before i officially begin my post, allow me to get this out of my system first: yattaaaaaaaaaa!!! tegoshi's hair is finally back to a darker color!!! *jumps all around* kami-sama is really good to me and finally heeded my prayers :D hmmm, and to think i was getting used to the blond hair, i was even imagining him taking on hani-sempai's role in ouran high host club. as marga says it, just shrink tegoshi and he'll be perfect for the role LOL
HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! even though we don't practice it here in the phils (i mean it's not the tradition around here) except for those who have been too influenced by the west, w/c i see is becoming more and more. it's another excuse to party, after all. it has always been one of my fave occasions aside from christmas. i have always been fascinated with it--growing up watching it on tv, and movies, and gettiing halloween treats from my aunt. maybe that's even the reason why i like horror flicks so much. as far as i can remember, i used to enjoy watching 'monsters' (w/c aired every friday on abs-cbn) when i was in grade school. i've only been to one halloween party in my entire life, i was about 7 or 8 at that time, and it was the kind of party that was planned among us friends. it was really fun. since then, i have always wanted to go to a halloween party again, but it hasn't happened :P
jann-chan posted NewS' profiles & facts on newsph. it wasn't something i haven't read before but i did learn some new things about them (or maybe i already knew it but just forgot? hehe). pi has hay fever!!! (like me) so now i understand why he sounds so nasal at times (or is it all the time? hehe), tegoshi wants to get married by 25 (i'll be 29 by then!), and ryo's sister is married!!! (she's younger than me!) -_- and ppl always have this shocked expression whenever they find out my age. they always think i'm younger than i actually am. haha, does it mean i'm really immature? rhetorical question LOL
NewS will be going to shows starting today until nov2, i guess for the single and album promotion. aaaaah! i wanna see that hey3 episode w/ tegoshi in his brown hair, and ryo doing a handstand, and pi drinking weider in jelly again? it looks like fun! i read too that pi, ryo, and shige are going to host in one radioshow only to promote the single and album, and is not expected to be a permanent thing...ooh threesome LOL
found some trans of the myojo december issue--massu stalking koyama thinking that maybe koyama was buying his late bday present but found out in the end that koyama was just killing time before going to the cinema after!!! LOL poor massu, tailing koyama for nothing. and ryo talking about his family (where i found out that his sister has a baby as well!). now why can't i see myself like that???
i have started posting on lj today. i dunno, i just feel like it wouldn't hurt to update it once in a while. i won't write in there the way i do here in blogger or it would be overkill. i figure it could host my fangirling moods more :P
i hope i can find time to go back to my doramas at crunchyroll, and read some fics. i missed reading ryotego fics. altho it's not my otp anymore after reading ryoshige fics. i do know that i would always love one pairing, that is......tegoME!!! hahaha~
it's been raining the whole day, and it's making me emo. i have been listening to jojo's 'never say goodbye' for hours. i missed listening to her songs. just a few lines...
never been inlove 'cause a girl like me never had someone to care for never thought there could be someone special for me
and now i'm all inlove 'cause a girl like me waited patiently for someone someone to care for me and there will never be
no more lonely, no more just me i've been there before ain't goin' no more and now that you're here i never wanna say goodbye love never wanna be without you no more cryin', no denyin' i'm inlove with you and now that you're here i never wanna say goodbye love
yaaaaaaaaaaaah *senti mode*
手越祐也の彼女@5:18 PM
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
home alone
again. i'll be living with me, myself and i until nov2. so i'll be spending the holidays alone. whee~
---edit--- haha, u might have thought that was all there is to it. well *bleh* i have never even posted a 2 sentence-short one before, and i'm not gonna start now LOL i finally have regained the energy i so sparingly lost the past few days (i was so sleep-deprived that all i ever did after that was sleep sleep sleep) just got caught up with all the updates, backlogs, dls, and what-nots, i wasn't able to come around and go on with my ramblings. so, prepare for another very long post yet again, bwahaha~
backtracking again... sunday: i slept real late the prior day so i only had a maximum 2 hours to sleep before i go take a bath and head for jones (where we're supposed to meet up). u can just imagine how my eyes sting from lack of sleep, but again, all blame goes to me since i knew very well i was gonna go early but still stayed up late -_- but then a tragedy happened to charo the night before. there was a fire in their area, and their house burned down as well T_T it was really sad. we were all excited to go to the beach (it had been a while since we have been together) and now charo can't even come. it's lucky she even managed to save some of her stuff while some of her neighbors have none. at least no one died from the fire. despite all that, we still went to the beach (w/o charo of course), after all we can't let that dampen our mood. i was so happy bcoz i saw merrill again after many months! i missed our crazy antics. after the beach, we bought some stuff for cha and paid her and her mom a visit (they were staying over her aunt for the meantime). by then i was really really beat. i can hardly keep my eyes open. i guess the lack of sleep and the exertion from swimming really wore me out. but i still had to meet pao before finally going home. i literally felt like a zombie, like my head was floating. but still stayed a while to fangirl yet again over NewS, and shige, and ryoshige, and ryotego :P
monday: my parents unexpectedly arrived home. the house was still in the state of chaos since i didn't have the time to clean up, haha. still wasn't feeling genki and wanted to go back to sleep, but i can't and ended up cleaning and cooking instead. i was a mess in the kitchen, just imagine half-sleeping through everything. no wonder the pots and pans kept on slipping from my hands LOL i wasn't myself. and again slept the whole afternoon until it was time to cook dinner. my stepmom needed to use the pc and i forgot to change my current desktop (w/c was tegosh, yabai!!!) sure enough, the first thing she said was that i was a cradle-snatcher! lmao~ she actually thought tegoshi was around 16 yrs old. and i told her that tego is a girl and she believed me (and even said that he's pretty for a boy)! hahaha...but then i told her that he was really a guy, and i can't believe she said he looked like tal!!! he's the guy that reminds me of notti (and who is probably even notti's age) who has the nerve to hit on me every time we see each other -_- no, no, no! i'll just pretend i didn't hear that!
finally got to watch 'tokyo drift' only to find out that tsumabuki satoshi only had a cameo role in there -_- but the movie's ok, i guess. i just thought satoshi had more airtime. he's such a cutie, he reminds me of ivan sergei. and then i got dragged into watching another movie after that--'the long kiss goodnight' w/c surprisingly i enjoyed more than tokyo drift :P seeing satoshi makes me want to watch 'lunch queen' and 'nada sou sou' more.
so i slept way past my bedtime again. and woke up at almost luchtime. took care of the laundry first thing bcoz i was tired of it hanging over my head, so i just went and got it over with. my parents left again for carmen, bringing my brother (who's grounded) along with them, w/c is why i'm left alone at home.
saw the NewS pacific cm w/c is pure cuteness! i dunno what's up with NewS lately, they've been fed crack, coz now after all the ryohype and tegohype from the weeeek pv, here we see pi on crack this time LOL shigepi rabu? haha~ NewS is killing me, really!
watched the HwM le pao was talking about and omgggg i can't believe i'm seeing all this koyatego rabu!!! tego is such a girl!!! *dies* and went to watch the MF dateplans again, and the utaban after while pigging out on pocky and meiji kinoko no yama chocolates.
a clearer version of 'nantoka naru sa' by massu, pi, and koyama was played on k-chan's radioshow. shige even played 'change the world' on his radioshow as well. i'm drowning in all these album previews yo~
i missed emily vancamp!!! i saw her again in an episode of 'brothers and sisters' and gushed again at how pretty she is. she's one of the western actress that i really like. i figured i'll be seeing more of her in the coming episodes. i like watching it bcoz of calista flockhart and cutie dave annable, and sally fields' acting. emily reminds me so much of my bestfriend who got married and moved to japan, whom i miss terribly.
my aunt's dachshund just gave birth to 2 puppies, and entrusted my cousin to take care of them. aaaah! i just suddenly thought of shige's nana. i have always liked dachshunds. my cousin had made me green with much envy as it is, with her accounts of sleeping w/ them. but then they're all back in bacolod. i wish my aunt would give one of the puppies to me. and then i can dream of walking the dogs with shige-kun, hehe. also, our dog snoopy back in sum-ag also gave birth to 3 puppies!!! maybe this was what my dream of being surrounded w/ dogs days ago meant...
