LOL, please don't take that seriously. it's more of an expression than the actual feeling i'm having right now, but it's close, hehe. but if u might be wondering, here's why...
i am in pain!!! i'm in my 2nd red day, and it feels like hell. my whole body aches, and it makes me desperate for a full body massage!!! not to mention i woke up reaaaaally late (say 5:30pm), managing to skip 2 meals (breakfast and lunch). so pretty much i feel like sh*t when i woke up (LOL, i didn't even get to see sunlight). maybe one of these days i'd just morph into a bat.
this girl from d-addicts and lj saw NewS coming inside the JE building in japan!!! *dies914217538times* yeah, i might have mentioned it before, but dang, i still can't get over how lucky she was. i'm sure words can't even half describe the actual experience of seeing them for real. she saw tegoshi-chan IN THE FLESH!!! TT_TT
i decided to start watching gachi baka again (i got stuck on episode one last time, and then got caught up with other doramas) since i saw those caps of tegomass with that girl...yes, that girl. i seriously wonder what it is she has that she gets to work with droolable guys (first it was hiro on 'kanojo to no tadashii asobikata', and then tegomass!!!) *me in a deathly green hue*
i'm hungry and there's nothing left to eat in this house!!! huhu, i can not survive not eating, it's making me all the more depressed...i might blow up and storm into a grocery store any minute.
whee~ an angel translated news' popolo interview (for october 2007's issue) w/c talks about them remembering the past 4 years they had together. it was really touching, seeing how they have become closer over the years. looking back when they first debuted when they never really got along (being suddenly just thrown in to a group). they never had the chance to bond before the debut, and were too much of a stranger to each other. no wonder some members thought of giving up, and stuff like it's (the group) not going to work. but seeing them now, so close and comfortable with each other makes me very happy. and hearing them affirm it just makes me happier.
i agree with ryo. tegoshi's change was really surprising. i couldn't stretch enough how much he has changed over time. from the way he looks, the way he acts, and especially the way he dances. tegoshi was talking about how getting into NewS and debuting was really a surprise to him. who wouldn't be? he was just training for under a year and suddenly he's being told to debut (w/c was amazing to me). johnny really has a good eye and foresight...uwaaah~ that taiwanese fan! tegoshi still remembers her after all these years. well, she really did say some encouraging words that stuck with him. i guess, thanks to her he kind of had the courage to go on. i wish i can do that, be an inspiration to someone, someone who is remembered bcoz of a her good deed/words.
they also talked about funny experiences--like stripping koyama, and ryo trying to make massu cry, hehe. massu was being his usual self, i can't ever see him as a serious guy. even at times when he's serious, he still makes me laugh. it's as if the word 'baka' is permanently written on his forehead. his face alone is enough to make you smile/laugh (not that he has a stupid face). he's just one of those persons who are naturally genki, all the time.
so NewS, continue doing your best, and good luck on your taiwan concert this october!
i'm excited for the 29th. the new single is said to be released, although i still doubt about the reality of it all. i've seen a couple of cms that supposedly has the song 'change the world' and i can only hope it rings true. it has been a while since 'hoshi wo mezashite'. *sigh* they make me wanna own a credit card. heck, they make me wanna move in japan!!! specifically in kanagawa, in tegoshi-chan's neighborhood (haha yeah, i'm not much of a stalker) :P
i finally saw hana-kimi episode 8. i must say it's one of my favorite episodes. i love how shun is in this episode, wanting to protect mizuki, and looking cute suits him, hehe. the photoshoot with more hiro exposure (yay!). we also see more of kagurazaka (who is acting weird). i wonder if he's like turning gay, and might be falling for sano....wahahaha!!! i can't imagine someone like him acting like that. but he sure is hot *hides from u-kun lovers* plus all the random funny moments (like kayashima singing, and the dorm 3's miming stint)...but most of all, nakatsu telling sano he likes mizuki!!! *squeal* i never thought that day would come. and to add to that, i think sano's starting to like mizuki as well (at least i think he is, judging from his actions). kyaaaaa! i just saw caps from episode 9, and hiro is looking more like tendou (from kamen rider)!!! oh yeah, nanba-hotness!!! can't wait for subs :D
now i better get back to watching lovecom, ouran high, tantei gakuen Q, and gachi baka...and then i can finally sleep :P
手越祐也の彼女@12:11 AM
Monday, August 27, 2007
shige's essay
i just couldn't help but post this :P (thanks to whoever translated this!)
------------- #16: Myojo 2007-10 - Dislike
Everyone has things they like. This may be food, flowers or music, or lovers. To each its own. There are as many favourite things as there are people. But the opposite is also true, everyone has things they dislike. In this, as well, to each its own. There are as many disliked things as there are people.
Following this, it applies to me too. For example, on location or during photo shoots, I'm often asked about food I dislike. At these times, I always answer: "I can't eat pumpkin, or red bean paste, sweet and thick things like sweet potatoes and the like." I really hate them, it's true that I think, "why are they so thick when they are sweet!?" [Note: "thick" like "thick soup"], but it's also true that there are some things I am set to complain about because I was asked the question too often. As for the other members, Koyama will always answer, "Tomatoes.", while Massu will say, "I don't like insects and birds, basically all living beings except for humans!" I expect it's the same for the other members. And I have the feeling that everytime I answer, I start hating pumpkin and red bean paste anew. If I should talk about my likes and dislikes apart from food, basically I don't like to watch any films but Japanese ones. It's extreme, but I rarely watch western films which seem so explosive, I end up feeling that they are less movies and more attractions than anything else. Even among Japanese movies, I especially like movies which seem a bit lackluster, where the plot moves along with a slow speed. Ever since I noticed this, I started watching even more exclusively Japanese movies. But in a way, this is like auto-suggestion. Do I really dislike pumpkin? Do I really dislike red bean paste? Do I really dislike watching western movies? Isn't it so that I just randomly decide what to add to my dislikes? Creating these dislikes, what's the point to that, I wonder. If you're doing it at all, convince yourself so that you become able to like the things you dislike, and like the things you like even more. If you do this, you'll be able to live surrounded by things you like. Wouldn't this be a very happy life?
