my happiness over my parent's not flipping out upon knowing about the exact date of the 2nd batch of UE reviews for the dental licensure exams was short lived. haha, how foolish of me to think that i was off the hook because 'surprise surprise!' i had my dad telling me off as soon as i woke up. my dad has resorted to giving me until this sunday to sort things out.
i can't blame him for saying that i didn't look interested bcoz i really wasn't interested. don't get me wrong, i really wanna get this board exam over with, but the thought of facing the dean before that actually happens makes me retreat to the farthest corners of the earth like a wounded animal. if only i didn't have such matters to worry about, i would've been the first to fly off to manila. but unfortunately my problems just won't disappear no matter how often i keep on running away from it.
i finally went somewhere today. after hearing that rather painful sermon from my dad, i just can't not do something. originally i had planned to go to dr. t's first to get his signature completed on my forms but went to i.t. park instead where palmer was working the day shift at dr. lavastilla's clinic (and i had blisters from wearing new flip flops grrr). good thing doc sandra wasn't there (i still wasn't ready to face my former c.i.s) even though she was one of the kinder ones. asked about their own expenses and advices for the reviews. they told me it would be better to see the dean first bcoz she's the only one who could decide whether i could take the exams this december. yappari, it really is inevitable. i really have to see her tomorrow. i wasn't able to go to dr. t's in the end bcoz the rain just wouldn't let up and it was late when it finally stopped (going to colon at night is not a good idea).
so, ultimately my fate lies on what's gonna be decided tomorrow. i am going to school in the morning (it's more like going into the lion's den where i feel like i'll be eaten alive by HUGE lions and die a slow painful death). only after that can i finally plan on doing other things, like preparations on the theory and laboratory reviews, the dorm room expenses, the food allowance, the money for materials on the daily basis, and other miscellaneous stuff. i really can't do anything yet unless the dean gives me the go signal. a lot of it heavily weighs on tomorrow's meeting. it's natural for me to be in jitters and be losing sleep. the mere thought is enough to give me indigestion. i know i'll be scolded really bad, and worse i won't be permitted to take the exams this december, but i can not run away from it forever. if things don't go in my favor, then i just had to accept it and go on with life.
my dad says i'll have to support myself if i'm gonna take the may exams. baaaah, i don't even wanna think about the other things that might happen. i just have to believe (even thought i'm not the type who leaves everything up to blind faith), it doesn't hurt to try even just once, esp if it's as important as this.
well, not everything was bad. i got the chance to see my bestfriends after all, after months of keeping mum, almost shutting them out of my life. naturally, we were hugging each other as if we haven't seen each other for years instead of just months. they keep on nagging me for not keeping in touch, and i was apologetic of course. i kept telling them to pray for me on the war i'm gonna brave tomorrow. this is really it. i wanna prove to myself that i'm not a coward. i can do this!
seeing old friends is really a nice thing, isn't it? i haven't laughed and talked as much for a while and i missed it. i had this fleeting thought that i was laughing too much, i may be crying the next moment. i'm praying that crying moment won't come from being scolded off by the dean. little hurtful words would immediately send me crying, and i really don't want to (as much as i can hold it). i'm feeling uneasy. i haven't even been to the new campus. i'm sure it'd just add to the agitation i'm going to feel tomorrow.
really really really scared now. but i really have to get over this obstacle. i won't go anywhere if i don't conquer this. demo, i still wish tomorrow won't come. but that's impossible. so i am really screwed -_-
and it's not helping that naki-chan's being mean to me lately. apparently she says tesshi's still mad at me just bcoz i was admiring pi's body. although i know that none of it is real, i still can't help but feel bummed about it (i mean being jealous is one thing, but being overly-jealous is another! hae's never been half this jealous, in fact he's not jealous at all! now i feel like i have to watch everything i say or do bcoz i'm constantly being watched/stalked, hehe). i can not afford to have tesshi get angry at me at this time. i need all the comfort i can get, and his hand will really be a great encouragement on my part. gah, a day of not going online and this is what i get...
good thing i read a shige fic w/c was enough to turn my brains into goo. tortured shige is loved shige~
and saw some caps of one of my fave itteQ episodes--yuya and the yoyo trick (why do i feel like i've mentioned this too many times?)...and he is just LOVE~ still can't get over my amusement over that yoyo trick and mostly just staring, amazed at tegoshi laughing as if there's no tomorrow. i don't think i'll ever get over that scene. if i were a cartoon character, my eyes would have hearts on them, permanently LOL
this might be my last entry (if things don't turn out well tomorrow)...gah, this is killing me T_T
jya~ off to sleep. i need all the strength i can get for tomorrow. i really wish i can get through this whole ordeal ALIVE.
手越祐也の彼女@12:59 AM
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
yesterday i didn't do anything. for some reason, the internet connection was non-existent (or there might be some problems w/ the cables and wires). i ended up staring into space, and dozing off to sleep during those boring hours. it rained so hard that it was just so nice to drift off and dream of tegoshi and NewS (i wonder why pi always manages to show up), since i can't see them online. good thing the connection's back today (or i would've been bored to death and resort to sleeping again).
hate being behind on anything. prevented myself from worrying about backlogs and new stuff to dl by cooking. i dunno what came over me but i suddenly just felt like cooking and baking. note: keep my distance from the flour.
still haven't done anything about the review. haven't gone anywhere (didn't i say it was too distateful?) i really really don't wanna see even the shadow of my old school -_- i even didn't come see my parents when they arrived last night. pretended i was asleep when in truth i slept at around 3am (blame it on the naps), in order to avoid talking to them about the review (w/c i think will make them flip when they find out that it's starting this saturday T_T). i wish tegoshi would come and rescue me, take me away from all this stress -_-
just blinked and JE came out w/ this new group--hey!say!jump, composed of 10 members (the biggest JE group ever). most JE fans are so floored with it, but i guess i was used to it (coming from suju-fandom w/c has 13 members, no one can beat that, unless lee sooman thinks of something crazy like adding a 14th suju member LOL). split into 2--hey!say!best composed of the older guys: yabu kota, yaotome hikaru (both from yayayah, OMG why did they have to split them up? shoon and taiyou, huhuuu), inoo kei, arioka daiki, and takaki yuya...hey!say!7 composed of the younger ones: chinen yuri, yamada ryousuke, nakajima yuto, morimoto ryutaro, okamoto keito. debuted on sept 24 at the tokyo dome singing a volleyball theme 'ultra music power'. tegomass performed as well *kyaaaaaas at the sight of tesshi* and my fave V6 member sang too :) JE's so fond of singing volleyball themes ne? (there's NewS nippon, gym's fever to future, tegomassu's marui chikara, and now hey!say!jump's.
the parents left early again today. went to dalaguete to check some of the kids, i suppose. i dunno if they'll be coming home (i hope not :P)
saw some caps of kurosagi filming. the rain scene w/c yamapi mentioned on his nikki a few days ago. his hair's still too short for the usual kurosagi look (altho he's still gorgeous) but i want the old kurosagi hair! still no sight of maki -_-
started rewatching himitsu no hanazono. again, i'm regretting why it took me so long. i'm loving it. the story's getting interesting. satoshi! hinata!
kyaaaaa! tantei gakuen Q's episode 7 is up at crunchyroll *spazzes*
手越祐也の彼女@5:30 PM
Monday, September 24, 2007
panic mode
nyaaaaah~ yes i am feeling too panicky ever since i found out that the 2nd batch of UE reviews for dental licensure exams starts this saturday. i finally asked tina for the details after being constantly told by my parents to get started preparing for manila (w/c until now i still can't believe is happenning). yabai! now i really have to move my butt and go see dr. tancawan and dr. diez. it's inevitable, i really have to go to school and see my old dean. talk about early halloween! this is worse than fright night or any horror movie i've seen! doushiyo??? dare ka, tasukete!!!
as a result i'm just too distracted today. i'm just too ridden w/ worry i can't even enjoy fangirling -_- and it's also making me think than i have to put a hold on it SOON! think of all the backlogs i'll be doing and the things i'll miss (not being updated, not being able to dl stuff). would i survive? this has been my life for more than a year! it's like being deprived of oxygen -_-
i wasn't even in the mood for watching anything, except for lovecom episode 22 (w/c was hard to pass up). so now, i've gotten that out of the way. aside from saving some new icons, and dling touch dvd dates (still lack kei and pi's), and posting some on forums, i really wasn't up for anything else, even though my parents weren't around and it's still early. dame da, my mind's just not into it.
last night, i was in the mood for spamming. also had the chance to interact w/ a lot of ppl at news_ph. it was fun, just chatting w/ roomies. and since i really don't have anyone to share tesshi with, in the end soya-chan and naki-chan gave me their blessings, entrusted me to take care of tesshi, w/c really meant a lot to me and made me ureshii :D also added 2 more NewS songs in my ipod (izanaizuki-6 member version, and tegomassu's sunadokei) w/c meant i had to delete some songs in order to accomodate them.
read an old interview of tegoshi's (myojo sept'06 issue). he was talking about heroes, and how strangers used to come to his rescue, and dealing w/ perverts on the train. another reason to love him more. read shige's interview (myojo nov'07 issue) about 'colors' too, w/c was interesting as always. i'm endlessly amazed at the way shige thinks about things. pi's jweb, him talking about how surprised he was to find out he was in his university's brochure LOL and for yesterday's post he was talking about hanging out with jin and yuu, buying new sunglasses (NewS are so fond of sunglasses, ne? i'm not really into them. i think i look horrible in sunglasses, haha) and having hamburger (w/ sunny-side-up egg) for lunch at the set of kurosagi. aaaargh! he still hasn't mentioned maki!!! i'm getting impatient.