手越祐也の彼女@6:14 PM
Saturday, October 27, 2007
today was...
i didn't expect this day to turn out the way it did. the day started with me being groggier than usual. i slept rather late even though i knew i had to wake up early (me being used as my brother's human alarm clock) bcoz he was supposed to go to carmen before 10am. after that i just went back to sleep. i wonder how he's doing now, by the way. he hasn't exactly been a good boy these past few days, and my dad is literally fuming while talking to him on the phone. well, i hope everything's fine. no matter how delinquent he is, he's still the only brother i have anyway. so yes, as mean as i am, i still care about him!
so yeah, i went back to sleeping. i guess my body was really asking for rest bcoz i only woke up when my phone beeped--an sms from marga. aaaaah! i didn't know it was already afternoon! i had promised to meet pao-san today. it was a close call. i have a good two hours to spare before that. but, unexpectedly marga decided to come too, yay! but then that meant i had to go earlier than planned. so i sped thru the process of feeding the dogs, taking a bath, getting dressed, and eating late brunch (where i choked midway, imagine that time koyama saw shige's female version *spitting rice* LOL). marga got caught in the rain so in the end pao, marga and i met at a much later time :P
it was so much fun! i was really glad that pao was really nice to talk to. there's no awkwardness at all since the beginning. we just started to talk, and fangirl until i felt my throat getting sore! pao even brought magazines, and omggggg picture paradise. i totally loved the wink-up one, all the JE and non-JE guys were there. and big close-up pics of NewS (esp tegoshi's) *dies* i can't even recount every little thing we talked about. it's basically spazzing about EVERYTHING we could talk about, anything under the sun (w/c is japanese, jpop, j-idol related). i even got to finally eat japanese food!!! whee~ i've been wanting to since i got into the fandom but never really had a chance to--pork katsudon, ramen, and curry--umai! tomorrow, i'm gonna meet pao again (hopefully marga could come too). yay! i'll finally be able to watch shige's karakuri!!! and car radio ga owareba!!! *spazzes* i'm really glad the beach plan was postponed to sunday, or i wouldn't have the chance to meet with pao and marga earlier. hontouni ureshii yo~ it doesn't even bug me that much that it's the first day of my monthly period today and i'm having abdominal pains. i'm too hyped to get in a bad mood! plus i just bought meiji chocolates so...whee~
and to add to all that, i also had the chance to see my cousin malcolm who's going back to bacolod tomorrow from their camping trip here in cebu. he was one of my closer (favorite?) cousins and we haven't seen each other for months. he's still the playboy that he is :P it was so nice to get to talk to him, and tease him about zits and girlfriends LOL aside from that, my other cousin mae (on my mother's side) was also sms-ing me. she was in aklan for a dancing event (since she has been a dancer since grade school), and she's having colds, awwww. hmm, she appears to miss me so i'm so welcoming the attention i'm getting :D
my blasted cousin whom i met earlier sms-ed to jokingly say that i should stop eating chocolates bcoz i have lost weight ('sexier' he says XD)since the last time we saw each other. and i was all 'muri desu yo!' i can't quit bcoz...CHOCOLATE IS MY BOYFRIEND!!! yeah, to hell w/ guys!!! and whoever said u can't date inanimate objects anyway? rofl~
ooh, somebody actually commented on my lj O.O totally unxpected!!! now i feel the pressure of updating it. u all know i'm just too lazy, but it's embarrassing to have a bare account -_- hmm, well maybe i should post in there once in a while. waaaaah...
and yesterday, just when i thought nothing more can happen enought to stir me up, the previews for NewS' pacific album came out. these guys are really killing me...a slow, happy death. now more than ever, i couldn't wait for the release dates. they have teased us again and again. sometimes it's becoming unbearable but i love it anyways, hehe. they're also scheduled for music station on nov2, performing 'weeeek'!!! zomg. i wonder what they're gonna wear--suits? kyaaaaaa! i'm gonna see my bouncy boys in action!!! so excited!
i'm so gonna be dead tomorrow. we all agreed to meet up at mcdo's at 8am. i wonder if they even considered the fact that i am not a morning person and on the last months of school i have turned up late in practically all the first period classes! haha, not only do i live in the farthest corners of cebu, but i am lazy and a slowpoke as well. as of now it's pretty late but i haven't even packed stuff for the beach!!! *panic* and i am really supposed to be sleeping hours ago -_- *whacks myself*
hmmm, but i shouldn't have doubted that i was gonna enjoy this day...tegoshi is the god of saturday anyway, haha! gomen tegoshi-sama, for not believing in ur power. LOL and just so you'd know what i'm talking about...see pic below: mr. saturday!!! XD
手越祐也の彼女@11:25 PM
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Weeeek PV is <333333
kyaaaaaaa~ i totally forgot how fuming mad i was earlier bcoz my idiot brother is up to his antics again. he actually did a no-show last night, and made me worry, and neglected his chores w/c made me wanna bite his head off in an instant. so yeah, i was carrying this really foul mood going to bed, until i had woken up this morning. but i've let off steam now, and was glad at the fact that he got the sermon from dad as well (over the phone). and ohoho, he is so going to be dead when our parents arrive from work!!! *evil laugh*
but i have no energy left to dedicate to my irritation. yeah, i refuse to lash out anymore, it'll only make me ugly *wards away bad aura* :P not when weeeek pv was out and ppl all over lj was going gaga over it--along w/ the wave of caps, icons, gifs, different video files, and translated lyrics (finally!!!). seriously!!! this has got to be the best NewS pv yet! there's so much randomness and cuteness i'm going hyper from all of it. tegoshi smooching up the camera *chuu*, and pouting, and being pretty as he always was. that's it! i have finally wholly accepted him in his blond state (he's looking more and more like his daddy kim junghoon)! i lovelovelove it!!! he looks like a playful boy all throughout the pv and it's making me just wanna go through the screen and pinch him.
i can't even remember how many times i have rewatched the pv...and still watching it! gah, i have lost count. this pv is so much love, and u have to keep watching it again to notice the little funny/dorky scenes they've got in there. salarymen ftw!!! *giggles*
this pv is really making me smile, laugh uncontrollably, and bounce off the walls! and not to mention kyaaaaa---i can't stand this anymore!!! i feel like i'm gonna explode from too much happiness!
my poor attempt to decribe (or more like spazz on) the pv scenes: +before anything else, lemme just say: NewS in suits are looooove! just have to get that out of my system first :P +i loooove the set! the english lyrics all over the walls (and ceiling, and floor) and the boys' posters from the russ-k cm photoshoot. and also the graphics used on the background (train, workplace, revolving globe, the upside down stuff, the comic book effect, the speech bubbles) +tegoshi's speech bubble saying 'let's play fair' *zomg, u-r-so-pretty!!!* +tegoshi scratched shige's (poster) face for the first time lmao~ +yakuza ryo!!! actually that was ryo singing his lines, wahaha~ +massu sleeping on his desk, dreaming... +guys on the train, tegoshi and his airguitar LOL +tegoshi carrying boxes, boxes toppling over, tegoshi saying 'i give up' and koyama shouting 'hang on' LOL +pi's paper-cup-binoculars (w/c made it's first appearance on the 'hoshi wo mezashite' pv) *aaaaah pi's so kakkoi~* +tegoshi peekaboo-ing behind kei *gah, whatta kid!* +tegomassu moment! yay~ +massu singing his lines *hontouni kawaii~* i wanna take massu home!!! +ryo is ON CRACK!!! i love him going all crazy!!! the first time i'm actually convinced that he is enjoying himself :P +ryo shaking massu like 'whoa'...i dunno what he wanted from massu, but massu was still smiling despite his suit getting ruined lmao~ +shige's lines--zomg, this guy is getting hotter each time i see him *flails* +massu inserting a bit of exercise...yeah, rotate those hips, massu! +tegoshi scratching shige's (poster) face again! rofl~ +just everyone being dorks!!! *hyperest mode* +tegoshi's part!!! PRETTY!!! and AWESOME!!! *biased fangirl* kimochi~ *diesdiesdies* +tegopi moment...then ryopi moment XD +the boys jumping-jumping-jumping +pi on shige's (poster) face...the tegoshi effect has rubbed off on him too! LOL +ryo's crazy dance +ryo pulling togoshi and kei in a hug...haha, they looked like a family! +tegoshi's last kiss for the camera *chuu* +tegoshi bowing...the group's last pose...then...THE END~
the more i watch tegoshi and kei the more i am convinced that kei is tegoshi's mommy, and tegoshi is kei's daughter...they incidentally have pretty much the same haircolor now, and it's common knowldege that tegoshi follows kei around like a chick after his mother hen :P
therefore i predict that i'll have watched this pv more than a hundred times by the end of the day XD i'm on weeeek-high!!!
and just to insert something non-weeeek related...mag scans from monthlytvguide--shige and tegoshi's page is omgggggg *faints* they absolutely look gorgeous, can't help but make it my desktop bg right now. can't stop staring at tegoshi~ i'm actually thinking 'uwah~ he's handsome!!!' not cute, not pretty, but handsome!!! :D i guess the blond hair finally worked for him, bcoz i'm totally loving it now!
yay for 100 pages on tegoshi's thread at d-addicts!!! it was only on the 20th page when i first joined, and now it has finally reached 100 pages :D
kyaaaaaa! english subs for tegoshi's shounen club premium interview is out already!!! akdkljlfsgfhhjhjjk, after just 4 days!!! the newshfan subber is sugoooooi~ haha, he actually said that the reason he joined JE was bcoz he wanted ppl to go wild over him! lmao, and that time when he was turned down before. well, those girls must be eating their hearts out by now. who would've thought that he'd grow up to be this pretty? XD
*sigh* still can't believe ppl are calling tegoshi all those things---like, sadistic, calculating, poisonous, self-centered, etc etc. i mean just look at that innocent face! XD
caps from the pv!!! just 3 (out of the 1500+ caps i currently have), bcoz i am a biased and lazy fangirl XD waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah~ yay for dorks!!!