I actually think that this is possible. Imagine there's a girl you like a bit, but don't really love, but to your friends you lightly say, "That girl, I really like her~". When you repeat this again and again, even though you only liked her a bit in the beginning, before you know it you'll end up loving her... I think there are people who experienced this.
Be it things you like or be it things you dislike, if you taste them even if you don't think you like them, you'll slowly be able to realize what you really think of them, and if you put your thoughts into words, these thoughts and feelings will become even stronger. Auto-suggestion. In a way, it's scary. But well, since it's still only suggestion, there's a limit to it. If you really dislike something, you dislike it, I guess. Massu won't forever be able to live together with any other living beings but humans, I guess. The auto-suggestion which I find scary isn't that, it's "hating without trying". Disliking something without tasting it, disliking something without giving it a look, disliking something without trying to do it. Isn't this auto-suggestion, just based on an idea you have of something? There's the thing of eating something you used to dislike and now realizing you like it. This may have to do with growing up, too, but it might also be that from the beginning, you didn't dislike the thing as much as you thought you did.
Until now, I shaped the world to my idea of it, and then I realized I could only live in a small, small place. Even though being twenty years old is something that people call being adult. What a waste, isn't it. From now on I will return to the state of a baby who doesn't know anything, and absorb various things, I feel that this way for the first time I will be able to really grow up. I'll turn away from things like useless auto-suggestion, and if I manage to live staying true to myself, without a doubt this will be pure happiness.
So, should I watch a Hollywood movie while eating red bean paste?
*awe* he's just absolutely brilliant, ne?
手越祐也の彼女@7:54 PM
stretch the day
and suddenly it's night. time flies by so fast. a while ago i was still eating lunch and now the sun has set. i feel like i've been robbed of a few precious hours -_-
the last two days seem to be a blur (as i cannot completely remember whatever it is i did)...i have been hunting for more news pics (actually went through 110+ pages of their thread at soompi w/c took me hours). i'm saving tegoshi's and notti's more (yeah, blame me for being biased). seeing more and more notti pics just makes me fall for him more. i'm totally thinking that had he not voluntarily withdrawn from news, tegoshi might not be my current ichiban. even now that i still have no idea what's up with notti (he seemed to be silent again after playzone), i still think of him a lot, and listen to his solos (w/c have been a staple in my LSS playlist). a classic example of the saying 'absence makes the heart grow fonder', just when i thought i have the opposite take on these things. i seem to be more on the forgetting side, but notti is my big exception.
finally, after much resistance, i have resigned myself, went off and joined a pinoy forum for news fans. i was thinking then that not joining one is my own little way of staying loyal to suju in a way, but then i have come to the realization that i might be hurting them instead for raving about news, and i think it's getting inappropriate for me to carry on fangirling on news in a suju forum. so yeah, i finally decided to put boundaries and became an official member of newsph (i now dub thee, my 3rd home). in that way i won't unnecessarily talk of unrelated things anymore. it feels good to finally talk about news among fellow fans. and now i can talk about only suju stuff in sjphils. so i think it's now a win-win situation :D
went to check my ym and who did i see? margalicious and queenerrific!!! i both miss them so much. i wanted to go to manila so i can meet queen. and surprisingly dongsaeng went and joined newsph too! i thought she wouldn't have time bcoz she really has a lot of things going on aside from school. so then on our first night in newsph, we spammed like heck, haha...i miss those days when G3 would stay and keep watch over sjphils (and queen kinda whined over ym how me and marga have deserted her) it's carried over to the new forum. LOL, ppl are kinda surprised we managed to make those many posts in a short span of time. haha, we are such addicts! and so, i managed to again stay unbelievably late. i feel like my head was somewhere else when i woke up from sleep. but yeah, i'm looking forward to more 'bangag moments' with akemi/dongsaeng and new OL friends over at newsph :D
yippee! i finally got myself to finish shige's S.P.R.I.N.G. mag interview. i feel like we're becoming more and more like each other every time. we must have been twins in the past life, hehe. the thing about him being forgetful just hits me. i was like 'me too! me too!' while reading it. and then i read his essay as well (the one i have failed to read for 2 consecutive nights that made me wanna pull my hair!). sugoiiiiiii, shige-kun's just reeking smarts. everything he said just makes sense. i was practically nodding my head repeatedly the whole time. what he said about auto-suggestion...hating without's just sooo true. i tend to do that sometimes, i go say i don't like something even though i haven't tried it, then when i do i realize it's not really that bad, and oftentimes even end up liking it. shige-kun really has an amazing skill of observing things. he has such great insights. it's hard to believe all of it's coming from him when he could be so silly sometimes. well, he really is boygenius, and i love him all the more!
it puzzles me how i can see news as more like adults and suju as more like kids. i mean there really is no age difference. maybe it's also bcoz suju projects the image of always being young, and sometimes i couldn't take them seriously. yeah, sometimes i do get tired of the aegyo and just wish they'd act their age. but uh-oh, why am i making comparisons between these two? *erase erase* i love them both on different levels. i should learn how to separate my fangirlisms.
i got my period today, greaaaaat...NOT!!! and coincidentally it falls on a monday w/c i hate too. i dunno why my dislike for week-starters that started when i was in school (monday means 'oh no, school again!' to me) just stuck to me. even now that i'm done with school i still don't like it when the weekends end.
i wonder if my parents are coming home today. still no update. err, i wish they'd stay at the orphanage a few days more. i still haven't gotten myself to watch tegoshi's 24hr terebii cut (hjsplit is being a pain). and i wanted to copy tegoshi's 'you' lyrics from watching the vid (since i couldn't find lyrics anywhere). and i wanted to watch everything from the news dvd again (and again, to start noticing cute and funny little details) :P i have temporarily stopped dorama/movie watching these past days. i wasn't in the mood lately, and most of the time i'm preoccupied with something else anyway.