手越祐也の彼女@11:25 PM
Saturday, September 22, 2007
food & vids
my day's been revolving around these two things. *sigh* the result of being on house arrest. i have grown a lot fatter over these past months -_- from chocolates, to yogurts to anything, LOL i'm such a buta. i should ask massu how to shed off unwanted pounds XP
since my parents were at a wedding in bohol, all i basically did was cook, eat, and watch videos.
attack on the pin-up boys: yay! i finally saw it last night. it was so funny. the pretty boys getting hit by shit on the face. it turned out to be kibum, and donghae found him out! the panda teukie, and chul and kangin on the resto while 'rock! go!' was playing :D ryeowook's weird role rofl w/ siwon's electric power :P
tantei gakuen episode 6: finally, it has turned up at veoh! it's been weeks since i saw the previous episode and was starting to miss the TGQ gang. i love this dorama so much--from the story, the cast, to the ost.
watched the longer version of itteQ-tegoshi cut (the part where he goes to guyana--rode a plane, rowed a canoe, trekked, and went down a waterfall). and all i was thinking was how i wanted so much to be in the tent where he and the kid spent the night in XD gah, he'd make a great aniki. watching him completes my day. i don't think i'll ever get tired of staring at him. he could just stand and do whatever and it's enough to keep me entertained. and no, i'm not having perverted thoughts! LOL *sigh* why does he look perfect all the time?
手越祐也の彼女@9:11 PM
Friday, September 21, 2007
still knocked down
apparently, my fever only becomes persistent during the night time, like right now, i feel like i'm burning up again. i believe it's some kind of virus, since viral infections are characteristic for night fevers. if i remember it right, i've had one really severe case years ago w/c lasted for about 2 or 3 weeks. it doesn't seem like it's letting up soon, i may have to suffer for a few more days. the analgesic drug doesn't seem to have an effect so i figured not to take any and just drink lots of liquids, since my rhinitis and cough had progressed -_-
i have started reading stephen king's 'pet sematary' for the 2nd time around. and it's scaring me all over again. there's not much gore and morbidity but the mere thought of ur dead cat turning up at ur doorstep is freaky. the first time i read it, i wasn't really loving our cat, but it's different now. and it's scaring me bcoz i know what's gonna happen next. as stephen king himself had said, this was the scariest story he ever wrote, and i couldn't agree more.
my parents left around 11am earlier. just got a text around 9:40pm saying they have arrived in bohol. tomorrow's the wedding day. i haven't been on a lot, by the way. i never even really given the subject much thought.
it turns out i had to put-off watching lovecom last night and continued today. the pc's acting weird again, by the way. shut-off by itself twice today, just when i was at the middle of watching hana-kimi's 11th episode. great episode! sano finally patched things up w/ his dad. the nakatsu-sano showdown was funny (actually i was just too happy to see sano doing silly things w/ all the other guys). he could really be so cute sometimes, hehe. that cheerdance was like *rofl* i was like 'u gotta be kidding me!', maybe bcoz i'd never see such a number of cute guys do something as whacky as that around here. yep, certainly not a nanba-look-alike, i won't :P one last episode to go. it's kinda sad that this dorama's ending (actually least in japan it already has ended last tuesday). i'm gonna miss everyone in osaka gakuen.
read a bunch of pi's jweb translations--talking about the filming of kurosagi, the food, rain, sore shoulder muscles, aikawa sho (the guy who plays the cop in kurosagi) giving him a germanium bracelet (known to have healing effects), and mosquito bites! yeah mosquitoes can be really REALLY annoying. i almost want to think they have no purpose in this universe. but of course they have, besides feeding off humans...
dunno what got into me, but i suddenly felt like watching sung si kyung's 'georieso' perfs at yt (is this what they call 'the blues?'). i didn't know he sang it at last year's mbc drama awards, and other events as well. he's just amazing as always. his live perfs are sooo good. i'd be really lucky to see him perform one of these days. he's still one of my favorite singers, ever since that day i first saw him in a loveletter episode (w/c was the start of me getting interested in kpop). he really deserves the title of being korea's prince of ballad.
oh! just read a trans of NewS' interview for popolo mag november 2007's issue. seriously, the ppl behind the scans and translations are sooo fast. bless them. in a way, it brings fans closer to NewS. it was fun to read, quite amusing. titled '66 rules to love NewS more and more'. each member says his own 10 rules for NewS fans out there (w/c adds up to 60. i'm assuming the other 6 were the ones in their speech bubbles?).
on pi: listen to NewS songs every night before sleeping *nods*...when alone, watch the NewS dvd (somehow this cracked me up XD) all ur friends, publicize NewS *LOL*...and again he manages to slip in a weider in jelly endorsement :P it was nice that he was thinking of the fans on his last 3 rules :D 'stay healthy' (i think that's so appropriate for me right now, since i'm sick)
on ryo: yes, i have one member i like the most (guess who? hehe)...being sensitive to the word 'news' (LOL *nods nods* ever since i got into this fandom, my ears would alert at the mention of that word)...yes, i think about them (more than) 3 times a day XD...of course i like NewS (it would be weird if i didn't and i'm acting like this, darou?)...i like boys (am i even supposed to take this seriously? LOL)
on kei: kyaaaaa a hint of koyato love!...yes, i rea~lly like massu :D...YES, I LIKE YUYA A DANGEROUS AMOUNT (kei seemed to read me XD)...*sigh* ok i'll try my best to love each member evenly, but that's just kinda impossible, yo~ isn't it enough that i say i love all of you? hehe
on shige: waaaaah! i think i fail most at shige's rules T_T it would still take me a while before i can memorize all their songs w/o a copy at hand. and writing their full names in kanji TT_TT read popolo every month and read jwebs regularly TT_TT i'm thinking if i were a japanese girl, i would pass these w/ flying colors, but i'm not :( i don't even have nice posture *waaaah* and here i thought we're some kind of twins or something -_-
on massu: well duh, of course i love NewS!...thanks to massu, now i'm aware of each member's blood type (and finding out yuya and i are both B-types! pi and shige are both A's while kei, ryo, and massu are O's). i wonder what it means to massu though...errr, i haven't thought of recognizing the members just by looking at their eyebrows...LOL, i only carry a mirror when i feel like it (w/c is RARE)...okay, i am NOT stylish. massu, educate me :P...good manners (grrr, and i think i'm ill-mannered sometimes XP)...yes, i'm trying to watch all dramas w/ NewS guys on them...definitely, my theme song is a NewS song *beams* it's weird, i'm not used to massu talking about girls XD and talking about smiles, 'show me a smile that won't lose to mine' errr, that's kinda hard to do, neh? u have one of the most amazing smiles i've ever seen, one that's close to unbeatable. i feel immense pressure here, haha.