*off to put the weeeek lyrics in my ipod* :D
random: 111th post! whee~
手越祐也の彼女@2:38 PM
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
pretty boys + suits = dead fangirl
so i'm still very much having 'ai nante' lss. i can't even listen to any other song at the moment (except for 'alibi' on very rare instances even though i still consider myself to be still on alibi high). i just slept and woke up to find some ryoshige fics, inspired by ai nante. they sprung overnight LOL this fandom is amazing, hehe. aaaaah it's making me addicted to ryoshige, becoming a threat to my otp ryotego. i never even thought i'd get to like the ryoshige pairing but here i am, going gaga over it. imo, anything w/ ryo in it is bound to be....rawr~ something like that, haha.
then the 'weeeek' pv preview just came out of nowhere and i am now sent into one of my fangirl spasms yet again. ZOMG. NewS in suits!!! tegoshi in a suit is the cutest thing EVERRRRR. everyone else looked convincing as working guys but tesshi-kun looked more like a mischievous kid cosplaying instead XD surprisingly, he looks reaaaaaaally good in my eyes (despite his blond state). i did rant so many times about my dislike of his blond hair, but it actually doesn't bother me for the first time. maa, i'm sure if i keep wishing for it *chant-chant-chant* he would finally dye it back to a darker color. pi did those yamaP-cups-thingy again!!! he looks so cute *pinch* and boygenius wearing glasses *nosebleed* and how manly his laugh is and how smexy he really looks in a suit i can totally imagine him in it when he becomes a lawyer in the future, and zomg i'm fangirling over shige again XD. this looks like loads of fun. can't wait for the whole pv tomorrow. hope they would do that russ-k cm dance again. ahaha! i just noticed ryo slapping tegoshi's butt at the 18th last second!!! roflmao~ ryo, u perv!
grrrr, d-addicts has been down, then was up running for a few minutes, then down again. wth?
waaaaaaah. momo is gone. i thought she'd be a keeper, but my parents still decided to throw her away. all i could do was take pictures of her before they took her away. *sigh* if only she were a boy...i miss her already T_T
my cousin malcolm is here in cebu. he's one of my fave cousins. even had a little crush on him back then. that's just 'ewwwww' i know!!! he's my cousin for crying out loud, and he's even younger than me!!! it's not as if i asked for those inappropriate feelings in the first place. but he's such a sweet kid, and it's all in the past! :P anyways, i wish we could see each other before he comes back to bacolod. schedule conflict, he's free the day i'm going elsewhere. i hope we can work something out.
friday's fast approaching, and i'm still deciding whether i should go meet pao. i mean i want to but it just seems awkward if there's only the two of us. we're still technically strangers to each other, and my social skills are really not that good -_-
i'm going to portofino this saturday with my old classmates. we're staying overnight. i wonder who else is going. i know it's all bcoz shine is arriving from america, and wanted to have a sort of reunion (since we went to moalboal the last time before she left). i hope merrill will be there too. i haven't seen her since she went to manila to take pedo classes. i miss her so much.
手越祐也の彼女@3:44 PM
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
'ai nante' is killing me...
zomg. i haven't even gotten over tegoshi's interview on shounen club premium, and here comes 'ai nante'. it was played last monday night on kchan's radioshow and i've been listening to it since then (i was incoherently kyaaaaaing the first few times i listened to it). tegoshi, shige, and ryo sings it this time around and omgggg the song is just pure love. it's so heartachingly beautiful, it's making me cry. the ppl over at lj are so fast---first w/ the radiorip and then with the lyrics. that was just merely minutes after the kchan radioshow. everyone's reaction to this song is FANTASTIC! everyone is falling inlove with it (esp with tegoshi~ heehee). tegoshi's voice at the beginning while the piano was playing was pure bliss. the emotion he puts into the song is really amazing (imagine a guy who is so inlove that he couldn't survive w/o his lover, the thought of her gone is even physically painful). this song just made me love tegoshi on a whole new level (just when i thought i couldn't possibly love him even more than i do now). i guess his dream of being able to move ppl emotionally with his songs are now coming true. and if the song alone doesn't move you enough, the lyrics will totally bring you to tears. i can totally imagine a break-up scene in the rain or something similar while listening to this song. it's one of those songs that has a haunting effect on me, heartwrenching. and the fact that my ichiban tegoshi sings this beautifully is more than enough reason for me to love it. i swear this is the best thing yet. the pacific album seems to be really promising. their songs have somewhat evolved and it has a more mature feel (from being boys to becoming men). well there's two mondays more before the release of the new single and album and i'm wondering what kei's going to play on the next two shows. it's really exciting to wait and expect, then get blown away. NewS is LOVE~
手越祐也の彼女@8:08 PM
Monday, October 22, 2007
it goes on...
i woke up at 2pm today, and took a shower immediately to shake off the groggy feeling. i have to be clear headed when it comes to matters of keeping the house. after all, my parents did say they were going home from carmen today, and my brother and i have to yet again keep everything spic and span, or in order at the least.
it was much later when i went online bcoz my brother beat me to it, and was again playing online pool and blasting off the speakers for i don't know how long. what a nice surprise, somebody had taken up the task of roughly translating the whole tegoshi interview on shounen club premium. just when i was wishing for it to be subbed soon, a translation came along. well, it's the next best thing to having a subbed one, ne? so now i don't feel like a total idiot watching something i don't understand, and just mainly ogling tegoshi, and how his face is sooo prefect and pretty (bless zooming cameras, i literally feel like i'm just inches away from his face). i loooove the part where shige was complaining about how tegoshi never used formalities on him despite the fact that he's older and have been in JE longer. so in the end taichi and tegoshi were all saying 'shige-san' haha~ then nagase said some things about tegoshi. i love him for going out of his way (going out of character as taichi says it) and practically taking tesshi under his wing when he usually isn't that way to his other kouhais. and by the way, he was also the one who created the nick 'tesshi'. see? even nagase-kun can't resist tegoshi's charms, haha~
i was a little surprised that many fans reacted the way i did--like when i said i was too engrossed w/ ogling tegoshi than pay attention to the interview, just reveling at how nice he sounds when he's talking, and laughing. it just puts me under a spell, there's just something i couldn't quite put my finger on that makes him seem irresistible to me, and i'm telling you it's barely the things that i see on the surface. almost everyone keeps gushing about how he really looks like a girl. haha, and wasn't i just raving yesterday about him being all so pretty, like girly kind of pretty :P blame it on the blonde hair, i think it makes him look even more girly than he already is, w/c explains why i'm so keen in wanting him to dye his hair back to a darker color.
the miso soup live perf has just started to sink in. it took me a whole day before really completely taking it in. it was really nice. tegomass looked so good performing like that. they looked more relaxed. i can say it's actually one of their best perfs. i think i like this version more. the original one just sounds too country-ish (it must be the swedish fiddle, hehe) it's hard to associate it w/ the usual japanese music.