手越祐也の彼女@6:14 PM
Saturday, August 25, 2007
not much
hmmm, i feel like i don't have anything much to write about (considering my earlier posts pretty much covered everything), and updates have been surprisingly moving slow today, not much activity anywhere, so i'm finding myself lurking at crunchyroll again :P
last night i tried cooking 'inun-unan' (in cebuano)/'pinamalhan' (in ilonggo) for the first time. i dunno the english term for it but it's basically fish (i prefer high grade ones like tangigue or bangus) cooked in vinegar. my dad cooks it really well, and i wanted to see if i can make one that's yummy as well. so there i was blindly putting the ingredients into the clay pot (w/c we especially use). i had no idea if i was putting too little or too much since i don't really trust my tastebuds (hehe). good thing it turned out good, but still not as good as my dad's but pretty good for a first-timer. no wonder i have a big appetite :D
and finally, after so long, i managed to get myself to scan some of the pics from my hongkong vacation. i was still a little lazy so there are still tons left. and i can't write about the trip itself yet bcoz it would require me to reminisce and will use up all my energy, hehe. i hope i'd get to just sit down and get it over with SOON.
as much as i wanted to post newer pics, i couldn't bcoz i don't own a dika and my dad rarely (or should i say never) lets me borrow his. plus i can't transfer my phone pics since i encountered some problem (i have absolutely no idea what it is about) while installing the motorola software, and couldn't fix it T_T installing bluetooth can probably solve the problem, if only i can find the time to hunt for one (but until now i haven't), and i barely get out of the house.
NewS related stuff--just read some mag interview yesterday (so far only pi, ryo, tegoshi, and massu's are translated). they had to give words that start with letters S.P.R.I.N.G. and explain why. my thoughts--[on tegoshi] where is the carefree and funny kid i used to know??? i swear he really grew up so suddenly to me. sometimes when i read his interview i feel weirded out bcoz most of the time i couldn't beleive it was coming from him. but i loved what he said about NewS *touched* [on pi] LOL, seems like pi's preoccupied with ryo, 90% of the answers had ryo in it :P [on ryo] he surprised me. i don't see sensitive ryo that often, but just realized that he is actually someone who can be gentle and sincere. [on massu] LMAO, he really loves pumpkin!!! being asked to write a song and automatically wrote about FOOD!!! 99% of his answers were about food and clothes! massu never ceases to amuse me :P
pi's latest jweb entry talked about him going to the dentist. i dunno but that really makes me glad. maybe bcoz i'm one of those fans who are slightly bothered by his teeth. well, i have good reason, since i'm a dentist (technically) and it's natural for me to aim for people to improve/treat their teeth. he talked about how the anesthesia was wearing off and feeling pain (hehe). i wonder if he acts tough at the dentist. you can't tell how a person would behave just by looking at them. i've seen many men shrink at the sound of a running handpiece or at the sight of a syringe!!! i wonder what procedure was done on him, i really couldn't assume anything since there are lots of treatments that require anesthetics (yes, it's not just surgery). i'm just glad at the thought that 'something' is done. whatever it is, it's an improvement in his part.
手越祐也の彼女@4:14 PM
HK pics
FINALLY, i have found the time to scan and post these...looooong overdue pics from last christmas :P
ocean park (aberdeen) window of the world (shenzhen) disneyland (tung chung) tian tan buddha statue (lantau island) airport
~ahhh, i wanna go back there...
手越祐也の彼女@1:11 AM
Friday, August 24, 2007
snow express
it is sooooo not obvious that i'm inlove with this song right now *bgmusic* LOL
well yeah I AM!!! i wasn't even aware this song existed until i saw the NewS dvd...normally i was just looking out for my old faves like cherish, fiesta (lovelovelove it!!!), izanaizuki (shige's hand LOL), pi's gomen ne juliet (with ryotego on the sides)...but snow express blew me away, i can't even stop watching the perf over and over again. and when i go to sleep it's the one i always play first :P pi's rap is smexy and tegoshi's voice is amazing as always...i dunno, i just wanted to post the lyrics up all of a sudden. i got it from two sources (both from lj) and kinda combined it to fit my liking. well, here goes...
-------------- Snow Express - NewS
[Massu] Sotto me wo tojite Kokoro hiraki na yo (Gently close your eyes and open your heart) Koori tsuita mune tokete yuku (I'll thaw your frozen heart)
[Koyama] Basu wa tomaranai Kyaku wa bokutachi dake (The bus isn't stopping, and we're the only ones on board) Katamuku tsukikage kakeru SNOW EXPRESS (The SNOW EXPRESS that the moonlight shines on)
[Yamapi] Yakusoku no kisetsu Shinkirou yureru chiheisen (It's the promised season; it's the horizon upon which a mirage flickers) Aishiteru to tashikameaou Nando mo (Let's confirm our love for each other, over and over again)
Toiki wo tsuku Suki mo nai hodo daite (Your breath comes out in a sigh as we embrace as if no space exists between us) Sakana mitai yorisotte Yurete nemurou (Like how fish nestle together, let's sway together and fall asleep) Toki wa tomari Kodomo no yume no you ni (Time comes to a standstill, as if in a child's dream) Hikari no naka Tondeyuku (Let's fly off into the light) Mafuyu no SNOW EXPRESS (During mid-winter on board the SNOW EXPRESS) SNOW EXPRESS (Upon the SNOW EXPRESS)
[Yamapi's rap] Yuki geshiki no naka fushigi na ishiki (A strange sense in the snowy landscape) It's my mind (It's my mind) Kono white kisu maitsu dakishimeru toki no gu kono omoi maji kana omoi (The tool for holding you tight between this white kiss is thinking about this heavy feeling) Kimi to nara akinai kono menrai (If it's with you, I'll never get tired of this) misemono no ai nara mou iranai (If it's fake love then I don't want it anymore) kimi daisuki that's shinjitsu no ai (I love you, that's true love) your eyes misezu ni mien anata no light (I can't see the light from your eyes which you won't show) right now sameta ore no My Heart (Right now My heart woke up) mune no nai kotoba mou iranai (I don't want heartless words) kimi wo daisuki no nai hodo dakaretai (Even if you don't like me, I want to be held by you) hold me tight kimi to unma wo notemitai (Hold me tight, I want to ride a horse with you) Snow Express Can I go, we have to go (Snow Express Can I go, we have to go) Ima futari ikou soshite Dakiyamou to wa Kisu shiyou (Let's go, the both of us right now and let's hold onto each other tightly and kiss) Amazing Kiss ah Mezame (Amazing Kiss ah Awaken)
[Tegoshi] Fui ni kuchitzukete Kimi ga mezameru yo (I kiss you, unexpectedly while you sleep and you wake up) Soko wa yakusoku no yume no basho (That's the place we promised we'd be in our dreams)