and finally, saving the best for last *me being shamelessly biased*
on yuya: remembers all NewS songs (hmmm, working on it)...remembers the song choreography (r u friggin' kidding me? it's hard enough memorizing the lyrics -_- i think i'd fare way better if u r the one training me, hehe)...knows who is singing in the chorus/harmony parts (errr, almost there)...i can NOT do an impression of NewS members (haha, not that i ever tried before, hmmm shige's famous 'auto-suggestion' comes to mind. ok! i'll try! just bcoz yuya's asking for it :P)...have posters in my room and greet it every morning and night (kyaaaa, i don't even have their pics on my wall to begin with! gotta do something about this asap!)...being unfaithful is a NO! (LOL, he and i might share the same views about relationships and fidelity)...but the last rule takes the cake: 'LOVE ME!' *kyaaaaaaaaa* 'i will love u only the amount u love me' (w/c made me a very happy yuya-fangirl). he really does have a way with sweet words. i love him this *immeasurable* much, and that's that :D
LOL, how is it that they think like fangirls at times? XD almost everyone says u have to have gone to their concert even once *me failing miserably* if it weren't geographically hard, and i was a millionaire's daughter, i would have gone to every single one. but sadly i'm no supergirl. i might have to wait a little longer before i'd be able to do this one thing. *sigh* lucky japanese fans~
手越祐也の彼女@11:01 PM
Thursday, September 20, 2007
ehhhh, i really don't know what's gotten into my parents lately. they've been in a good mood, it's weird! haha, i normally should just be happy with the ways things are going but still, there's something fishy going on LOL
as i've said earlier, they went to the mall to buy groceries (buying at rustan's for the first time and amused w/ the customer service, hehe). and went home with roasted chicken. despite me not really doing anything productive at home, they seemed to not mind it. and they got those dutchmill yogurt drinks, and even had the original. i wonder how it tastes...they even had chocolates! i seem to be eating a lot of chocolates these past days :D
they bought a windchime to hang at me and my bro's cottage saying 'boys r stupid. throw rocks at them!' LOL
tomorrow they'll be leaving for bohol to attend a friend's wedding this saturday. yay, more OL time for me!
i feel like i'm going crazy, smiling stupidly from watching the itteQ tegoshi cut i just dled earlier. seriously, just watching tegoshi sitting there, and laughing the way he does is pure bliss to me. can this be love? :P
i've listened to the first 4 tracks of suju's 2nd album...i like 'ur my endless love'...don't do is so rockish!
lovecom's episode 21 is finally up at crunchyroll! watching it right now :D
but uh-oh...the talks of me going to manila for the board exam review is being brought up a lot lately (despite me skirting the issue). i didn't think they'd actually let me go! I AM IN DEEP SHIT! i have to see dr. diez T_T i really have to see him, someone kill me now!
手越祐也の彼女@10:21 PM
down with the flu
ugh. i am feeling like hell today. the sneezing spells have finally developed into something much worse. i've had the flu for 2 days now, w/ all the symptoms it brought with it--fever, rhinitis, headache, body malaise, cough, the change in my voice, the feeling of hurling at times, and me being a bit more lazy (as if i wasn't lazy to begin with). i've been so against taking meds. i figured i'd let my body cope with it, but found out i can't go on w/out it, if only to chase away the aching around my head. i have been waking up later than usual (considering my parents were here, and still are -_-). today i woke up at 2pm, only to find out that my parents were gone, went somewhere, and will be back at dinnertime (w/c is why i am now in front of the pc). i figured i won't be able to update later once they get home.
so, despite from not feeling so very well physically, at least there are still some things that makes this life of mine worth living (hehe!). went OL and found out that suju's 2nd album was finally out. it caught me by surprise, bcoz i wasn't expecting it for another week, but here it is already! i'm dling at the moment, and very excited to hear suju's new songs. 14 new tracks to drown in (my ipod's gonna be dead)! finally saw all of their pics--just 'wow', they have grown! i think it was about time that they ditch the cutesy image and start looking and acting their age. so it's progress on their part.
plus, some more yuya stuff--like itteQ cuts (aside from the usual icons, pic, and gifs). i don't feel like watching anything at cr right now, given my current situation (going OL like this is torture enough but i just had to get it done with before the 'rents arrive). although i wanted to see more sc premium interviews in preparation for tegoshi's turn, but it can wait. oct 21's weeks away anyways.
手越祐也の彼女@5:39 PM
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
my days, so far
*sigh* haven't posted for days, it seemed like a week to me. hmm, well my sunday turned out better than i expected. my dad was home saturday night. at first i thought he was in a bad mood, but i guess he was just tired. plus my stepmom wasn't with him so i'm guessing something happened (well, more often than not my guess proves true :P) so i resigned myself to retire early in my room. i mean, any happy mood is just instantly killed with my parents around. the next day, i woke up really late, even though i know i should have woken up early bcoz i had chores to do. i was being stubborn again or merely pushing my luck. only to find out that my dad had gone to the city, leaving only me with my brother. unfortunately, my brother conveniently forgot to tell me of the plans for that day. so, dad made us go to the mall after we have woken up. it was unexpectedly an enjoyable day. we bought supplies for the kitchen, and just when i had no blank cds left, and was craving for ice cream the past days, even got myself a bunch of meiji chocolates. the timing was perfect, and my dad was weirdly in high spirits :D
monday, on the other hand, was the same old bore. something i would expect, since i never really liked mondays. forums are quieter since most ppl are still attending school. there aren't even nice shows on tv!
i just read days ago about tesshi guesting on the talk segment of shounen club premium this coming october 21!!! yay! i'm very proud of tesshi, i wouldn't have thought he would be in it this soon. there were certainly other ppl who are more ready (basing on seniority) than him. but that's just what makes it more great. here he is, barely 20 and going on an interview alone! he'd be the youngest one ever. i hope it would be as honest and intimate as pi's interview. i'm excited to know what tesshi would be talking about/revealing. i know he's had his share of sad stories, and success stories as well. i'm expecting to get to know him better through this. oh, and tegomass perfs as well! gee~ i couldn't be much happier! i hope they'd sing other tegomass songs like say 'kimi+boku=love?', 'hajimete no asa', and my fave 'kibou no hikari wo kokoro ni tomosou.' or better yet have them sing solos!!!
ahhh, i'm just so happy about everything that's been happening with tegoshi. he seems to be doing a lot lately--from tegoraji, 24hr tv, itteQ guestings, shabake dorama, and the latest SC premium. so proud of what he has done and still being the young guy he is. at 19, he has basically done everything--had a movie (shissou), had cms, had dramas, a voice actor (happy feet), had a radishow...i wonder what johnny's up to. it sure looks like he's building up tesshi. as much as i hate to admit, johnny sure does have an eye for talent. the only thing missing is a solo single or album, w/c we all know he has a talent for. i'm saying this not just bcoz he's my fave, but nobody can deny he has one of the best (if not the best) voices in JE, and will undoubtedly sell a lot of copies if ever he went solo. i'm not saying he should leave NewS. heck, that's the last thing i want, but a solo stint on the side would be great , don't you think?
i love how johnny gives all the boys a chance at various things--like for instance almost everyone in NewS have had their radioshow at one point in time. i dunno if massu still does it but pretty positive shige and koyama are still at it, and tesshi's always at k-chan's. at least it makes up for him not doing 'what a wonderful music' anymore. note to self: find massu radioshow files. unlike SM, who obviously plays favorites (hence, we see the same few ppl having the spotlight again and again), it's heartwarming to see the JE boys go on dramas, and whatever projects. i'm assuming johnny's influence is more widespread that he can put his boys anywhere (tho i hate to think that's the main reason why i see them everywhere). i'd like to think they got in on their own as famous idols, but one can't deny that there's a higher power involved, but i should just be thankful for that. at least i'm not that much deprived. i wish SM would gamble too, and trust his other talents.
oh, i'm such a bad fan. i forgot, or more unaware that last sept 14 was NewS' 4th yr anniversary. i still couldn't quite believe they've been in the industry for 4 years already! time flies so fast. and the boys have evolved into really hot, accomplished guys, who have their own individuality. just tesshi changing alone is a big shock to me. i'm happy for all of them. i hope they could just go on forever, and bring happiness to all their fans worldwide. i wonder what they did to celebrate (or if they even did celebrate!) :P
also, belated happy 23rd b-day to my partner, queen (last sept 15th)!!! how convenient that her bday falls on a payday, heehee~
omg omg omg...just saw the teasers for suju's upcoming 2nd album (yay! so it's not just a rumor!). they're finally back to 13. and their new looks *dies* i almost fainted when i saw them, they looked so cool, like jrock-ish. sungmin and hannie's hairstyles are *nosebleed* gah, hope i see hae's soon, i'm dying from the excitement here. and yeah, new album, means more songs to go crazy over, w/c means my ipod's gonna be dead. now if only NewS would come up with new songs as well, i'd die a happy and contented fangirl...joking! i don't wanna die at all, at least not yet LOL
ehhh...i just realized there's this japanese conbini at foodland. i know there was, but i really didn't realize it fully until just a few days ago. now i really wanna check it out--see if they have mow, house vermont curry, tsubaki shampoo, and all those other products that JE boys did cms of *crazy fangirl* and even magazines (oh, how i wish!)'s conveniently in front of a korean store (w/c i'd like to check out as well). but i don't wanna go there alone. unknown territories scare me. now if only i have someone i could drag with me...and weirdly i've been wanting to try japanese food as well *regrets college days not going w/ leny, merrill, and palmer*
手越祐也の彼女@10:35 PM
Saturday, September 15, 2007
sick, tired, and cowardly
i finally fell sick yesterday (this is one of the reasons why i hate rain). it wasn't a good day. i started off with sneezing spells that wouldn't stop. my whole body just feels so disoriented, like they were working against each other. but being the hardheaded me, it wasn't enough to make me miss DAQ. good thing i recovered instantly, i need to get more sleep to avoid getting sick again.