ahhhhh, just earlier i was feeling so annoyed with my brother. he offered to cook dinner and messed it up instead. he's just such a baka! i keep telling him to do things properly, but as usual he only does things in his own idiotic way. kyaaargh! and i was so looking forward to a nice dinner but he ruined it. he turns me into such a nag. there really isn't a day when i don't get annoyed at him at least once. he must think i'm such a bitchy sister, but i just can't tolerate ppl who don't have common sense and initiative. is he really the same age as shige and tegoshi or am i dreaming? it's incredulous and i'm not gonna do comparisons anymore. it'll just give me a headache coz there's no way in this world my brother will think of growing up. not anytime soon, he won't. he's too comfortable w/ being the baka that he is -_-
waaaaaaaah, and i thought tegoshi has finally dyed his hair back to brown when i saw caps from the recent itteQ episode, only to find out that it was actually shot a few weeks back. so he really is still blonde, not that i completely hate it (i am actually starting to get used to it, and even found him goodlooking in some instances) but he just has to stop it soon. i swear it just makes him look more like a girl in my eyes i'm afraid i'd just wake up one day and be convinced that he was an onna all along. dameeeeeeeeee~
read some more shige entries today. his views are really interesting. it actually inspires people to analyze things too. it's nice how he could have such an effect on others. i love how his mind works. oh, and i just read that shige is going to star on a special drama, kinda historical, about judo, and he's playing the lead. well isn't that just great? slowly, everyone in NewS are really given their respective breaks, and i'm happy that now it's shige's turn to shine. it's almost as if he's in bloom now (the previous one being tegoshi, think ugly duckling LOL)
oh, and i watched 'beetlejuice' on Qtv last night. it has been so long since i last saw this. this has been like one of my favorite movies when i was young. i love tim burton! he's just so weird in a good way. i am a fan of his movies, w/c are often than not, weird and leans more on the halloweeny stuff (edward scissorhands, corpse bride, the nightmare before christmas, etc etc). it was a fun movie, i had almost forgotten the story but i never forgot how i enjoyed watching it back then.
手越祐也の彼女@8:32 PM
tegoshi & chocolate in the early morning
once again, i am up and wide awake this late. shonen club premium aired yesterday, and i just couldn't sit still from the fact that tegoshi was in it. i have been checking lj every once in a while for updates on it. and voila~ surely it came a few hours ago, like a wave--from videos, to caps, to mp3 rips! whee~
i have finished dling whatever there is to dl, and have even emptied my folders to make room for new ones. as of now, it's flooded w/ mostly shige's pics, and mp3 rips fresh from the scp, and subbed disc2 of the NEWS dvd. i finally saw evilryo in action. the subbing teams are really heaven sent. hontouni ureshii~
it didn't even matter that i have been having allergy attacks yet again from the moment i woke up, my eyes stinging, and my nose itching so bad, and i had to walk around w/ this pesky headache. yeah, all of it erased the moment i saw tegoshi's pretty face :D
the interview part (i'm watching right now) and all i could do is stare at yuya while he's talking, and smiling, and laughing, and performing 'chocolate' and 'miso soup' w/ massu. when he winked at the camera + his voice is really sexy it's hard to believe it came from a 19-yr old boy of his size XD *melts like chocolate* kyaaaaaa~ he's such a pretty boy, and i'm such a fangirl *hides*
random: oooh, his mom is 50 years old. explains a little as to why he's an only child. i wonder if she's as pretty as her son...tegoshi should thank his parents for his good genes :D
i hope a subbed version comes out soon. i really wanna know what tegoshi talked about in the interview.
oh and i have been watching some random k8 vids (i now know each of them w/o much effort on my part, kansai-ben ftw~ it's like the equivalent of cebuano here :P), and some cartoon kat-tun excerpts (leah dizon episode, and okinawa) and maki's in one episode too! i wanna see that! i actually think kame's the type of person that maki would like romantically *kyaaa~* yeah so i wanted to see them interact again. it's been 2 years since NwP.
tegoshi's 'shabake' on the 24th! so excited, i saw some caps--in one group pic he was sitting w/ the guys and he sits like a GIRL! a demure guy (if such a thing exists) rofl~ he's even more femenine than me most of the time, although i don't think he does it on purpose. i think that's just the way he is, kawaii~ a shota (?) as marga would call it :P and in one pic i thought i was seeing takaki, and it turned out that it was really him (after i checked out the cast). yay~ my two beloved yuyas working together. and maya miki's role as ichitarou's mom! i love her, she's hilarious :P
ai ai aishiteru~ darn, now i can't get this song outta my head...
and oh, just now my title reminded me of that yayayah episode where tegomass went into a spa--tegoshi had a chocolate body wrap (and me wishing i was the chocolate at that time, haha) and lost a pound, and massu went into that capsule thingy.
lately i have been seeing, hearing, reading alot about shige. LOL this is like shige month to me. and i have been resisting falling into a shige-mode but i am dangerously on the borderline--what with his pics dominating my piccies-folder, shige fics (actually i have been reading more fics w/ ryo in it but still there's ryoshige), and just now 2 new translated myojo articles on shige. i thought he was telling a story about a guy and a girl in a relationship, until i got to the end...turns out it was a love story for dogs, rofl~ and talking about honesty and lies. at some points i do agree with him (like how jealous gfs can get), but then my issue is not really on honesty but more on fidelity (i need my guy to be faithful more than honest). i think a guy should be sensible enough (and be trustworthy as much as he can) to know when he's lying for the good, or if it will cause him bigger trouble in the future, bcoz let's face it who in their lifetime hasn't told even one single lie? in my case i'm just too much of the jealous type that's why i conclude that the possibility of me being in a relationship is almost impossible. except if the guy is donghae or tegoshi, haha~
手越祐也の彼女@2:22 AM
Thursday, October 18, 2007
still on alibi-high~
i've been listening to nothing but 'alibi' these past 3 days, and i also feel like i'm going down w/ shige-fever (but i'm resisting it by thinking of tegoshi-related stuff). i've been fixated w/ this song since the first time i heard a crappy radiorip of it...then a clearer version came and i was faaaaaaalling. last night i tried to write down the words by ear, and tried to make sense of it, but after an hour or so, i got frustrated at how poor my knowledge of the japanese language, and how miserably i failed at translating, but at least i can sing along from the note i made. then today when i went online i found out someone actually took time to romanize and translate the lyrics!!! haha, i must have a power for wishing little things. they seem to present themselves to me. i remember that time when i said i wanted to hear suju sing trot--then poof! SM came out w/ sujuT. there was also one time when i said i wasn't liking kibum that much bcoz i never get to hear him actually sing--then voila! he sang in 'haengbok'! and i used to rant about being bothered by pi's crooked teeth, then he went out and had it fixed! :P
and now this...totally made up for my ol-abscence yesterday. i'm currently kyaaaaaa-ing to the lyrics. it's basically about a guy who's being suspected by his gf. he had to make up alibis of his whereabouts and what he's doing bcoz he wanted to surprise her on her b-day. this song just speaks so much to me. maybe bcoz i'm that kind of girl. i'm just too jealous i'd probably be suspecting every little thing. and this song is kind of an assurance and just plainly sweet. i mean how many guys still go to such lengths to make their gfs happy? and i love the fact that tegomass was mentioned (and are singing back-ups). i wonder whose clever idea it was...but anyways, member-ai is more than nice :D
more chibi versions of NewS' songs---pi's daite senorita, seishun amigo, and ryo's code. rofl~
watched 'hontou ni atta kowai hanashi' again, this time with subs. i finally understand the whole story. and once again, i tried to resist massu's charms. he just looks extra-cute in this, i think he should definitely do more horror/suspense dramas. it suits him, not that the cutesy roles don't bcoz they do!
yesterday was an impromptu laundry day. i finally forced myself to wash blankets and bedsheets, my fave...NOT! and since i was already dressed for the occasion, why not throw in some clothes as well? so there, i did it all. now i don't have to worry about the laundry for another 2 weeks. but now, i feel my leg muscles are sore -_-
my dad bought me a new chime that says 'eve-L, troublemaker' (read evil, hehe) to match my bro's 'boys r stupid, throw rocks at them' chime. so then i moved my old one w/c was a cat-mouse-cheese design inside my room.
i really have to work on that proposal lolo bernard rosendaal was talking about soon, or i'll be dead meat. it's raining hard right now. i hope my parents are safely stranded somewhere, coz that would mean they won't be home for a few more hours. haha, i'm so evil.