[Shige] Kimi wa dare yori mo kakegae no nai hito (More than anyone could ever be, you are irreplaceable to me) Nagareru hoshikuzu meguru snow express (The streams of star dust surround the SNOW EXPRESS)
[Ryo] Tokai ni magirete Taisetu na mono wo wasureteta (As we slipped into the city, I forgot something important to me) Mou nidoto hanasanai kara Kono te wo (But I won't ever let go of your hand again)
Mune no kodou Hitotsu ni natte yuku yo (Let our heartbeats beat as one) Hoshi ni natte Eien no ai wo itakou (Let's become stars so we'll be able to attain an eternal love) Toki wa tomari Tenshi no koi no youni (Time comes to a standstill, as if it's the request of the angels) Hikari no naka Kaketeyuku (Let's soar off into the light) Mafuyu no SNOW EXPRESS (Upon the SNOW EXPRESS in mid-winter)
Toiki wo tsuku Suki mo nai hodo daite (Your breath comes out in a sigh as we embrace as if no space exists between us) Sakana mitai yorisotte Yurete nemurou (Like how fish nestle together, let's sway together and fall asleep) Toki wa tomari Kodomo no yume no you ni (Time comes to a standstill, as if in a child's dream) Hikari no naka Tondeyuku (Let's fly off into the light) Mafuyu no SNOW EXPRESS (During mid-winter on board the SNOW EXPRESS) SNOW EXPRESS (Upon the SNOW EXPRESS) -----------
ahhhh, such a beautiful song~
手越祐也の彼女@3:55 PM
huhuuu, i'm having another allergy attack so i feel horrible so early in the day. i so wanna strangle our cat!!! i wish i could just detach my nose temporarily and put it back later...i have to go through another day bearing it T_T
me--typing--stop--sneeze--typing--stop--sneeze sneeze sneeze--- lilintian! bwisit ka nga kuring ka! andaman mo lang kung madakpan ta ka!!! GRRRRR
yesterday i was so excited to read the news about tegoshi's new drama, and then i saw a picture...and OMG!!! i almost fell off my seat! it was weirdly funny!!! it took me a while to compose myself and think rationally again. it made me remember how massu looked in 'musashi' (taong grasa LOL i really wanted to drag him to the bathroom) w/c i think was waaaay funnier. i was thinking if pi (from byakkotai), massu (from musashi), and tegoshi (from shabake) would get together it would be THE BOMB!!! my stomach really hurt from laughing too much. just remembering it makes me laugh again. i mean i shouldn't have been so surprised, after all they did say it was a 'period' drama (w/c means the time setting being hundreds of years ago) so they had to make him look like someone from that era. heehee, tegoshi slightly bald (but of course it was just the wig) and wearing a kimono LMAO...i have a feeling i'm gonna love this drama :P
i thought i struck gold when i found this audiobook of harry potter and the deathly hollows...until i actually listened to it. i had a hard time keeping my focus on it, and most of the time i thought i was just listening to some random mumbling. firstly-listening to someone narrate isn't as much fun as reading the book itself (at least u do it at your own pace). secondly, listening to british accent *ears bleed* i practically had to go back a lot of times to get it. lastly, i was never a good listener, i mean i really have a hard time just listening attentively (even way back in college when the profs would go on and on about the lecture). the two things that are sure to make me fall asleep--listening to lectures and studying!
i finally finished watching tegoshi's minidrama (only 4 episodes) '15 Sai no Blues' after 3 nights of putting it off. at the beginning there was one scene (tegoshi staring at the flower he always carries around) where i thought i was seeing kim junghoon instead! there was also one instance while i was icon-hunting (hehe) and tegoshi and junghoon's icons were beside each other, they could have easily been brothers! can't believe junghoon is 7 years older!!! okay, back to the drama--again, it was not just another ordinary drama (well, ok maybe it is :P) i mean in a sense that kouhei (tegoshi's character) seemed to be a part of a dysfunctional (can i say dead? LOL) family. i seriously thought 'what is up with these people?' soooo lifeless. then there's this flower-obsession of his. i swear he looks at flowers so much in this drama (reaaaaally too much) at one point in the movie i even wished i could be a potted plant in his room, haha! then, he bites his nails when he's nervous, and then suddenly wreaks havoc, and how can i forget mentioning his stalker-like attitude (taking stolen shots of the girl you like and putting them on your blanket is NOT NORMAL!!!). i really had a hard time getting what all the blues was about. the sensei just keep on saying 'blues, blues, blues' almost had a nosebleed from hearing it too much :P but i looooove emo tegoshi. his character is just too lovable, and i like how he always takes on roles which has depth (totally makes me use my brain to figure them out). he totally should do more acting projects.
i was also watching 'shibuya kaidan 2' (LOL, me and my horror-fetish :P) while watching tegoshi's drama. i can't believe i was able to endure part 1 and part 2 just bcoz of maki!!! at least the second one was better (maki was more the focus) than the first one w/c really screamed horrible acting (there was one scene that's supposed to be really scary but the acting was sooo bad i ended up laughing!). and to my disappointment the ending wasn't any different from the first one. but maki really looks good in dark roles, it really just suits her. i still like her best in 'one missed call final'. i also went and watched it (WITHOUT SUBS) bcoz of jang geunseok but maki made a bigger impression (that was the first time i saw her and thought she was really pretty). it still can't compare to the original 'one missed call'. i have yet to watch 'one missed call 2' with mimura (w/c reminds me of isabel oli in a way).
yay!!! i finally saw NewS' new russ-k CMs (watched it from the russ-k site) and the CM song ('weeeek' yes there are four e's) chosen by greeeen (a jrock band?) and is sung by NewS!!! i love it all!!! the CMs by twos, by threes (the one with all the members not up yet)...i love how massu was just standing and posing while tegoshi was dancing (tegoshi's dancing has REALLY improved since his self-confession in sc abake at being the WORST dancer in NewS)...and koyapi love (they did that thing they did at the concert rehearsal again--koyama jumping into pi w/c looked like they were humping LMAO)...the CM song is nice (the lyrics go 'sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday'--dondakeee?! LOL). i hope a full version comes out soon. everyone would love a new NewS single (w/c i hope is not just a rumor). also saw massu's new food CM with the sub-unit Tu-Yu (formed especially for CMs). his grin was soooo big, i mean why wouldn't he...he's inlove with food, he is practically MARRIED TO FOOD, hahaha!!!
