusen + kurosagi + my boss my hero + dragon zakura + hana yori dango2 + 1 litre of tears + 1 litre of tears sp + gachi baka + papa to musume no nanokakan + hanazakari no kimitachi e + himitsu no hanazono + tsubasa no oreta tenshitachi - season 1 + tsubasa no oreta tenshitachi - season 2 + tantei gakuen Q + liar game + shabake + sore wa totsuzen, arashi no you ni + sugata sanshirou + yukan club + deru toko demashou + lost time life (kei's episode) + waraeru koi wa shitakunai + anego + kakure karakuri + car radio ga owareba + last friends + absolute boyfriend + what's up, fox? + binbou danshi + 14 sai no haha + code blue + ryusei no kizuna + atashinchi no danshi + koishite akuma + buzzer beat + guests of room zero (koyama's & shige's episodes) + orthros no inu + you're beautiful + hidarime tantei eye + troubleman + sunao ni narenakute + loss time life + hyoten +
+ fushigi yuugi + master of mosquiton + monster rancher + doraemon + fruits basket + trigun + sugar sugar rune + alice academy + cardcaptor sakura + time quest + ranma 1/2 + lovecom + gravitation + black blood brothers + ouran high host club + yamato nadeshiko shichi henge (the wallflower) + howl's moving castle + spirited away + kimi ni todoke +
+ chad michael murray + vincent kartheiser + jensen ackles + wentworth miller + james franco + sean faris + joseph fiennes + ewan mcgregor + ethan hawke + drew fuller + christopher gorham + channing tatum + liam aiken + topher grace + dhani lennevald + brad renfro + ralph fiennes + nicolas cage + jason statham + hugh jackman + diego luna + adam garcia + david duchovny + enrique iglesias + will estes + colin firth + dougray scott + antonio sabato jr. + alex o'loughlin + luke grimes +
++ jang woohyuk (h.o.t.) + micky yoochun (dbsk) + kim junghoon + jo insung + lee sangwoo + lee junki + kim jihoon + im joohwan + brian joo (ftts) + tablo (epik high) + t.o.p. (big bang) + attack (trax) + jin taehwa (battle) + kim dongwan (shinhwa) + park jinwoo + kim hyeseong + hyunbin + jang geunseok + wonbin (f.t island) + jung yonghwa (cnblue)
+++ tegoshi yuya + shun oguri + hongo kanata + news + kenichi matsuyama + ryo nishikido (news) + kazunari ninomiya (arashi) + matsuda shota + matsuda ryuhei + kaname jun + yamapi (news)+ tatsuya fujiwara + mizushima hiro + tsubasa imai (t&t) + wakaba ryuuya + hiraoka yuuta + tsukamoto takashi + tamayama tetsuji + yonemura daijiro & yodogawa yoshihiro (question?) + arioka daiki & yamada ryousuke (hey!say!) + ohkura tadayoshi (k8) + nakamaru yuichi (kat-tun) + oshinari shugo + tamaki hiroshi + mukai osamu + koide keisuke + miura haruma + seto koji + nakayama yuma + inohara yoshihiko (v6) +
++++ vanness wu (f4) + edison chen + jay chou + kenny kwan (boyz) + daniel wu + stephen fung + ananda everingham + golf + ray macdonald +
+++++ john lloyd cruz + jc de vera + enchong dee + hideaki torio +
+ the corrs + sarah mclachlan + shawn colvin + michelle branch + selena + mariah carey + lee sooyoung + jewel + aaliyah + craig david + jason mraz + josh groban + boa + dbsk + lene marlin + frou frou + enya + leann rimes + big bang + sung sikyung + sg wannabe + se7en + epik high + clazziquai + loveholic + sugababes + all saints + lara fabian + gregorian chant + vonda shepard + foofighters + green day + rachael lampa + bosson + linda ronstadt + the cranberries + the cardigans + india arie + seal + george michael + lighthouse family + sting + garbage + dc talk + duncan sheik + coldplay + jars of clay + blur + third eye blind + john mayer + fiona apple + spice girls + kelly clarkson + utada hikaru + 'd sound + jim croce + david foster + eric clapton + boyz 2 men + babyface + alison krauss + richard marx + the company + jose mari chan + martine mccutcheon + kathy troccoli + jj lin + dream + honeyz + foj + darius + maksim + aaa + haley bennett + perfume + teddy geiger + yui + shimizu shota + kato miliyah + jyongri + coraline soundtrack +
+ nicole kidman + charlize theron + sandra bullock + anne hathaway + alexis bledel + evan rachel wood + amanda bynes + alexa vega + rachel mcadams + uma thurman + leelee sobieski + eliza dushku + emily browning + emma watson + dakota fanning + annasophia robb + alicia morton + kate maberly + mia maestro + jennifer connelly + paz vega + emmanuelle chriqui + hilary duff + marisa tomei + helena bonham carter + amber tamblyn + julia stiles + meredith bishop + thora birch + jessica alba + kristin kreuk + sara paxton + monica keena + katie holmes + marley shelton + camilla bell + angelina jolie + milla jovovich + amanda seyfried +
++ choi jiwoo + song hyegyo + jeon jihyun + son yehjin + goo hyejin + park shinhye + go ara + han jimin + lee yeonhee + bae seulgi (the reds) + ayumi (sugar) + song jihyo + yoon eunhye (baby vox) + han chaeyoung + kim taehee + han jihye + park bom + park heebon (milk) + kim bomi (milk) + chaeyeon + nam sangmi + cats + kara + lina and sunday (csjh) + sunye (wg) + kim ah-jung + uhm hyunkyung + yoo hyunyoung + choi sooyoung + han gain + kim junghwa + go eunah + goo hyesun + jung ryeowon (chakra) + kang junghwa + so yihyun + jo jungrin + kim ok-bin + eunseong + min seohyeon +
+++ nakashima mika + aoi miyazaki + horikita maki + toda erika + aragaki yui + shida mirai + uno misako + ueto aya + ueno juri + kashii yu + ito misaki + maya miki + ayase haruka + karina + narumi riko + kato rosa + naka riisa + esumi makiko + ito yuna + mimura + leah dizon + kiritani mirei + aoi yu +
++++ twins + miriam yeung + angelica lee + jolin tsai + rainie yang + niki chow + race wong + yumiko cheng + isabella leong + joey yung + stephy tang + janice wei vidal + vivian hsu +
+++++ maja salvador + erich gonzales + vaness del moral + jennica garcia +