手越祐也の彼女@5:51 PM
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
why why why does hae's day turn out not fine for me? not only was i not able to go OL bcoz i went to the clinic, the implant intsructor had to see me--lei's patient, and turns out that my bone has resorbed too much (or either the clinician who extracted my tooth wasn't that careful) that it can not hold the implant. and i so wanted to get the implant! -_- i guess i'll have to resort to using the flexible denture instead (as much as possible i don't want bridges. just the thought of something being done to my healthy teeth is a no-no!)
on my way there, it rained!!! not the little shower but the floody type of rain, it's literally raining a dam's worth of water. and i was just almost at my destination, and i didn't have an umbrella!!! yabai~ didn't i say i hate rain? but still i had to deal w/ it -_- and now i just realized that it was a monday!!! grrr, it's doubly an unlucky day for me. and despite everything i still have to look at it positively just bcoz hae's day falls on it, grrrr.
just saw that ilonggo spoof of the movie '300' last night. ilonggo spoofs ftw! roflmao~
at least my day's better than yesterday. before i forget--HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY ONE AND ONLY DONGSAENG MARGA!!! it's so heartwarming to know that we're still good friends after a year. let's aim for one more! miss our G3 days.
dled the radiorip (from last night's episode of kchan news) of 'alibi', a song by koyashige that's in the pacific album (coming out this nov 7th) and i've been listening to it non-stop. it's so much looooove, it's addicting, and i love how massu and tegoshi are in the lyrics and also singing in the chorus :D yeah, u could say i'm on alibi-high right now.
yay~ TGQ's final episode is finally up in crunchyroll. i've been checking it every day for updates. now i'm finally going to watch the end. waaaaaah~ but omg, i'm purposely ditching house m.d. tonight *cries*
手越祐也の彼女@6:36 PM
Monday, October 15, 2007
people who are really close to me know that i don't usually get up early in the morning. i mean if it did, there's something really important going on, or it's either my dad woke me for whatever kinds of reasons. well today, it's both, hehe. i was again jerked awake from hearing my dad's ringtone id (balloons by dbsk). so i had to go to nextdoor to hear what it was he wanted to leave me with before going to work. some stuff related to the board exam funds, and my brother as always.
and also's lee donghae's birthday!!! again HAPPY BIRTHDAY YEOBU!!! yes, it's my main dish yo~ hmmm, i suck at giving messages, esp to people really special to me. i guess u could say that i get conscious when i feel like i have to say something. this is somewhat the real me, i really am not sweet or expressive to people i should be affectionate to -_- but i figure i should say a few. wishes for hae--to always be in good condition, heaps of happiness (hope he knows that LOTS of people love him), and a more booming career. also wanna express my thanks for giving me strength, inspiring me, and cheering me up at those times when i'm down. i think this is one really positive thing to come out from being an idol, to be able to influence other people in ways they can't even imagine. in that aspect alone it's already an amazing thing to achieve as a person. i know for sure that my life has improved when he came. aaaaaah, see? i don't even know how to end this *panic mode* just...I LOVE U, HAE!!! just seeing u smile is enough for me, so please try and be happy everyday, ok? then i know i don't have anything to worry about :)
won't be OL much today. i'm going to i.t. park, and won't be back till later tonight. i have to make a proposal for the funding in preparation for the board exams. they need concrete data, so imma go get it.
手越祐也の彼女@9:03 AM
Sunday, October 14, 2007
happy anniversary to me~
exactly one year ago, i graduated from college, so i'm greeting myself...and also my former batchmates. it's seems unbelievable to me, maybe bcoz i haven't really started working yet, so it still hasn't completely sunk in. but yeah, last year i gladly ended my school life, and so eagerly left that place where i spent 6 years of my life in.
and i got surprises (if u could call it that). i bumped myself against the kitchen countertop, so now i have this lovely bruise on my arm. could it be someone's thinking/talking about me? hehe. and i also started having allergy attacks (sneezing spells whee~) even saw a gif of saya kissing minoru in gachibaka. how can somebody be so cruel (or masochistic) enough to actually make a gif out of that scene? it hurts my eyes -_-
aaaaaaaah, i just saw that video of charice pempengco (she's a child singer here in the philippines) singing 'a whole new world' with kyuhyun of superjunior!!! *flails* omg omg omg, i'm so envious but at the same time so proud. they sound so good together, i had goosebumps while watching them. kyuhyun even hugged her at the end and 1/3 of suju was there. go charise, impress them!!! i hope this would pave the way for suju to actually consider going to the philippines *dreams*
i started to watch 'princess princess d' yesterday bcoz i wanted to know if kamakari kenta sounds the same as he was in 'lovecom' and omg, what's up w/ guys acting (even dressing up) as princesses? rofl~ i'll keep on watching this for the crack XD
手越祐也の彼女@12:13 PM
Saturday, October 13, 2007
a so-so saturday
talking about close calls. merely seconds after i posted the last entry, there was a power failure. i was thinking if i had dawdled for even a few seconds, i would've been sent back to write that awfully long post from the beginning, and that would be sort of impossible (since i surely will forgot half of what i wrote about, and will be too lazy that i'd end up not writing at all, hehe). good thing i had the sense of saving it before it was too late.
my eyes still feel a bit weird. i didn't expect to be bawling my eyes out from watching the 'fallen angels' series. was really impressed w/ ueno juri (when i watched it mainly bcoz of maki). so today, i went and watched the season 2 (w/ ishihara satomi, toda erika, katou rosa, and karina) and was impressed as well. i wish there would be a season 3. and now i can't get nakashima mika's songs out of my head. she still remains my favorite japanese female singer. i can distinguish her voice so easily, it's uniquely addicting.
speaking of mika, i finally sat down and went over the whole nana 2 movie. it was kinda painful to watch since i was so disappointed by the fact that my fave hachi miyazaki aoi was replaced by ishikawa yui (aaaaaaaaaaaah), and there wasn't even much on nana and ren. they shouldn't have done a sequel imo, bcoz it just doesn't measure up to the first one -_-
i'm also gonna start watching 'dance drill' since i really want to watch all the dramas NewS had been in. if i have the means, then i will :) massu's role in this is more like the real massu, i think.
aaaaaah i can't believe i'm getting excited over 'yukan club' (w/c is said to start airing next week). i never really felt any fondness w/ jin, but it's worth seeing yu and junno in it.
i just realized that tomorrow marks my graduation anniversary. it seemed like a distant past. the night before the graduation was one of the really stressful and trying times of my life, and i really didin't feel like reminiscing. i was just too relieved that i finally graduated a year ago. it still feels somewhat surreal even now.
gwen's kitten will soon turn a month old, and i was thinking of naming it momo (w/c means 'peach' in english) since jun was called that in 'kimi wa petto' and it was also the fruit in 'papa to musume no nanokakan'. although i still have doubts whether it's really wise to give the kitten a name (calling it 'kitty' is starting to get old, and it sounds too impersonal), bcoz more likely than not, we'll just end up giving/ throwing it away after a few months -_- but i really want to keep this one. she's too pretty, and she doesn't seem to mind being around humans.
i have been hanging out at d-addicts again (the way i used to a few months ago). yappari, it was still the best place to be fangirling. no need for unnecessary talk. and no need to put myself out there. so yeah, i'm glad i'm enjoying again. talking about tegoshi changing his haircolor soon, and what it would be like if all the JE boys teach in one school (w/c made some of the forumers actually consider writing a fic about it, which would be really interesting imo), those kind of stuff :P
aaaaah, i won't able to read harry potter and the deathly hallows today after all.
手越祐也の彼女@8:02 PM
got stuck
aaaaaaaah, i can't believe i let 10 days pass keeping mum. i literally felt like i've stepped on a very sticky gum. i should've written in here the last time i had a chance but the lazy gene in me is just so dominant. even tho each day that passes, i'm plagued by my conscience to not be, it still took me this long, ne? let's see how far back i can remember.
the last time i wrote in here the taiwan concert hasn't happened yet. but then my parents came home and i was practically booted off from the pc for a whole week (well, it felt like a week to me, i didn't really bother counting). so, u know the drill. as usual i was bored out of my mind, finding ways to amuse myself (finally watched 'the great raid' too many hotties, but not a good image of japanese ppl, good thing it's in the past), trying to keep my thoughts away from my backlogs, and news, and how NewS was doing, and most of the time failing and me ending up w/ my mind wandering off.