and just when i was retiring to bed i stumbled upon shige caps from the last episode of 'papa to musume no nanokakan'. paksheeeeeeet!!! ROFL. kenta-senpai is so hothothot!!! *evaporates* i momentarily forgot that i am currently inlove with tegonyan :P and i finally got hold of the subbed hanamaru cafe episode with him...kyahaha, now i'm wondering if koyama is really as stupid as shige says (doesn't koyama get offended?). and nana!!! what an angel (daddy shige loves her so much), now i want a dachshund too! shige sleeping sideways bcoz accdg to boygenius ghosts don't come out of the wall ROFL. taking up law just bcoz it sounded kakkoi, LOLOLOL. and how can i forget the expensive underwear, esp the one with 'i am cherry boy' XD
i have been stalking some tegoshi-related ljs and came across an audio of tegoshi in k-chan news. he was imitating someone and singing a song (in an operatic way)!!! and to think that earlier while i was sweeping the frontyard (yes, my mind wanders off while doing these kind of things) i was wondering how he would sound if he like sang a josh groban song. i really couldn't imagine it since he sings most of the high notes in their songs. but then *surprise surprise* he awes me again, he totally can sing it!!! not exactly josh groban but an old japanese song. he was still at it (has moved on to singing HwM still in an operatic voice XD) even when koyama was doing some promotions on air that in the end koyama had shut him up haha! i didn't know the kid is sooo hyper he annoys his senpais at times. well, he could be hyper all he wants, and sing nonstop around me and i won't get bored :D i would gladly trade my brother in exchange for him (they're the same age) even just for a day!
and thanks to tegonyan i now have a thing for winks. he is just so fond of doing it (aka flirting with the camera) *me dies 1000x*. i find my knees going weak at the sight of it :P i hope no guy would read this and use it against me...pi wrote in his jweb that he had gone to the salon to become kurosagi. yay! i'm excited to see it! pi looked so fiiiiiine in his kurosagi days.
lovecom episode 20!!! i wasn't expecting to see it anytime soon so i was really happy when i saw it up on crunchyroll. risa and otani, they're finally out in the open! uwaah~mimi kowai! this drama just keeps getting better. *bobs head to hey!say!7's bon bon*
i finally started updating myself with suju again, the last time i did felt like ages ago. i mean i regularly check the forum but wasn't really checking out things, just lurking i guess. i really am not as active as i used to be -_- well, a LOT has happened to the suju haircut for kibum, heechul, and sungmin *dies* they're all looking more and more manly! they won awards, yay!!! and kyuhyun!!! i so miss him. hope he gets back soon. and yeah, i finally decided to stay married to hae (although i'm still hopscotching w/ tegonyan) :P i couldn't just throw away all those months i have dedicated to suju. i hope i won't lose interest in them anymore...
might as well mention sonyeo shidae since i'm on the kpop topic. they have officially (FINALLY!!!) debuted earlier this month. a 9-member girl group composed of taeyeon (leader), jessica, hyoyeon, yoona, yuri, sooyoung, tiffany, sunny, and seohyun. i think they're ok. the songs are nice, nothing striking (still like cats' song more vocals-wise, and kara for more catchier songs). my fave is tiffany (sooo pretty), then yuri, sooyoung, taeyeon, and seohyun. i thought i'd finally come to like jessica now that they had debuted but i guess i was wrong. ooh and i read hyuk's inlove. is he falling for hyoyeon the 2nd time around? well, if it's true i'm happy for him :) at least they're not forbidden to have relationships like the JE boys (w/c is really sad, they don't even have that luxury). so hyuk, whatever makes u happy, go for it!
yay! finally, machimassu (the same stint as tegoraji)!!! i wanna see massu's funny acting (as if he's not funny all the time :P). and his smile is ^_____________^ he's like a walking smiley! the first thing that would pop into my mind when massu's name is mentioned is SMILE. they should totally change tegomass and just call it 'the smileys'. massu and tegoshi have the brightest and most confident smiles in NewS imo (considering there's still ryo and shige).
手越祐也の彼女@12:48 PM
Thursday, August 23, 2007
tegoshi starring in a new drama!
okay, i was on my way to shut off the computer...but at the last minute i decided to peek into news_jpop@lj for the last time...and this is what greeted me!!!
tegoshi's gonna star as the lead role in a new drama!!! and to think just minutes ago i was saying that i wanna see more of him acting :D really really good news, this is!!!
translated by shin_shin127@lj:
It has been discovered on 22nd that the popular group NewS's Tegoshi Yuya (19) will have his first leading role on this fall fuji TV's Period drama "shabake". This drama is based on the the 13th fantasy novel award winner popular novel. Tegoshi will play the role of the owner of a large shop who can see and talk with ghosts. today, this drama started in hot kyoto, and tegoshi has commented "right now i just want to make this great," we can see his excitement.
Wearing wigs, kimono, tabi, for the first time, tegoshi is trying hard in kyoto which is his second time visiting since end of school trip. "shabake"'s main character is a large shop's owner, ichitarou, who hasn't been very healthy since childhood. When he was five, he became a friend with ghost called "yanari" and he will work with various ghosts to solve difficult cases.
Filming has started in kyoto's yamaka area, and although it was very hot days, tegoshi has been energetic unlikely of his sickly character.
"when i first heard i will be in a period drama, it's different from the way of talking so i thought this is not good.." says tegoshi. but "the original novel is great, and the fantasy like world with ghosts, and the warm family love, there were many great things in that novel." Tegoshi is attracted to the original, and he has done research on edo period to prepare for this drama. Perhaps because this is his first starting role "my love for the drama is increasing day by day!"
The producer for this drama has commented about ichirou's character that "this is the new hero in period drama. Tegoshi san's cute young owner will be loved by everyone."