although i haven't missed going online these days, i have been feeling less and less motivated to go on forums. simply put, all my OL-time is spent hanging out at crunchyroll (or any streaming sites) amusing myself with series and doramas, and checking on my blog and some lj communities, hehe. i guess i'm having one of those phases where u get tired of something at one moment in ur life.
another episode of csi las vegas and criminal minds on tv (w/c is the reason why i went online late today). yay! i didn't forget this time :D
hana kimi episode is getting better. just saw episode 10 last night. nanba and nakao's accidental kiss was a shock! lucky nakao~ imagine my eyes going wider at that scene, and literally shreiking when nakatsu finally told mizuki he loves her. things are really getting interesting.
i practically had a cartoon kat-tun marathon, finishing off episodes 14 through 21 all in a day. i just couldn't stop watching. it was highly entertaining. they even had becky as a guest in one episode. yes, that girl in itteQ who's always sitting beside tegoshi. yappari, she was indeed older than him (a year older than moi). i didn't know she has a goofy personality and she looked really pretty in cartoon kat-tun (compared to the way she usually looks in itteQ) with simply her hair down and unstyled. she did a nakama yukie impression w/ jin and kame. i love how she made a cute itinerary for a non-existent picnic date w/ kat-tun. it was really creative. i am awed by creative and resourceful ppl. i love her personality, she's cute and very positive (plus she reminds me of my cousin). thank heavens for the show, becky has redeemed herself in my eyes. now she can go sit beside tegoshi w/o me wanting to kick her every time LOL
i'm starting to really love ueda from watching a lot of cartoon kat-tun. i like him being talkative and goofy, compared to the quiet, goth, and angsty guy i always see. and i love him with the glasses (he looks like an ojiisan, but i mean that in a really good way haha). maybe it has something to do w/ the atmosphere of being relaxed and laidback. somehow i love watching kat-tun being like this than being singers. their skills still don't pass my standards, and their live perfs are *wince* i'd rather they do more talkshows in the future. can't wait for the 2nd half of episode 21 (where they went to okinawa and stayed at tokoro's place who just happens to be filthy rich!)
junno is always the bullied one (poor junno~ don't worry, at least i think ur the cutest). koki is always the one bullying him (but also has a soft side, he's great w/ kids!). still have to see more of 'bakanishi' jin to actually make me like him (since i never really liked him from the start, i dunno why o.O). maru's always the one being told (directly or indirectly) that he's ugly LOL kame always has to be the coolest one (w/c still puzzles me at times). i also think he's the 'player' in the group (merely based from my own observations). i won't bother explaining, go figure it out urself :P
i had completely abandoned the help of the clavicle splint (w/c spells 'danger! danger!') blame it on my laziness, i don't think that will ever change. it has been a few days i had been OL w/o wearing it, and my back is definitely being tortured -_-
i feel like i'm being such a bad friend. it's as if i have shut them out of my life T_T when one of my bestfriends palmer sent me an sms yesterday (something about auditioning for this year's pda), i didn't even bother to text her back, even though i wanted to. god knows i really miss them, it has been months since we last saw each other. but being the coward that i am, i don't want them bringing up a very distasteful subject again. i have grown too weary of addressing it, and making up lame excuses, that i thought it's best if i they don't hear from me at all. i know i'm being unreasonable, and immature here, not to mention a BIG COWARD, but i just can't deal with it. i dunno when i would ever have enough courage to face the monster, but i'm finding out it would take some really great energy and mindset before i can do it. *sigh* i wish courage can be bought somewhere -_-
enough of that, episode 7 of 'sore wa, totsuzen, arashi no you ni' is up at cr!!! i wasn't expecting it so soon, but i'm happy that i'll be finally watching it. aaaaaargh! it looks like they were back to the way things were before! i can't believe takuma just gave up that easily after everything. and the restaurant scene (kozue and hideo accidentally met takuma and kaori, and shared the same table!!!) was surely awkward. i just feel bad for takuma. he's trying so hard to get over kozue (and him looking so frail just makes it worse, i mean i can't imagine hurting someone who is as fragile as that). but then, there's more--yuriko (who seemed to have a past w/ kozue's husband) turns up. i wonder what's gonna happen next. things are surely getting more and more complicated. can't wait for the next episode (i'm assuming it'll take another month)...also resuming DAQ (i'm currently on episode 24)
just read some crack about the 8-member NewS today that sent me rofl-ing. that was some creative, twisted, and hella-funny way of introducing NewS to the world. i love them more and more!
ppl who picspam are angels!!! more tegoshi-love to drown into~ even though i've been on massu-mode these past 2 days, from anticipating machimassu, random massu vids, and machomassu pics :P and maybe seeing the touch dvd-dates didn't help as well, i found myself liking massu's dateplan, aside from shige's...dates that are fun, and w/ no feeling of pressure at all is *thumbs up* for the first time, i actually thought shopping would be fun, watching massu at it haha! and singing NewS songs at karaoke (w/c will never happen w/ pi) :D
---------- the first time i'm putting links. never really thought of it, and i didn't feel the need of using them before :P
手越祐也の彼女@12:02 AM
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
rainy days
it has been raining almost everyday since the last week of august. although i haven't been out in the rain, i am now feeling a bit sick. i reckon it's more bcoz of the consecutive all-nighters in front of the pc, more than getting wet. and i think forgetting to wear the clavicle splint for 2 straight days adds to why i'm feeling un-genki right now. plus the rain is making me feel more sluggish than usual, not to mention sleepy. this type of cold atmosphere just makes one want to disappear under warm sheets of blankets and comforters. in my case, craving for the warmth of wearing socks as well.
i can't believe i purposely missed 3 days not posting. well, it gets boring if i keep on writing everyday. it's not as if something interesting happens every single time. and i am getting a bit lazy lately. even my mind's tired of thinking too much, w/c results to me barely going through the day consciously. it's as if the hours just pass me by w/o being aware of it. maa, at least i'm not an idol who needs to update a nikki everyday, hehe.
the past days i have only managed to watch ouran high and detective academy Q alternately. i know i have a lot more stuff to watch but i feel like i wasn't in the mood for any of it. then, i just found out that ouran high was removed from cr yesterday. no fair! i was only halfway finished, grrrr. 'stand up' was removed as well (i feel like whacking myself for not getting it done before). now i want to finish DAQ before it vanishes as well. and speaking of which, i hope the live action would have a new subbed episode upped -_-
well, here i am sipping hot tea. everytime i feel sick i'd automatically drink up. it would've been better if there was calamansi but my lazy bro (aren't we the lazy bunch, lol) didn't pick any (he only does things if i nag him, and as i have said before has no initiative whatsoever), and i don't wanna risk doing it myself (since i'd most likely end up getting soaked in the rain even w/ the umbrella, and the tree itself has thorns, and the fruits are so high up i'd probably end up cutting myself...dame da yo~)
going back from when i had started getting into shounen-ai (not so much of yaoi yet), basically a hang-over from reading all those ryotego fics, sakuya recommended 'gravitation' to me. i thought 'what the heck, i'd give it a shot' and all of a sudden, i'm associating ryotego with it *dies* but doesn't it kind of fit? ryo can be a yuki, w/ his attitude and manliness. and tegoshi fits shuichi at being sooo noisy, and cute, and being a kid, and being passionate about music. plus his hair is pink :P *imagines tegoshi w/ pink hair*...*fails* haha. so now, everytime i watch 'gravitation' i'd see ryotego's faces instead of yuki and shuichi's LOL
yay! the subbed episode 7 of 'sore wa, totsuzen, arashi no you ni' is out!!! hope it get's uploaded at cr or veoh soon. i'm dying to know what happens next after that hug.