friday night: there i was at home feeling especially down, imagining that the concert in taiwan must have started at one particular hour, and thinking how much fun it must be. even texting marga, just so i could have someone to talk to about my feelings of utter depression over the matter. only to discover that it has been postponed bcoz of the typhoon (tv appearance of NewS arriving at the airport, and afterwards apologizing for the concert's delay). sure enough, the concert commenced the next day. gah, tegoshi's hair is still that same hideous color -_- shige wrote about that 'kuchizuke wo' incident at the taiwan airport w/c is just LOL, and ryopi's seishun amigo perf, and tegoshi's little accident (he fell 2 meters and hit his chin during the concert bcoz the guy in-charged of the harness was being an idiot) T_T poor tesshi, they should be careful next time. some reports of pi's sweetness to the fans (at that aspect, really hats off to him, he really is so great w/ the fans :D) just lots of stuff that will make any fangirl who wasn't able to go to the concert keel over and die of envy---fanmeet before the concert (w/ surprises, shige's collapsible bike LOL, ryo's ipod) girl actually sitting beside them on the plane *flails*
hmmm, what mind's not functioning fully, maybe bcoz it's 5am and i still haven't had any sleep, hehe. 'weeeek' was played for the first time in kchan's radioshow (what a happy song), also the new version of 'chirarizumu' (new lines!!!). also saw the LE and RE cover of both the weeeek single and the pacific album, rabu~ i'm just mildly disappointed that 'snow express' (nande? nande?? NANDE???) wasn't in it, but also looking forward to the new songs (what's the deal w/ including teppen, sayaendou, HwM, and HnCB again?). also went and made myself listen to more NewS songs i haven't gotten to listen to before (rainbow, mafuyu no nagareboshi, kirameki no kanata e, beach angel) there's still a lot to get familiar with :P
oh, and a new russ-k cm came out. this time, with all the boys dancing the chorus w/c is just hottttt (ryo's smokin~)...hmmm, i sense a pv coming out.
finally finished watching himitsu no hanazono. i had fun watching it, kanata's sooo adorable in this. the ending was ok even though tsukiyama ended up w/ wataru and not satoshi...also finished lovecom today!!! omggggg, i so love this series. risa and otani forever!!! i kinda didn't want this anime to ever end, it was just sooo entertaining till the last episode. highly recommended.
wednesday: marga's text woke me up from dreaming about ninjas and ken watanabe (wtheck?). went to the mall w/ my brother and parents to buy groceries before they go to carmen to work. as we were on the way, i realized i didn't bring any money, so i was fully at their mercy -_- good thing they didn't mind :P omg, even saw the dean by accident! (out of all the many ppl in the mall, we just had to cross each other's paths -_-). i ate a lot, haha. had dinner at tequila joe's (actually my first time to eat there). good food (love their platter, was bigger than the one in bigby's). i didn't mind that i haven't had purin for a while bcoz i had been eating a lot of meiji chocolates lately XD
pi's jweb, as usual he talked a lot about work, and what he ate :P i'm surprised he still hasn't mentioned maki even once. is it bcoz they haven't been in one scene together? altho it doesn't seem so, oh well. he also mentioned the winter concert tour. another one i'm going to miss. it starts in osaka on my birthday and i couldn't even come watch. can i feel more miserable than this? T_T
only 2 days before hae's birthday, 3 days before marga's. and tegoshi's interview on SC premium on the 21st plus his period drama coming out (i heard it's on the 24th). also read that ryo will be appearing in a radioshow (abc radio's 'music paradise') twice a month. now if only tego and pi have their own radioshows as well (since keii has 'kchan news' on mondays, shige has 'shiget together' on sundays, massu has 'massu master hits on fridays, and now ryo's gonna cover the saturdays) their song 'weeeek' would fit it perfectly LOL. i just love this month, too many good things happening :)
current amusement: the chibi versions of sayaendou, weeeek, and kibou~yell...listening to their chipmunk voices ROFLOL. i dled disc2 of the subbed NewS dvd. it was nice to finally know what they were talking about (shige caught yawning, haha)
last night i went to i.t. park again. unplanned, but lei was looking for a patient for the implant (since her sister's case didn't fit the requirements after all) and i wanted to have an implant. so what was supposed to be my tv night (bcoz of csi and criminal minds) was spent w/ palmer, joycie, and lei. whee~ i can't believe i'm going through the implant after all! and i still have the ortho plans w/ charo. i want to treat myself dentally as much as i can, since i know how important it is, from all those years of studying about it. afterwards we headed to 'la marea' for their famous brownie cup. seriously, everyone in that place orders the brownie cup. some ppl even take pictures of it. that's how good it is! and apparently, 'la marea' is only found here in cebu. this has been my 2nd brownie cup in a span of 3 weeks (the previous one was with charo). i have to go back to the clinic on monday for the patient seen, and will keep hanging out bcoz i promised palmer i'd be her assistant. and she lent me her harry potter 7 book! yay, i'll finally get to read it (after palmer and joycie provided me w/ a lot of spoilers) XD at least my fave pair ended up together :D
started watching 'tsubasa no oreta tenshitachi' season 1, initially bcoz maki was in episode 2. but i found myself liking it even on the first episode (w/ ueto aya). then when i got to the 4th episode (w/ ueno juri) i cried my eyes out (i haven't even cried this much when i was watching '1 litre of tears'). and i love the little life lessons at the end. i want to watch season 2 as well, but for now i really have to get some sleep =_= and my brother and i are going to do general cleaning later. my parents are coming home, and lolo bernard (father bernard rosendaal, not our biological grandfather, but he kinda adopted my dad when he was a kid) is coming w/ them for a visit.
手越祐也の彼女@4:56 AM
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
kyaaaaaaa, kyaaaaaaaa, kyaaaaaaaa...this is the best news i've ever heard in months! NewS is finally going to have not only a new single but a new album as well!!! *spazzes* this is really really really great. after being so silent for months, they're finally releasing a new single and a new album! release dates both this november. now if only i had a credit card, i would be completely happy.
the single is apparently due to the crymson russ-k cm. limited edition includes tracks 'weeeek', 'why' and 'weeeek' (karaoke version) plus a booklet. regular version includes the track 'rainbow'
the new album (NewS/pacific). limited edition includes 'hoshi wo mezashite' (why why why???), 'change the world', 'gomen ne juliet', 'code', 'chirarizumu' (OMG!!! *flails*), and MORE UNRELEASED TRACKS (i'm wishing 'snow express', 'stars', 'kakao', 'pumpkin', etc etc) kyaaaaaaa! i'm gonna die of happiness here. oh, not to mention the booklet that comes w/ it (not that i'm even buying -_-) the regular edition includes a booklet as well plus 2 bonus tracks that is not in the LE.
hahaha, i can just imagine how confused buyers will be. they make every edition look so enticing that it makes u wanna buy all 4 (w/c would most likely be the case for me if i had the resources :P). johnny wins LOL
argh! now i can't wait for november...full version of 'weeeek' and studio versions of pi's solo, and koyato's 'chirarizumu' and a lot more!!!
i was too hyped, i didn't even realize this was my 100th post! whee~
手越祐也の彼女@6:08 PM
back from the lion's den, barely alive, but still alive!
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! i wasn't able to go online the whole day yesterday. i wanna strangle our pc for being sooo gay. another day spent staring off in space, bored out of my mind. mondays are just so unlucky for me. now i expect i'm gonna end up w/ a superlong post again -_-
i guess i should just rant about my very scary (LOL, not really) experience w/ the lions so i'd have all the time to fangirl later. well, i did (finally) go see the dean. i firstly wanted to let her know that my dad has decided to make me take the reviews for the december board exams. every alumni has to let the dean know before they go to manila. so i went there (with all the courage i can muster) and guess what--she didn't permit me to go! yay~
i guess i was kinda expecting it to happen, w/ my pending case defense w/ dr. diez, did i really think they let me off the hook that easily? now, i have to go to his office in fuente and settle things, kowai kowai kowai~ he's known to be a big pervert -_-
oh well, i kinda felt relieved in the back of my mind. i really didn't think i was ready for it. and i kinda agree w/ the dean. i prefer to review for a long period of time (me having no confidence in myself at all). so the plan now is to wait for the may 2008 board exams, w/c means i'd likely be in manila as early as january for the review. it gives me ample time to work on my pending cases, and my clearance, and finally get the breakage (w/c i'm thinking is around 8 thousand). now i can pay off larry's laboratory :P
maa, there's nothing i can do about. i certainly won't spend my days getting bummed about it. i'm just too happy to get depressed, even though it's kind of a big thing, my career being on the line here. gah, let me be optimistic for once. after all, it doesn't happen that often that i get to bounce back easily from being let down.
after all that tension going around (me hanging out in the new campus for a few hours--getting updated w/ joyce who has now become a faculty of CDU, getting rid of jojo's scrapbook finally!, seeing dr. diez and all my former professors, and clinicians, talking to the dean) i decided to hang-out at i.t. park for a while (where palmer and charo work, a clinic owned by dr. lavastilla). i ended up being there for 3 consecutive days, just hanging-out, being in a different environment (even had an impromptu 'la marea' date with charo last saturday *brownie cup and apple pie yummy~*) i feel like it wouldn't be the last time i'll be going there, since i'm planning to have my teeth orthodontically fixed by charo. have to have panoramic x-rays and pics before that actually happens.