More than half of the casts are ghosts, and using special make up and CG, this drama will recreate a new and original edo city.
----------------- the story looks interesting, what with him wearing wigs, kimono, and seeing ghosts! i love stories like this :D
w/c reminds me...i have to look for pi's 'byakkotai' too...
手越祐也の彼女@5:08 AM
this is an all-tegoshi post :P
finally, it has come to this. i had resisted as much as i can before entering the world of unknown that is tegoshi yuya---young, pretty, cute, amazing voice...he is the reason why now i feel like divorcing hae T_T
when did i start liking him? hmmm, i couldn't exactly remember. cherish was the first NewS mv i ever saw and i remember ryo striked me for being all handsome, and massu for being cute...and tegoshi, for his voice! i couldn't say i was attracted to him physically since in my eyes he was just a KID at that time, a kid w/ a great voice. and bcoz talent means waaaaaaaay more to me than mere looks, i had developed a fondness over the awkwardness of this kid.
then suddenly, BAM!!! i'm seeing a whole new him! HOW HOW HOW did he get to be sooo pretty? i remember i was in a sort of shock when i watched the hoshi wo mezashite mv for the first time and saw> O.O *gape gape gape* LOL and yes, his voice continually keeps getting better. then i saw his little sexy sayaendou dance (in a HwM outfit) and automatically thought 'hottah hottah' LOL, from then on i had started considering that he might actually be a guy! duh, of course he is. but more often than not, he beats girls in being naturally feminine and pretty, haha! he has an androgynous kind of that would look good either way. and there were times when i entertained such thoughts as him being gay!!! *hides*
but now, i am finding myself eating my words more and more. i take it all back!!! i feel like now i have fallen inlove with this girl--ahem--GUY!!! it can't be helped. i have totally become openly unfaithful to hae bcoz of him T_T that music fighter dateplan episode played a huge part too. i couldn't believe my ears when he said he wanted 'man-woman relations' until now it still makes me laugh. watching him all pretty saying manly things like that just doesn't seem to fit :P then just random things started to pile up (infos, interviews, tons of pics and icons w/c kept me busy for a while, video clips, audio clips, news, jwebs)--all of it added up to my current state today w/c is a very tegoshi-saturated mind (i mean how else could he have possibly appeared in my dream?)...if anyone could peek into my head, they'd find about 90% of it labeled with his name. yes, he pwns me now!!! aaaaaak *dies*
random tegoshi stuff i fangirled about:
+old domoto kyodai episode with NewS--omg! his answers are so freakin' funny!!! so honest! and it amazed me how he trained for only 10 months before he debuted in NewS (compared to pi who was a junior for 7 years o.O) +domoto kyodai episode with tegomass (w/c now i'll also start calling sushi since tegomass is starting to feel overused) +baby pictures of tegoshi--LMAO why did his mom grow his hair THAT long?! nobody would have thought he's a boy!!! pigtails, ponytails, headbands LOL +itteQ episodes--ok, i seriously wanna watch everything that has even 5 seconds of him in it! (that episode of him going down the waterfall *i wanna be that kid that wished him luck*; and him in peru to help build homes *cute tegoshi so intent in working*) +yayayah episode--i'm looking for recent ones (esp the one with him eating in the whole episode and the renewal wedding where he cried) +i just learned that tegoshi uses PURPLE-color coded microphones in their concerts *whee* +in a magazine Q&A, he's the only one who said he likes older girls *oneechan grinning stupidly* +he doesn't like skinny girls/you must be able to pinch the fat under your arms LOL +he thinks it's insane to not wear a bikini just bcoz u have fat in ur stomach *omo omo* +vermont curry cms--if only ayala sells stuff like this i'd totally try one for him (w/c i heard was reaaaally good) just looking at him eat makes me hungry! +posts about his manliness (yep, i'm talking about bulges, and muscles kekeke) i was like O.O so he REALLY is a GUY!!! (until now i have a hard time getting that into my little head) :P +finally watched 'shissou/dead run' good thing i got from hanging out a lot @ was a really good movie, not just something created to please fangirls to the point that the script turns absurd/shallow...really like emo tegoshi in there...dang, he really CAN ACT!!! i wanna watch more of his acting!!! (15 sai no blues, hyoten, le ga tooi, gachi baka) emo tegoshi rawks!!! +tegoraji--is LOVE!!! i love everything about it, how he looked, plus the kame and nagese tomoya impersonation ROFL...and the HwM acoustic version w/ him playing the guitar *swoon* +i had no idea 'what a wonderful music' was his radioshow, if i didn't see that pic of his huge poster i wouldn't have realized it -_- *late bloomer regrets* must look for audioclips (only have 3 at the moment) *remembers to listen to the ones newly dled* uwaaaah, i feel like he's talking to me, heehee i can listen to it all day long *dreaming-mode* +flirting with koda kumi at music station (with the other NewS members around!!!) how could u, tegonyan?! erokawaii, erokawaii...i didn't even think u know such things (well, duh u would being a guy and all), u know what i mean...and koda kumi is like the same age as me *flails* +dubbing mumble in japan's version of 'happy feet' and HwM as the ending theme +pure NewS dvd crack, it's a MUST for all NewS fans...makes u see a lot of random, and never-before-seen stuff, member ai, the interaction, and just an overload of NewS NewS NewS caught on camera + concert clips are SUPERB!!! (ryo and tegoshi dancing to pi's gomen ne juliet, tegopi hug, snow express, ryopi's onsen, koyashige hotel room service, eating eating eating!!!) gah, too many moments i love...if i go on, it'll never end :P
so that's it, i guess it's pretty obvious that i'm crazy about him...and to end this post...i'm so happy with this pic (my 4 faves in NewS--tegoshi, notti, shige, and massu) :D
手越祐也の彼女@2:57 AM
as expected from a lazybum like me, i wasn't able to post for the entire week at all (apparently the inspiration i have been waiting for never came)! i was too caught up with NewS (3 weeks have passed by and i still can't get over the never-ending-wonderful-story dvd aka huge NewS dvd hangover) it is just looooooooove. BUT----before i starting going on about those, a dose of the mundane life first.