remember last time i said i desperately needed to see that itteQ episode w/ blonde tegoshi. i still wasn't able to find any dl link but i did find some vids at yt. and although i didn't exactly see the fat ladies' jiggling bellies, it's enough for me to catch a glimpse of mr. blondie. i seriously just needed to see it on video so i could start convincing myself that it's not as horrible as i perceive it to be. yeah, as always, i love tesshi still (i mean how can i not? just seeing him laugh is enough for me to forgive anything!) *turns a blind eye on the hair issue* i decided i won't stress myself over it anymore (since they change hairstyles so many times anyways) but now i'm starting to get annoyed w/ that becky girl, like i wanna kick her away from sitting beside tesshi LOL i really have nothing against her, but...but what if he falls for her? i keep on seeing them together, i'm gonna cry my eyes out! haha, you'd think i'd be less selfish and go off saying 'i wish him happiness, blah blah blah'...well, i found out that i'll never be mature in that aspect :P
just when i have resolved myself to finally watch the shissou making, i found out it won't even play on my pc, major 'grrrrrr' moment. i really wanted to see it, the caps are making it unbearable. for once i see tesshi smiling on the set when he was really gloomy in the movie. the ending still breaks my heart. so instead i just watched fmvs w/c didn't help. there was one with evanescence's 'missing' as the bgm and it made me feel more depressed than i already am (and now the song is stuck in my head). they really have such angsty songs, makes you get into the emo-mood. the more i think of (more like analyze) the movie, the more i realized how i love it. it was sad how their lives just fell apart, and the image of lifeless shuji is *cries*
hmmm, what else did i do---i watched a bunch of perfs by arashi, orange range, and remioromen. they're all sugoi! konayuki is another song w/c depresses me (but in a good way). it makes me relive all those moments with asou and aya (in '1 litre of tears'). i'm starting to love arashi bcoz of 'happiness'. it's such a cute song, and it makes me want to watch 'yamada taro monogatari' all the more. and i saw the utaban episode where nakai was attacking ohno (rofl sooo funny). i'm starting to really like nino again. it's hard to believe we're the same age.
since i mentioned utaban, i also watched an old one with the 8-member NewS w/c made me uber-happy. i love seeing all 8 of them together!!! shige's really good at guessing. he's the only one who got to eat everything. on the other hand massu got ZERO. lol, i would've thought he'd put in more effort into it, since he loves food and all :P
read some translations of mag interviews (more on tegomass and massu, since it was a massu site hehe). kyaaaa massu's just CUTE!!! i remember pi saying he automatically thinks of massu when the word 'cute' comes up. i never really thought much about massu's interviews (aside from them being plain funny), i just realized that even in that aspect he's still cute. all his comments about the other members are *pinches massu's cheeks* and i noticed that when talking about pi, he kinda turns into a fangirl, hahahaaaaa! and to think i used to find the pair pi-massu weird. now i know where all those fics are based on XD and as always i love tegomass interactions. i love how they talk about each other and how the atmosphere is just sooo comfortable. brotherly love~
also started to resume watching cartoon kat-tun. i have gotten past the episode where jin joins them. haha! those guys are so silly. i'm loving ueda more and more. i can't decide on who gets the top spot--whether it's kame or tat-chan. well, i'm gonna find out soon, as long as i keep watching the show. *sigh* i wish NewS would have their own show too...
i dunno how i ended up watching kurosagi/yamaki vids again *nosebleed from seeing kurosagi's red suspenders*. saw this tv special (on kurosagi's last filming day). the fangirl reporter is just too funny. i ended up laughing my butt off instead of getting annoyed w/ her. the way she said 'oipi' instead of 'oishii' rofl and yamaki!!! i love the part where pi gives maki the bouquet and they shook hands *giggles* and that hanamaru episode where pi said he was disappointed that maki didn't greet him on his bday. giving him chienowa (some kind of mechanical puzzle) as a bday present, haha i suck at those things. and finally watched the first part of the personality test (pi's hurt feelings after maki said his adlibs weren't funny, and maki explaining herself, getting shy....ahhh love~) they are so perfect for each other, ne?
手越祐也の彼女@4:32 PM
Sunday, September 9, 2007
a 180-degree turn
yappari, my day wasn't so good. i guess it was too early to say how my day would turn out. i really have bad judgement of things sometimes. when i was writing my entry earlier, i thought things would go smoothly in my favor. but it didn't! obviously, my post was cut short bcoz it started to rain really hard complete with thunder and lightning. soon after, all the lights went out. so much for thinking i might actually have a great sunday -_-
what did i do during those boring times? i had an impromptu concert in the bathroom. i was singing till my throat was sore. good thing none of the neighbors shouted for me to shut up, haha. my ipod's battery was on the low when the lights came back.
going back 2 days ago, i was watching random NewS vids when i decided to watch one old shounen club episode where yuya was talking about 'nishikido-kun'. it showed old clips of him singing. when i heard him sing 'paraiso' i did a double take. matte! was he really singing 'paraiso'??? naturally i couldn't believe my ears. he is actually singing an opm song by smokey mountain!!! haha, i couldn't help but be amused. he looks so young then. i wonder if he even has any idea he was singing a filipino song. it kinda makes u proud, that other nationalities appreciate ur kind of music. i remember i used to sing it when i was in grade school.
saw episode 9 of hana-kimi. toma's green shirt (the same one that pi wore in prodai) has appeared again. LOL the shirt's getting famous. and they sang 'ikenai taiyou' for the celebration thingy. am i led to believe that maki sucks at singing? but she's still uber-cute, hehe. another nice episode, what with dr. umeda grabbing the new teacher's butt, haha. and nanba-senpai looking extra-hot in that sakura uniform *evaporates* but the best part was nakatsu finally finding out that mizuki is a GIRL!!! kyaaaa, can't wait for episode 10!
last last night i watched tom cruise's 'last samurai' again. i was feeling compelled to watch it for the second time for obvious reasons. the first time i watched i wasn't really paying attention to any of the japanese-related stuff. actually, i was wondering why i even bothered to watch it at all since i don't even like tom cruise! so, i didn't notice that the girl was the same one w/ matsujun in 'kimi wa petto', and her older son was aya's younger brother hiro in '1 litre of tears'. he was so cute then. now i wish i watched tokyo drift when my brother brought home a borrowed dvd. back then i was 'bleh', just stared at it (bcoz again i was not interested w/ anything japanese, and i don't like drag racing either!). only now did i realize that hottie tsumabaki satoshi was in there, and keiko kitagawa as well. now i wanna watch it and i don't have the dvd anymore -_-
days ago i saw the other tu-yu cm. haha, it was cute with the tu-yu gang dancing. massu looked extra-cute in it. and apparently, he also had a new haircut. it was shorter than the old one. but knowing massu, he'd never really do anything drastic to his hair, unlike some ppl *ehemtegoshiehem* massu's still cute as ever. i dunno why i can never see him as more than a grade-schooler XD i wonder what's happened to machimassu...and i'm thinking of dling 'musashi' so i could laugh at massu's 'i-desperately-need-a-bath' look, haha!
i love seeing tsubasa and tegoshi together in that tongari corn chips cm. *sigh* if only i got into jpop earlier, i would've been going gaga over tsubasa and tackey (since they're both older than me w/c would have been perfect), and not with someone younger like *points to the person beside tsubasa* y-u-y-a.
after all this time, i'm still addicted to tegomassu's 'kiss~kaerimichi no love song', so much that i have come to the point of memorizing the lyrics (w/c for someone who has really short memory like me is a feat). plus every time i sing the lyrics it would automatically translate making me think of the actual meaning of the song instead of the usual jumble of words. i don't think i'll ever get tired of listening to it. it's such a sweet song with a capital 'S' :D
i feel like berating myself for still not watching the shissou making i dled days ago. i mean, it's tesshi (yoohoo!) how could i even go for days not watching it LOL. wanna watch dreamboys (w/ kame and koki) to see a glimpse of pi's hotness (black hair=rawr). and is it just me or he seemed buffer than the last time i saw him. ahhh, i should update on jweb entries after this post. that cap of pi speaking to koki's mic *dies* i wanted to be koki at that moment. waaah kame and pi performed 'seishun amigo' again!