my dad finally called last saturday (i was painstakingly waiting for it). luckily, there were no angry screams on the other line. he was unexpectedly calm. i just told him the dean wouldn't let me go bcoz she didn't like the fact that i only have two months to review (when all the others were in manila since july), and suggested it would be better if i took the next board exmas instead. i guess he was a bit relieved (considering he didn't have any money now). but then worried again that he'd have to save more money for the may exams if i were to be in manila as early as january next year.
as for me, well i guess i just have to go out there and make use of my hands. either i'm gonna ask dr. nida to be her assistant of some sort, or do some dentures here and there, or hang-out more frequently at i.t. park just so i don't lose my dexterity, go to more free clinics. anything to not make my hands redundant or forget handling dental instruments and procedures. aaaaah, i haven't pulled out teeth in a while, i miss it...
still haven't done the laundry. i was planning on it last sunday but unfortunately i woke up amazingly late (like 6pm), then i found out there was no more laundry soap. i really have to go grocery shopping soon, there's no food in the house as well. parents will be back tomorrow.
chatted w/ G3 again, yay! plus, my cousin whom i didn't text since april sent me an sms days ago. i was really planning on not texting her anymore, since i was obviously hurt when i left bacolod. she was the only cousin who was really close to me (and the last time she made me feel like i wasn't important to her anymore) so i decided to sever the ties (she pushed me into doing it!). anyways, i was just glad that she texted me first (me and my pride). i thought she could stand not keeping in touch w/ me until we die. me and my grudges, i never would've texted her ever again if she didn't contact me first. but still, i can't say we're back to the way we were before, w/c is kinda sad.
this makes me think that i'm such a possessive person. when i love somebody, it's just too serious. maybe that explains why i never had any boyfriends *still denies that the thing between me and warren was meant to be taken seriously LOL* i'm just too much of a jealous type of a girl. i might murder my guy if i see him w/ someone else. they wouldn't even have a chance to explain themselves, haha. and also, i just haven't met a guy that makes me wanna commit. relationships, they seem like a lot of stress to me. i wonder if i'm really destined to have any. *dreams of tegoshi and me down the drain*
surprisingly, things started to look up. it seems like i have been hiding in my hole for a long time i wasn't aware that the world around me is beautiful. even despite of my problems, there are still things worth living for, things that can make me smile. i so agree that life does go on. if one thing doesn't work, then try it again in a different way. ehhhh, it's so weird why i'm suddenly thinking positively (when i'm really a pessimist), but i like it. hmmm, having tegoshi has really made things easier for me, and of course having all my friends who love me around :D
when i went to check TGQ at crunchy, i was too happy to find out that episodes 8, 9, & 10 are up. this is sooo nice, after waiting a while for episode 7 the last time. i really love this series. only one more episode to wait for.
also watched hana-kimi's last episode. aaaaah there were a lot of scenes that i love--the sakura committee keeping mizuki's identity a secret, sano and nakatsu trying to protect mizuki, the maid cafe *roflmao*, the festival w/ all the ikemen dressing up as girls, everyone finally finding out mizuki was a girl, the goodbyes (made me cry a little), kayashima (for knowing mizuki was a girl from the first time and keeping it to himself), sekime (cute crybaby!), nakao (unexpectedly defending mizuki), oscar and hibari, nanba (just being hot all the time, hehe), tennouji (baby!)...and sano kissing mizuki at the airport *squeaaaaaaal* lovelovelove this series! it's kinda sad that it has ended.
found ouran high at veoh! yay, even though veoh's such a pain at times, at least i can finally finish watching this series (i got stuck at episode 16 when it got removed at cr grrrr)
last time i dled 'shissou in montreal'. the whole shissou gang went there for a film festival or something, saw that eri girl again, but mainly just a bunch of tegoshi clips--him wearing a suit, walking the streets, interacting w/ pigeons and a squirrel, talking to the camera (i have no idea what about -_-), just being his cute self. why is he so darn cute?
and bcoz i was thinking of him (and eri -_-) before going to sleep, i dreamt about him. we were at the beach. i was lying on my stomach bcoz i wanted to tan myself (w/c would never happen in real life, i'm tan since birth LOL). so there i was half naked since i don't want tan lines. later i felt a fabric on my back. i turned my head and saw it was tegoshi. apparently he went and covered my back w/ a blanket or a towel (?) maybe he didn't like the fact that i'm half naked in public. haha, such a jealous guy! and to think that eri girl was with him, and it wasn't exactly like we were more than friends in my dream. all the same, i was so happy when i woke up :D
so now that i'm done babbling, i'm gonna go back to crunchyroll. i almost forgot i have a burning business to attend to as well, just in case the pc dies on me again. oh, have to look for koume's ringtone for upload as well. tantei gakuen Q, lovecom, ouran high, himitsu no hanazono, here i come~
手越祐也の彼女@3:51 PM
you have stumbled upon my blog~ the chocoholic's refuge
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and one more thing,
this is my blog
if you don't like what you see
then GET LOST!
why are you here anyways?
>NewS 大好き!!!
>johnny depp
>tegoshi yuya ♥♥♥♥♥
>purple and green
>chocolates, coffee, cheese
>kpop, jpop, cpop, opm classics, oldies
>horror flicks
>great danes, rottweilers, yorkies, dachshunds, schnauzers
>halloween & christmas
>eeyore & doraemon
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>potatoes & buttered toast
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>my lola's leche flan
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>ice cream sandwiches
>tumblers & coasters
>road trips
>picture books
>paisley & velvet
>candied fruits
>old wives' tales
>mang ambo by larry alcala
>pugad baboy by pmjr
>NewS' Never Ending Wonderful Story dvd
>G3-my partners in crime!
>worms, maggots, caterpillars, etc.
>rainy days and mondays
>cigarette smoke
>frying fish
>household chores
>my sensitive nose -_-
>two-faced ppl
>spicy food
>being pressured
>crappy service
>crowded places
>too much drama
>sad endings
>monthly periods
>chain letters
>exclusivity and all that shit
>backbiters and rumor-mongers
>being binbou -_-
>my full name
>my brother XP
>delusional fangirls
>unwanted admirers/suitors/textmates (GRRRR!)