stop---halt---grrr *whacks head*---what am i doing reading pi's jwebs?! c'mon nads, focus here! LOL
*whacks head again* OK OK! i'll stop now for real! LOL, if i keeps this up, i'll never be able to finish this :P
last night i didn't do anything enjoyable at all, was sorta forced to help my dad put newsletter in envelopes he's gonna send to the dentists in kanagawa. along with the news, was pictures of the orphans they are sponsoring (on school related stuff). kadvo--they're a group of dentists and residents in kanagawa that come here in the philippines at one time of the year to render free dental services and to visit various orphanages. and all i could think of is they're in the same place where tegoshi is TT_TT the next time they come here and come back to japan maybe i should stowaway in one of their suitcases..w/c now reminds me of the cuties who came last year, i'm sure they were just about the same age as me, and i remembered myself saying that there was this one guy who looked like matsujun (only at that time i was completely disinterested w/ anything japanese) *cries over spilt milk* why was i such a late bloomer? was really late when we were done (although i was quite amused w/ the names and stuff--automatically associating an idol w/ similar names) LOL, didn't i repeatedly tell you i am such a shallow person? insignificant things easily make me happy :P
and as if it's not already late enough, the hardheaded me didn't retire to bed as soon as i reached my room. noooo, my mind was still too alive i'm sure if i had laid in bed i'd still be wide awake after a few hours. so i decided to get acquainted w/ the portable dvd player again (w/c i have't used ever since i got so gung-ho in NewS) and watched 'blades of glory'...LOL it took me this long to finally watch it, for the blonde guy's sake (i have conveniently forgotten his name, but i love his crack in 'napoleon dynamite')...yeah, imagine me laughing my head off at 3am.
sure enough, i felt so crappy when i woke up. my eyes were stinging from lack of sleep. and i feel a lot worse bcoz i have been having allergic attacks for 3 days! i dunno what triggered it (but i had a feeling my cat's a big contributor)---my nose, eyes, soft palate were itching so much from too much sneezing...and also my skin has started itching for some reason...grrr, next time i passed by the drugstore i'm really buying antihistamines. i really mean it!
i have been playing hopscotch (whatever that means) with tegoshi for a week now. i dunno, suddenly i'm just addicted to this boy. i'm even thinking of divorcing hae for him *waaaaah* need to think more...and as if it's not hard enough, tegoshi goes and lovingly disturbs my sleep!!! (the dream: apparently i have a crush on him, and it just so happens that he likes me too...and when he hit on me, then walked off to do something i was like laughing my head off bcoz i was soooo happy...and my friend who was beside me couldn't even talk to me properly bcoz i couldn't stop laughing until my sides hurt...and then it became a little chaotic w/c led tegoshi to coming over and asking what all the fuss is about)...then poof! i was suddenly jerked awake bcoz i had to use the toilet (what a perfect timing)...then i wanted to go back to sleep in hopes that there would be a sequel, but then this time i dreamed about kangin--hair all gray and thinning (my reaction was like o.O), but still as hot as ever...beside him was the ever dashing siwonnie. we were in some kind of abandoned town (dilapidated empty houses, skeletons of dead animals half covered by the soil)...the setting was quite scary, like something out of a 'land of the dead' movie, only no zombies where in sight (thank goodness)...i wasn't really up for another chase, even if it's only in a dream.
did i mention my parent's were here for 3 days? another torture having to go a whole day w/o going OL. so i was forced to do things to preoccupy myself or to simply pass the time--like sleeping, watching tv (it's been a while since i last watched tv), reading the japanese handbook (w/c now makes much more sense to me after having watch quite a number of japanese videos), then sleeping again. somehow, i feel more lethargic (just like a big fat snake) and sickly when my parents are around (a mix of depression over not going OL and going back to household activities).
a few days ago i was dismayed from not getting anywhere with my fave doramas. i keep in mind that i should stretch my patience *inhale exhale* then luckily i was able to watch 'papa to musume no nanokakan' episode 6...yatta! one more episode to go...and another lovely episode of lovecom (risa and otani finally being a couple!)...hope tantei gakuen episode 6 turns up soon, and also sore wa's 7th episode. i'm bummed over 'liar game'. the uploader was told to stop it, now i dunno where else i can watch it as conveniently as before. and just when the story's getting really interesting -_-
hey!say!7 songs are really growing on me. initially i was dismayed that they have replaced tegomass' songs, but i'm starting to like the news ones too :) and these boys are just cuties!!! good thing i knew yamada, he totally played a big role in me liking hey!say!7...not yuto LOL
i have joined two new forums again (despite my chagrin). i knew i couldn't promise being active at all that's why i steer clear from those kind of things but i'm simply looking for a place where i can share my fangirling thoughts :P i feel bad, i haven't been doing my part as a suju fan nowadays. NewS has pretty much preoccupied my thoughts, and i feel slightly disinterested with the goings-on in the suju world. it's like i'm starting to slip away...
i have recently acquired some email addresses (hiro's and tegoshi's *squeaaaaaaal*)...just the thought of getting them to read my thoughts, haha initially i was excited as hell i wanted to bounce off the walls, but when things started to sink in, worries started to get me. such things like--what to write, how to write, stuff like that. days have passed and i'm still stuck at making a decision. i reaaaaaally wanna write something! doshiyo?
i dunno why lately kame has just started to annoy me...what with making him my ichiban? i certainly don't feel so nice towards him now...gah, it's like his face automatically pisses me it just me or does he really exude arrogance?
kyaaaaa! some forumer just saw NewS going in the JE building in shibuya earlier...gah, she's so LUCKY!!! the thought of seeing them in the flesh *cries in utter envy*
random icons i took from lj (to cheer me up) nyahaha, smexy yuya, smiley notti, massu loves food!
手越祐也の彼女@1:25 AM
Sunday, August 19, 2007
My Life's OST Part2
i know i've done this before, but since i have new sets of songs in my ipod and it's been sooooo long since i last answered surveys...i'll do this while waiting for inspiration to come to me...
IF YOUR LIFE WAS A MOVIE, WHAT WOULD THE SOUNDTRACK BE? So, here's how it works: 1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc) 2. Put it on shuffle 3. Press play 4. For every question, type the song that's playing 5. When you go to a new question, press the next button 6. Don't lie and try to pretend you're cool...