GRRRR, still can't find the itteQ episode w/ tesshi and the fat guests! really really really wanna see it. i wonder why he's always on itteQ (not that i'm complaining or anything). hope he's not attracted to that becky girl (though i have nothing against her). it's just...just because!!!
more of yamashita yuya! the author decided to make a sequel, using massu's pov. massu likes yuya bcoz he smells like strawberries, and the food-loving massu is finding it irresistible LOL i wonder if he'd get in between yuya and ryo's relationship. i'd rather massu just stick to food, thank u very much!
i don't think i'll ever get over the NewS dvd. a month has passed and i still couldn't get enough of it. heck, i still haven't even rewatched it (well if u could count the rips upped at yt, then i have). still inlove w/ 'snow express' everything about it is just *dokidoki* everyone's lines are *dokidoki* (but tegoshi's voice pwns), the costume is looooove, the dance is looooove, and of course the boys themselves are @_@ i'm starting to believe that the dvd has some kind of spell. i just noticed something in the gourmet extra a few days ago. there was one part where they called the food 'massu'. i was mildly amused. massu is a buta, therefore he and those pork strips are related :P
i watched NewS' first guesting at domoto kyodai for the nth time. and still it's as funny as the first time i saw it. tegoshi is just adorable with his straight answers and calmness you wouldn't expect from someone so young. and tsuyoshi giving him his signature hand-over-face 'tegoshi desu!' i also like watching uchi in this (given that i never really liked him). i guess if i keep watching dk over and over again, i'd eventually come to like uchi as much as i like kei :P
oh, nothing really grand happened at the bday party i went to yesterday. i was just dragged in it bcoz it was my stepmom's side of the family. apparently, her brother and his wife has gotten back together so it was a happy time for them, i guess. as usual, they made me sing karaoke, and i showed them what i was made of, esp since there were hotties around, haha.
lately i have been pissed at someone. just bcoz of a pair of slippers. one of the things i absolutely hate is my things being used w/o even asking me first. absolutely ill-mannered, and i tend to hold a grudge for a long time due to that. yep, that person made me wear the ugliest slippers we have at home. imagine me fuming mad inside. i mean is it such a hassle to ask permission? even if it's a little thing, it still meant having respect yo~ LOL i really have weird pet peeves.
手越祐也の彼女@6:06 PM
good sunday
uwaaah~ i woke up a bit early today. i would've preferred to sink in deeper in the blanket if it weren't for the early wake-up call by my dad. i had conveniently put a shocker type of ringer id for him so that everytime he calls i could answer right away. i'm sure i looked funny when i just suddenly jerked awake from dreaming about our 5-day-old kittens after hearing the familiar first notes of dbsk's balloons, still disoriented bcoz i was still having a hard time remembering where i put my phone last night. alas, i saw it under the pillows, but when i reached for it, it flew off from my hand LOL dexterity in the mornings = zero.
apparently they had to leave for the orphanage again. so he wanted to leave me with some instructions--such as stock up on rice and make sure my brother would feed our pets. i wanted to go back to sleep but i realize it was too late. well, at least i'd get to go online earlier, w/c is rare hehe. i was starting to get annoyed at the naruto screensaver and wallpaper my brother has set up and replaced them with NewS hahaha. how i wish i could leave it like that, but unfortunately i share the pc w/ the 'rents so i should avoid unnecessary snide comments.
yay! i finally saw the last episode of 'papa to musume no nanokakan' (a father and daughter's seven days) . loved the ending, and kenta-senpai is just 'aaaaaaah!' (how can someone look hot in a plain white uniform?) i didn't expect things to be a little emotional but it still was funny up until the last scene. *sigh* i'm gonna miss watching this dorama.
手越祐也の彼女@12:31 PM
Friday, September 7, 2007
unplanned post
yeah, i wasn't really thinking of posting anything but...i just saw pi's new hair, and i needed a place where i could spazz like pretty much looks like his last hair, only now it's black (kurosagi isn't kurosagi w/o the black hair yo~), but whee i love it so very much! i think pi's at his sexiest with black hair. he definitely should stick to black...or maybe that's not a good idea after all. if that happens i might go from being a tego-fangirl to being a pi-fangirl, and i don't want that to happen! there's so many pi fans drooling over him as it is and i don't wanna add to that, just wanna stay put where i am now *looks at tegoshi beside me* heehee
pi's black hair pwns all his other hairstyles!!! omg, seriously, i love this pic to pieces! hope clearer ones turn up soon. *in a whisper* kyaaaa my old feelings for pi are resurfacing~
now if only tegoshi would follow suit (unfortunately, he's still sporting that awful hairstyle, huhuuu)
just like the other days, i'm still finding myself at a loss for worthwhile things to do. yep, still floating somewhere. but at least i managed to read some jwebs--pi mentioning kurosagi a lot these days (ergo, me getting more excited), a bunch of yuya's entries (err, i'm really getting bothered by him mentioning the word 'girlfriend' coz it doesn't seem like he's talking about tini. he better be just talking about his dog or i'd cry a river), pi-produced-shige pic (shige's back while showering O.O pi should produce tegoshi too!) and again just awed at shige's IQ :P the more i read about him, i'm finding more and more stuff we have in common, it's starting to feel really bizaare.
read someone talking about itteQ...the new episode apparently has fat girls dancing while their tummies are jiggling LOL i wanna see this!!! for obvious reasons, hehe. didn't tegoshi mention he doesn't mind (or even like) such types of girls? and i really just need to be convinced more that tegoshi's new hair is bearable. everytime i see a picture, i wanna grab a scissor and cut his bangs. if only i could get to him thru the screen :P need to find the vid asap!
i want a tegoshi-skin! i'm seriously going thru NewS skins right now. i might change my layout if i don't get lazy as i always am. grrr, there's not much on them -_-
rawr. i'm feeding my ryotego appetite, and it's dangerously growing. but i'm also in the mood for tegopi at times. ultimate fantasy of reading a ryopi-tegopi-ryotego all in one fic XD
and bcoz i'm tegochan crazy, saved all those new mag scans on NewS (yes, i am being biased as always) from myojo, popolo, potato, duet, and wink up. tegoshi in that blue shirt *dreamy~* also dled a cleaner version of 'i want it that way' LOL suju and NewS make me reminisce my 'n sync and bsb phases XP there were also some of kat-tun's, t&t (kyaaaargh! kamen is stuck in my head. love the mv and the perf, plus the song is addicting in itself. weird but tsubasa reminds me of a lot of ppl--like heechul, takaki yuya, kaname jun, that cuter guy from flow, and even johnny depp o.O), hey!say!7, k8, kinki kids but i didn't bother :P
i have to end this or i would never get to finish watching even one episode of detective academy Q or ouran high or hana-kimi...
thanks to the clavicle splint and to me (who didn't forget this time, hehe), my back doesn't hurt even after *** hours of sitting :D
babytegoshi is one of the cutest things i've ever seen~ i want one!
手越祐也の彼女@1:51 AM
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
cheese and ryotego
aaaaack! i never thought i would be one of the many who fell in the yaoi-abyss but i did! i never really had one pair that i really liked so much ever since i started fangirling...but now, see here...i actually found one pair to love, and it's...ryotego!!! uwaaah~ i have resisted being a yaoi pair supporter for the longest time (well, there were a few times when i acted like i did love one pair before, but this one's my otp). kyaaa, i can't believe i'm even using otp's my first time if i remember. at first, i thought i would go for tegopi, but in the end it went ryotego, heehee...i just decided on it last night, after reading 2 ryotego fics. even before that i have seen a lot of ryotego rabu pics...i just knew i'd be swayed sooner or later. i just can't think of a more compatible person for tegoshi but ryo. yeah, it's now final, i'm sharing tesshi with ryo-chan :P
errr, i dunno what's with me today. i can't seem to think of anything to do. it's like my mind's a total blank while i'm in front of the pc. i can't decide if i should watch something, or if i should read more fics (i'm still a bit lazy when it comes to those things so in the end i didn't, hehe). i'm also not in the mood to read any jwebs. what IS up with me? i seriously feel like i'm just floating and can't settle on anything to do. i just occupied myself by pigging out on cheese. yes, we are again running out on food, and the 'rents won't be home till sunday -_-
plus, my pc being gay for the nth time. so i decided to burn some files and free my harddrive (since i was thinking that maybe it's the reason why the pc's being it's sick self lately). i have to buy more blank cds.
and just when i was feeling really lazy, i realized that the 2 'yume no kazu dake ai ga umareru' clips are missing in my ipod. there were 50 files in itunes, but only 48 in my ipod! being the paranoid that i am, i can't just let this go. i had to put them back in my ipod (w/c cost me 2 pc restarts, sifting thru a number of cds to look for the original files, and deleting some mp3s in itunes since it now reached the limit). in the end, i was mentally tired -_- but at least now i am at ease.
when i was making my way back to the sjphils forum, i accidentally stumbled into the old forum, w/c made me feel nostalgic. i miss the old times...
uwaah~ i know i said days earlier that i was ok with tegoshi's new hair but after seeing more caps, i'm thinking otherwise. now i seriously want him to go back to the darker hair color. onegai, please change it back!!! and speaking of hair, i'm growing really impatient waiting for pics of pi's new hair...but still no new pic has turned up. kyaaaa! pi started filming for the kurosagi movie days ago. whee, i'm so excited to see more of yamaki :D
i have recently started to listen to songs from the older generation of JE groups, and i think i'm liking koichi (from kinki kids), and tsubasa (from T&T)...still haven't had enough energy to explore more on tokio, V6, smap, kanjani8 (why am i finding it hard to like k8???)...
gah, my mind's just muddled with too much ryotego thoughts...