>Tegoshi and RyoTego haters
>'MEMOIRS' philippine release
>TegoMass concert dvd
>a Coraline doll
>harry potter and the deathly hallows
>a series of unfortunate events (complete)
>more neil gaiman books
>the adventures of tin-tin
>my own dika
>new celphone
>jenga and twister games
>revel bars!!! *drools*
>body shop's olive oil
>maltese or yorkie
>electronic dictionary
>the nightmare before christmas merchandise
>JE merchandise
>lose weight overnight
>mole under left eye
>learn how to play violin/cello
>learn how to bake
>bungee jump
>vacation to japan, thailand, korea
>go to a NewS concert
>my own tegoshi yuya XD
>more ryotego fics
>tegoshi singing nino's niji
-itteQ-tegoshi eps
-massu's 'musashi'
-pi's 'byakkotai'
-ie ga tooi-news epi
-kei's high school musical
-kei's 'nurse aoi'
-kisarazu cat's eye
-princess d
+ the nightmare before christmas + harry potter + romeo and juliet + city of angels + now and then + moulin rouge + chocolat + from hell + the neverending story + the labyrinth + a walk to remember + the chocolate factory (willy wonka and charlie versions) + the secret garden + snow white: a tale of terror + great expectations + don juan de marco + napoleon dynamite + sleepover + sleepy hollow + centerstage + the sisterhood of the travelling pants + tuck everlasting + what a girl wants + casper + bourne identity + ocean's eleven + mr. bean + the abyss + deep blue sea + ghost ship + titanic + jurassic park (1,2&3) + resident evil (1,2&3) + the land of the dead + the dawn of the dead + ella enchanted + shrek (1,2&3) + face off + con air + the x-files + coach carter + time machine + the land before time + mulan + hocus pocus + interview with a vampire + practical magic + princess diaries + miss congeniality + queen of the damned + romeo must die + the others + thumbelina + ever after + breakfast at tiffany's + gone with the wind + west side story + bridget joneses diary (1&2) + brokedown palace + darkness falls + valentine + the exorcism of emily rose + witches + the count of monte cristo + shakespeare in love + love actually + the man in the iron mask + four weddings and a funeral + the island of dr. moreau + narnia: the lion, the with, and the wardrobe + the cube + the mummy (1&2) + identity + beetlejuice + frequency + phenomenon + the guru + stardust + pursuit of happyness + stardust + coraline + the lake house + the sorcerer's apprentice +
+ the twins effect + the death curse + hero + the house of flying daggers + crouching tiger, hidden dragon + the curse of the golden flower + infernal affairs (1,2&3) + my sassy girl + il mare + the classic + a millionaire's first love + kawi + koma + the uninvited + vacation (dbsk) + 200 pounds beauty + jenny&juno + one missed call (1,2&3) + the phone + the eye + a tale of two sisters + nana + death note1&2 + six + shutter + lovely complex + kanojo to no tadashii asobikata + chinese odyssey + protege de la rose noire + house of fury + spy dad + diva ah-hey + chinese tall story + new police story + 6AM + ab-normal beauty + battle royale + wishing stairs + the red shoes + shissou/dead run + one missed call 2 + attack on the pin-up boys (suju's movie) + cinderella ni naritai + boys love + kurosagi the movie + calling you + L change the world + koizora + crows zero + cyborg girl + tada, kimi wo aishiteru + 4bia/phobia + phobia 2 + coming soon + liar game: the final stage +
+ harry potter (j.k. rowling) + series of unfortunate events (lemony snickett) + stories of eva luna (isabel allende) + daddy long legs (jean webster) + behind the attic wall (sylvia cassedy) + how stella got her groove back (terry mcmillan) + pet sematary (stephen king) + stardust & coraline (neil gaiman) + robert fulghum books + roald dahl + frances hodgson burnett + grimm brothers + hans christian andersen + memeoirs of a teenage amnesia (gabrielle zevin +)
+ csi las vegas + criminal minds + gilmore girls + supernatural + house m.d. + oprah + will and grace + extreme makeover (home edition) + charmed + joan of arcadia + dark angel + tru calling + angel + monk + the pretender + moonlight + i survived a japanese game show +
+ beautiful days + love letter + winter sonata + my name is kim sam soon + my sassy girl chun-hyang + sweet 18 + meteor garden1&2 + dbsk's banjun drama + full house + goong + hana yori dango + bad family + nobuta wo produce + proposal daisakusen + kurosagi + my boss my hero + dragon zakura + hana yori dango2 + 1 litre of tears + 1 litre of tears sp + gachi baka + papa to musume no nanokakan + hanazakari no kimitachi e + himitsu no hanazono + tsubasa no oreta tenshitachi - season 1 + tsubasa no oreta tenshitachi - season 2 + tantei gakuen Q + liar game + shabake + sore wa totsuzen, arashi no you ni + sugata sanshirou + yukan club + deru toko demashou + lost time life (kei's episode) + waraeru koi wa shitakunai + anego + kakure karakuri + car radio ga owareba + last friends + absolute boyfriend + what's up, fox? + binbou danshi + 14 sai no haha + code blue + ryusei no kizuna + atashinchi no danshi + koishite akuma + buzzer beat + guests of room zero (koyama's & shige's episodes) + orthros no inu + you're beautiful + hidarime tantei eye + troubleman + sunao ni narenakute + loss time life + hyoten +
+ fushigi yuugi + master of mosquiton + monster rancher + doraemon + fruits basket + trigun + sugar sugar rune + alice academy + cardcaptor sakura + time quest + ranma 1/2 + lovecom + gravitation + black blood brothers + ouran high host club + yamato nadeshiko shichi henge (the wallflower) + howl's moving castle + spirited away + kimi ni todoke +
+ chad michael murray + vincent kartheiser + jensen ackles + wentworth miller + james franco + sean faris + joseph fiennes + ewan mcgregor + ethan hawke + drew fuller + christopher gorham + channing tatum + liam aiken + topher grace + dhani lennevald + brad renfro + ralph fiennes + nicolas cage + jason statham + hugh jackman + diego luna + adam garcia + david duchovny + enrique iglesias + will estes + colin firth + dougray scott + antonio sabato jr. + alex o'loughlin + luke grimes +
++ jang woohyuk (h.o.t.) + micky yoochun (dbsk) + kim junghoon + jo insung + lee sangwoo + lee junki + kim jihoon + im joohwan + brian joo (ftts) + tablo (epik high) + t.o.p. (big bang) + attack (trax) + jin taehwa (battle) + kim dongwan (shinhwa) + park jinwoo + kim hyeseong + hyunbin + jang geunseok + wonbin (f.t island) + jung yonghwa (cnblue)
+++ tegoshi yuya + shun oguri + hongo kanata + news + kenichi matsuyama + ryo nishikido (news) + kazunari ninomiya (arashi) + matsuda shota + matsuda ryuhei + kaname jun + yamapi (news)+ tatsuya fujiwara + mizushima hiro + tsubasa imai (t&t) + wakaba ryuuya + hiraoka yuuta + tsukamoto takashi + tamayama tetsuji + yonemura daijiro & yodogawa yoshihiro (question?) + arioka daiki & yamada ryousuke (hey!say!) + ohkura tadayoshi (k8) + nakamaru yuichi (kat-tun) + oshinari shugo + tamaki hiroshi + mukai osamu + koide keisuke + miura haruma + seto koji + nakayama yuma + inohara yoshihiko (v6) +
++++ vanness wu (f4) + edison chen + jay chou + kenny kwan (boyz) + daniel wu + stephen fung + ananda everingham + golf + ray macdonald +
+++++ john lloyd cruz + jc de vera + enchong dee + hideaki torio +
+ the corrs + sarah mclachlan + shawn colvin + michelle branch + selena + mariah carey + lee sooyoung + jewel + aaliyah + craig david + jason mraz + josh groban + boa + dbsk + lene marlin + frou frou + enya + leann rimes + big bang + sung sikyung + sg wannabe + se7en + epik high + clazziquai + loveholic + sugababes + all saints + lara fabian + gregorian chant + vonda shepard + foofighters + green day + rachael lampa + bosson + linda ronstadt + the cranberries + the cardigans + india arie + seal + george michael + lighthouse family + sting + garbage + dc talk + duncan sheik + coldplay + jars of clay + blur + third eye blind + john mayer + fiona apple + spice girls + kelly clarkson + utada hikaru + 'd sound + jim croce + david foster + eric clapton + boyz 2 men + babyface + alison krauss + richard marx + the company + jose mari chan + martine mccutcheon + kathy troccoli + jj lin + dream + honeyz + foj + darius + maksim + aaa + haley bennett + perfume + teddy geiger + yui + shimizu shota + kato miliyah + jyongri + coraline soundtrack +
+ nicole kidman + charlize theron + sandra bullock + anne hathaway + alexis bledel + evan rachel wood + amanda bynes + alexa vega + rachel mcadams + uma thurman + leelee sobieski + eliza dushku + emily browning + emma watson + dakota fanning + annasophia robb + alicia morton + kate maberly + mia maestro + jennifer connelly + paz vega + emmanuelle chriqui + hilary duff + marisa tomei + helena bonham carter + amber tamblyn + julia stiles + meredith bishop + thora birch + jessica alba + kristin kreuk + sara paxton + monica keena + katie holmes + marley shelton + camilla bell + angelina jolie + milla jovovich + amanda seyfried +
++ choi jiwoo + song hyegyo + jeon jihyun + son yehjin + goo hyejin + park shinhye + go ara + han jimin + lee yeonhee + bae seulgi (the reds) + ayumi (sugar) + song jihyo + yoon eunhye (baby vox) + han chaeyoung + kim taehee + han jihye + park bom + park heebon (milk) + kim bomi (milk) + chaeyeon + nam sangmi + cats + kara + lina and sunday (csjh) + sunye (wg) + kim ah-jung + uhm hyunkyung + yoo hyunyoung + choi sooyoung + han gain + kim junghwa + go eunah + goo hyesun + jung ryeowon (chakra) + kang junghwa + so yihyun + jo jungrin + kim ok-bin + eunseong + min seohyeon +
+++ nakashima mika + aoi miyazaki + horikita maki + toda erika + aragaki yui + shida mirai + uno misako + ueto aya + ueno juri + kashii yu + ito misaki + maya miki + ayase haruka + karina + narumi riko + kato rosa + naka riisa + esumi makiko + ito yuna + mimura + leah dizon + kiritani mirei + aoi yu +
++++ twins + miriam yeung + angelica lee + jolin tsai + rainie yang + niki chow + race wong + yumiko cheng + isabella leong + joey yung + stephy tang + janice wei vidal + vivian hsu +
+++++ maja salvador + erich gonzales + vaness del moral + jennica garcia +