oh, i amost forgot to mention...we have 2 new kittens! who are new crying noisily -_-
yabai, i have been surfing for almost 3 hours. i have accidentally left the clavicle splint in my room. i used to wear it everytime i have to sit for long hours to keep my back straight, and prevent it from aching. but i was too lazy to come get it since my room's a long way from where i am. and now my back hurts T_T
手越祐也の彼女@11:53 PM
Sunday, September 2, 2007
fate stepped in and...
fancy words for a title...but it was actually meant for the other day, only i wasn't able to post anything bcoz my pc just suddenly decided to turn gay on me, and kept on restarting by itself. so in the end i gave up on going online and just occupied myself with real life stuff. by that i mean chores of course LOL
going back a couple of days, yes fate did step in. just when i decided to dedicate the whole day online, another hand was working against it as if a higher entity (or maybe it was my conscience gaining too much power) was mildly telling me to do what i should be doing. yes, i truly believe that my pc was meant to turn gay so i could address a pressing problem---the laundry!!! so with a big sigh, i stood up and went to wash a month's worth of soiled clothes. having learned from the last experience, i was thinking better and used gloves this time, to prevent harming my hands (since last time it was so sore, and even had cuts from scrubbing)...only i didn't have gloves for washing and used the surgical ones (the ones i use when i do any dental procedure) instead, hehe. good thing it was durable enough and didn't tear at all. it took me 3 hours to get done. good thing, my ever reliable ipod was keeping me sane the whole time. it was blasting like disco, i'm surprised none of my neighbors are complaining :P more surprisingly, my body didn't hurt when i expected it (judging from the last time). maybe it had gotten used to the strain it went through when i cleaned my room days earlier. although i admit my inner thighs feel a bit sore but aside from that my other muscles were mum. they weren't screaming the way they used to :D
yesterday i was kinda panicking bcoz i accidentally locked myself out of my room. i was thinking of where else i could sleep, and felt like crying bcoz i don't wanna sleep anywhere else but in my own bed, with all my pillows and plushies -_- luckily, my brother proved to be not entirely useless. he went all 'gone in 60 seconds' and managed to open my locked room using his prepaid card! and i thought that stuff only works in the movies o_O now, i'm not all that at ease even when i have my door locked *paranoid*
i tried this new 'clear' shampoo and i like it. somehow my hair just feels nice and smells nice too. i guess i was just getting tired of my old shampoo, hehe. w/c reminds me how ppl were talking about tsubaki shampoo the other day. LOL as if i'd go to such lengths as order online for shampoo just bcoz pi uses it or something. i'm not the type who'd go out of my way for that.
ehem, fangirling days seem to be incomplete if i don't hear or see or read anything about tegoshi. he has easily just become a part of my everyday habit, as i am always looking for new (and even old) stuff on him. but just unawarely going through vids, i got lucky! some of the stuff i really wanted to see presented themselves to me, one after the other! it's as if the tegoshi-kami-sama was actually giving me a hand :D
finally, i saw the 24hr terebii episode where tegoshi went to peru to recreate (or try copying) the nazca geoglyphs w/c was some deaf kid's dream. i was touched when he talked to the kid using sign language, it was so nice of him to go the extra mile and try communicating with the kid in his terms. come to think of it, i have actually seen those geoglyphs when we were in shenzhen last winter. it was a little behind the easter island attraction, but i wasn't able to take a picture with the nazca lines, too bad. that window of the world experience was really great. i really want to go back. i wasn't able to explore everything but we had to go back to hongkong the same day, so we were a bit time-constrained. if given a chance, i absolutely wanted to go back. anyways, back to tegoshi (there i go again, i got sidetracked LOL) it was amazing to see the end-result of all the digging and scraping on the dusty ground. it was amazing how the lines are created. 24 hr terebii is such a nice show, sometimes too touching w/ all the handicapped ppl's little dreams they help fulfill. and might i add, tegoshi pwns that ugly yellow shirt LOL
also saw that ya-ya-yah episode where tegoshi cried a little from all the drama. the family was going through a truly touching moment (the parents got married for the 2nd time, i dunno it was somehow thru the request of their kids, and they were giving each other messages). it was quite sweet. and tegoshi just couldn't stop getting emotional, heehee. it was cute when they made puppy-flowers, and yabu's puppy looked lopsided LOL. and the cake! rawr, it made me hungry :P
still on the ya-ya-yah topic. also saw that other onigokko episode, this time w/ shige and koyama in addition to yayayah and tegomass. shoon wasn't in it this time, he was monitoring with midori and yuto. i just wanna say, tegoshi just sucks at this. he got caught so fast, again :P and massu really runs fast haha. too bad he got caught this time. hikaru just hides his way again. everyone was caught save for koyama. i'm impressed. yes, koyama, redeem yourself (since i'm feeling less love towards him nowadays) LOL
i just wanna say how i envy tinny. if you didn't know who tinny is, she's tegoshi's girlfriend! LOL, it's actually his dog, w/c he spoils a lot and spend so much money on. and she's tegoshi's girlfriend. haha, i have to start reminding myself not to go loco everytime he mentions the word 'girlfriend', bcoz he's actually just talking about his dog (thank goodness for dogs, they keep the JE boys un-lonely, hehe). it's about the ONLY time when i'm actually relieved he has a girlfriend!!! tegoshi and tinny, zutto! LOL
yay! i finally finished gachi baka last night (technically earlier, 4:30am-ish, hehe). i decided to just watch until the last episode no matter how long it took me. i must say i came to like it more than i expected, considering i kinda ditched it months ago to watch other doramas. well, i can't blame myself since i was in a kinda boring part at that time. hmm, i seem to notice that the good dramas mostly start in a boring way (just like nobuta wo produce), well for me it was boring at that time. but as it progresses, i'm finding myself liking it, once i got over the fact that tegoshi and massu both liked kana (*dies*) what was nice about the story is that it didn't just focus on tegomass only (since kouta's friends are cute too, hehe), it also focused on the other students and practically addressed all possible teenage and school-related problems. and the gonta has his own charm, how crying just comes so easily to him who is an ex pro-boxer. i would've thought he would be all tough, but i guess he's mostly soft. and the best part was...kana didn't end up with either minoru (tegoshi) or kouta (massu)! yay! it all ended well :P
tegoshi's new hair color is getting a lot of wild reactions LOL at least it not really sooo blond, like honey or strawberry blond. it's still close to brown. gah, i like his hair before that (esp in the itteQ episode-yoyo trick). the brown one plus the cut, it makes him look so adorable like a kid. but seeing him now...WTF??? he seriously looks prettier in my eyes. lighter hair color makes him look tan (w/c i still haven't figured out if it's a good thing or a bad thing). yeah, go back to darker hair color, be obedient and do what oneechan says! haha, but despite that i still love him much. i mean come on, it's still him! :P
saw massu's part in 'hontou ni atta kowai hadashi'. it was pretty scary, esp when the ghost was against massu's window 'waaaaaah, get away from there massu!'. but then, i'm kinda immune to scary stuff so nothing surprises me anymore :P massu looks so fine in it anyway, like 'damn, he can actually be hot!' haha. unfortunately it didn't have any subs so i was clueless during their conversations...
got hold of koyashige's 'chirarizumu' lyrics and...*SHOCK* i had no idea the song was perverted! haha, they were kinda daring to actually sing it. i wouldn't have thought it was ero just looking at the dance (well, maybe a little). it pwns massu's pumpkin! i wonder who between the two had a clever idea to make it ero (even tho i'm sure it was a joint thing, but there has to be a mastermind) wahaha! koyashige are peeping toms! LOL now i only have to look for 'kakao' lyrics and the mp3 to 'road'.
links to shige's translated jwebs. i didn't know he's fond of writing essays, and i only read one! *headdesk* i'm getting a nosebleed from too much brains. his subtle ways of thanking fans from all over the world was sweet, he managed to do it w/o being too revealing, hontouni sugoi shige! i only wished i could've been part of that fanbook, but apparently i was still ignorant of their existence at that time -_- shige's just the type of person who makes me wanna do something, and not be on the sidelines for once. for a fangirl, i'm really the lazy type *hides* and his entry on his b-day. it was sweet of tegoshi to call him and enthusiastically greet him (i love tegoshi more for that). koyama and massu sent him mail, and pi forgot O_o and remembered only days after LOL he must really have a lot on his mind :P from now on i'll make it a point to read wagahai entries as much as i can. maybe some of shige's IQ would rub off on me, hehe (errr, i don't really believe that XD)
as i was still surfing, i stumbled upon that gymnastic clip marga dongsaeng was talking about back at the cook-out. it was indeed funny. pi and toma looked young. toma's turn was sooo funny. i was actually embarrassed (and wincing) for him. i wanted him to stop haha. matsujun's turn was funny too esp the end when he was sprawled on the foam. pi did ok. but nino was...sugoi!!! he was almost perfect...kyaaaa, lately i'm liking takaki yuya from hey!say!7...seriously, how many yuyas can i like?
huhu, i wasn't able to watch anything on crunchy today, since my pc is so unpredictable. it's a miracle if i even successfully post this entry...
an end to make my day complete...a pic of young tegoshi! tell me you didn't think the kid in the picture was a girl! agfdjghrskjilasdfgh LOL
uwaaah~ our cat's having kittens at the moment!
手越祐也の彼女@10:29 PM
Saturday, September 1, 2007
massu made me clean my room
*3 hours after* type-type-type
haha, that's how long it took me to actually start this post...i thought i would update myself just a LITTLE but then got caught up with watching tegoshi vids at youtube (yay! i'm finally watching itteQ nazca episode since the one i dled won't play grrr), then i got caught up again in tegoshi's thread (in fact i'm not even halfway done). so i thought i might as well stop for a bit and get back to posting before i completely lose myself in all those tegoshi related stuff :P
ahhh, yes. i spent most of my day cleaning my room. i finally had the conviction of addressing the problem that's my room (or jungle, as what my dad calls it LOL). as expected it took me a long time to get everything done. when i looked at the clock it was already 10:30 pm. i ate dinner at 11, and finally took a bath at 12am. i actually ditched getting online for one whole day bcoz of it. well, i really just had to get it over with since lately massu's face would keep nagging me. hehe, at least being a fangirl had some positive effect on me (contrary to what my dad always says). see? massu actually influenced me (or rather gave me the necessary push) since i was considering cleaning my room sometime this week and just didn't have enough drive to stand up and do it. i feel sore all over--the muscles in my entire body (esp my feet, arms, back, shoulder areas), they all hurt. and my eyelids and cheeks are smarting and sore as well from my excessive rubbing (due to itch, since i am allergic to dust). and to top it all off, my nose was of course getting hyperactive, sneezing every now and then, and running like a faucet i had to stop whatever i was doing at the moment to get a tissue. it was so tiring bearing all those heavy boxes and ridding my room of the dust. i even found 2 dead reptiles (geckos seem to really like dying in always the same spot) under my bed, and 2 live ones on my walls (grrrrrr). i was more than happy to exorcise the dirty and dusty and smelly demons out of my room!
and now i feel beat. it's as if i had run a marathon. my muscles are screaming for a massage!
i finally managed to watch c.s.i. las vegas (while taking time-off from cleaning session) for the first time since the timeslot changed. i guess i was too accustomed to the usual wednesday schedule or i was too busy with online stuff that it took me this long to finally see an episode. i missed these guys. i don't think i'll ever get tired of watching this kind of drama. and as if i was drawn to the tv, i watched criminal minds as well. it's good that they put same genres in one day :)
LOL, i tormented myself by starting my weekend with a sore body -_- it's really starting to hurt now (the effect of straining oneself is starting to kick in). i wish i have my own personal masseuse that i can call anytime T_T i had also conveniently forgotten my clavicle splint in my room (i usually wear it to keep my back straight when i go online, so now my back hurts more than it should) TT_TT
the 'rents have gone to the orphanage again. these past few months they rarely go home, and when they do, they don't stay that long. so most of the time it's just me and my brother at home, plus our cat and 3 dogs.
we had a power failure earlier. i was in the middle of rearranging my stuff and putting them back to their respective places. i thought 'great, at this rate, i'm never going to get anything done'. good thing it only lasted for less than an hour so i was able to go on working. and good thing the k-chan w/ tegoshi audio dl was done minutes ago so i wasn't really worrying. i figured if the electricity doesn't come back, i'd just go to slepp, since i'm exhausted anyway. but it came back, that's why i'm still up (fighting the urge to doze off, since i wanted to watch one more gachi baka episode, and tegoshi in peru) :P
yay! the last russ-k CM is finally out (the one with all the members). saw it on youtube (since my friggin' connection is being gay and won't let me dl a 10mb file. it just keeps redirecting me grrrr). i remember just thinking how pi was like in his own little world (and i'm really getting tired of seeing him with a scarf around his neck), and starting to really like ryo's outfit (it pwns), massu and shige jumping around LOL massu seriously reminded me of a clown :P
last night i watched 'keeping mum' with the 'rents. it stars maggie smith (the lady who acted as professor mcgonagall in HP. i love her since 'secret garden' w/c was like 11 years ago). it was quite funny, since she was an escaped murderer. she would just randomly kill ppl who are getting on her daughter's family's way. and rowan atkinson! haha, i see him talking again in this film. then i went to my room and watched deuce bigalow 2 (my dad lent me a month ago, and i only found the time to watch it last night). i thought i already saw it before, but i actually haven't. LOL it was hilarious how they even have associations for manwhores :P and the manwhore murderer, haha...
back to tegoshi's itteQ. actually saw this little clip of him doing a yoyo trick and sugoi!!! he actually managed to do it. and there he goes laughing again. i honestly haven't seen a guy laugh like him before. it's really a sight! he really loves to show off his 'pearly whites', hehe. i really can't blame him, having nice teeth like that. but i found my eyes reverting to his arms and how it's all smooth. he has such a nice skin, it's like glowing, and a healthy color. sheesh, he sure does have good genes. his parents really did well. i only hoped they made more pretty children (since tegoshi's an only child w/c explains why he's spoiled and pampered and accdg to him 'harmlessly self-centered', his mom doesn't have any other kids to take care of) :P but anyways back to his laugh (kyahaha i really tend to go off topic), it's infectious. just seeing him laugh makes me laugh too (even if it's bcoz i'm too amused with him). but still, i think it's great if one person affects another person in a positive way. see dad? fangirling's not all that bad XD
eeeek, it's past 5am and i still haven't watched gachi baka or 24hr terebii!!! ouch, my arms... T_T and i just saw a cap of tegoshi kissing a girl in hyoten! ouch, my heart... TT_TT *sigh* gotta stop getting affected like this. i don't own him and i never will. i wish i'd just learn how to fangirl with a limit -_-
手越祐也の彼女@2:15 AM
you have stumbled upon my blog~ the chocoholic's refuge
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>mole under left eye
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>learn how to bake
>bungee jump
>vacation to japan, thailand, korea
>go to a NewS concert
>my own tegoshi yuya XD
>more ryotego fics
>tegoshi singing nino's niji
-itteQ-tegoshi eps
-massu's 'musashi'
-pi's 'byakkotai'
-ie ga tooi-news epi
-kei's high school musical
-kei's 'nurse aoi'
-kisarazu cat's eye
-princess d
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+ nicole kidman + charlize theron + sandra bullock + anne hathaway + alexis bledel + evan rachel wood + amanda bynes + alexa vega + rachel mcadams + uma thurman + leelee sobieski + eliza dushku + emily browning + emma watson + dakota fanning + annasophia robb + alicia morton + kate maberly + mia maestro + jennifer connelly + paz vega + emmanuelle chriqui + hilary duff + marisa tomei + helena bonham carter + amber tamblyn + julia stiles + meredith bishop + thora birch + jessica alba + kristin kreuk + sara paxton + monica keena + katie holmes + marley shelton + camilla bell + angelina jolie + milla jovovich + amanda seyfried +
++ choi jiwoo + song hyegyo + jeon jihyun + son yehjin + goo hyejin + park shinhye + go ara + han jimin + lee yeonhee + bae seulgi (the reds) + ayumi (sugar) + song jihyo + yoon eunhye (baby vox) + han chaeyoung + kim taehee + han jihye + park bom + park heebon (milk) + kim bomi (milk) + chaeyeon + nam sangmi + cats + kara + lina and sunday (csjh) + sunye (wg) + kim ah-jung + uhm hyunkyung + yoo hyunyoung + choi sooyoung + han gain + kim junghwa + go eunah + goo hyesun + jung ryeowon (chakra) + kang junghwa + so yihyun + jo jungrin + kim ok-bin + eunseong + min seohyeon +
+++ nakashima mika + aoi miyazaki + horikita maki + toda erika + aragaki yui + shida mirai + uno misako + ueto aya + ueno juri + kashii yu + ito misaki + maya miki + ayase haruka + karina + narumi riko + kato rosa + naka riisa + esumi makiko + ito yuna + mimura + leah dizon + kiritani mirei + aoi yu +
++++ twins + miriam yeung + angelica lee + jolin tsai + rainie yang + niki chow + race wong + yumiko cheng + isabella leong + joey yung + stephy tang + janice wei vidal + vivian hsu +
+++++ maja salvador + erich gonzales + vaness del moral + jennica garcia +