Opening Credits: > Game - w~inds
Waking Up: > Tomorrow - Alicia Morton (Annie OST)
First Day At School: > What To Do - S.H.E. (Hana Kimi TW OST)
Falling In Love: > Show Me Your Love - DBSK & SuJu
Fight Song: > Love Song - Yamapi *make love not war LOL*
Breaking Up: > Sorafune - TOKIO
Prom: > At Seventeen - Janis Ian *this is such a depressant*
Life: > Chocolate Ice - Janice Wei *life is a box of chocolates*
Mental Breakdown: > Fan - Epik High *the mv does make u think the girl is crazy*
Driving: > Stars - Tegoshi solo (NewS concert) *yeah, i'll look at the stars while tegoshi is driving his convertible*
Flashback: > Ashita Hareru Kana - Kuwata Keisuke (ProDai OST) *eh, kinda the opposite*
Wedding: > No. 1 - BoA *he's got to be the no.1 if i'm marrying him*
Birth of Child: > Jidai - Arashi *kyaaaa, imagine jun and nino as my attending doctors*
Final Battle: > Marble Halls - Enya *LOL this song will put even soldiers to sleep*
Death Scene: > Konayuki - Remioromen (1 Litre of Tears OST) *waaaah, i'm gonna cry remembering ryo*
Funeral Song: > Kiss~Kaerimichi no Love Song - TegoMass *wtf? this is such a happy song for a funeral*
Credits: > Too Much - Spice Girls -------------------------
haha! this one didn't make any sense at all! oh well, that's what u get from randomly picking out the songs :P
手越祐也の彼女@1:10 AM
Monday, August 13, 2007
the end of happy (OL) days
yep. this would probably be the end of my very active and amused OL life. i dunno when i'll be able to be in front of the pc again. my 'rents are finally going home from the orphanage for almost a month. so, i am again up late, maybe the last chance of ditching more hours of sleep to spazz about my, i am doing everything i should do, and not leave things hanging (or else i'll go berserk for thinking about it every minute)...bcoz this is the LAST HOUR. nobody knows when i'll have the same chance again. it may take weeks or even months. in the midst of NewS' high activity, i am forced to suspend my fangirling, how sad...every single day i miss will be a really big blow to me (since i hate missing things and not getting updated *thinks of tons of backlogs to read*) T_T
so, i finally decided to finish watching '1 litre of tears' no matter how long it's gonna take me. i just HAD to get it done for the same reason i stated earlier. unfinished things drive me mad! it was really sad, but i puzzled myself bcoz i didn't cry so much, only twice throughout the whole thing. it was really nice to create asou's character in the drama. ryo really did a good job. how can anyone cry and still look so handsome? *sigh* i wish there are a lot of asou's out there...
watched episodes 5, 6, & 7 of liar game. i loooove this drama so much. it keeps me on my toes, i can never predict what's gonna happen next. and it's getting more and more interesting.
yay! english subbed episode 5 of 'papa to musume no nanokakan' is finally out. i missed koume and kenta so much. this is feeding my shige mode!!! another great episode. really looking forward to episode 6 (w/c just aired yesterday). it doesn't help me watching shige on hanamaru cafe either, and other random NewS vids at youtube...i swear i'm liking him more and more...
as i've said earlier, i have been on a download spree. blame it on NewS, they're making it hard for me (who doesn't actually download stuff) not to download. they're just impossible to resist. and they're killing my ipod too!!! how can i possibly fit in tons of their songs? addicted to solos (shige's kakao, notti's tsuki no michi, massu's pumpkin) *cuteness overload* i'm afraid my harddrive will die on me any minute now -_-
oh, i went to the UP cookout last friday, was invited by margalicious. i couldn't be more happy to go as i have been missing spazzing w/ her. and this time not only kpop but more on jpop...from dramas to hotties! finally, she likes tegoshi!!! who could resist that boy's charm? even i was hooked the very first time i heard him :) and i'm getting more and more into kiss~kaerimichi no love song since i started watching lovely complex. the song is sooooo sweet, like if someone would sing it to me (or lemme just imagine tegomass actually singing to me) i'd just float and fade away :P and i officially (after months of resisting) ditched hae on my sjphils forum sig and put tegoshi instead *badbadbad wife*
to end this post (LOL, this is getting to be more of a habit) another tegoshi pic (blame him for being born cute)...taken when he was leaving home for the concert (he's not wearing any make-up) anybody out there come out and tell me he ain't pretty!!!
手越祐也の彼女@4:04 AM
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
ok, from here on everything will be purely about jdoramas and stuff...
hana yori dango 2 - yay! i finally finished watching this last night! love the ending! one of the best i've seen, even the mom had to heed. so i went to bed feeling happy, from watching such a good end :)
dragon zakura - also finished watching this after being put-off for a while. so glad that ichirou got in when his twin didn't (*bleeeh*serves him right for trying to sabotage ichirou's chances for todai). very nice drama, it teaches you a lot about life (lots of learning techniques). and how there are always lots of ways to approach a problem, and that if one solution doesn't work, maybe another solution will. inspiring...
lovely complex live action - i initially watched this bcoz i wanna see more of mizushima hiro. but the movie itself was very entertaining. and i grew to like teppei in the process (i actually approve of him now). one of my fave movies.
liar game - started watching this just 2 days ago. with toda erika and matsuda shota. the episodes i've seen so far have been really interesting. i love stories of deception and strategy and this drama provides it. and can i just say again, SHOTA!!! he rocks as a genius swindler :)
tantei gakuen Q - another drama becoming a fave. detective academy Q tells of 5 ppl competing to be the next in line to a famous detective named dan. i like this bunch of trainee detectives (they're sooo young, a whole decade younger than me!!!) kyuu, megu, ryuu (cutieeeeeee), and hottie kaname jun as kinta (omg! i forgot the fifth guy!). i'm looking forward to episode 5! detective stories rule! loving the opening and ending themes as well...
also starting to watch seito shokun (hongo kanata, horikita maki), gokusen (matsumoto jun, oguri shun), watashitachi (shida mirai, mizushima hiro) altho it may take me a while to finish since i feel like i'm getting a bit tired of school-themed dramas...
lovely complex anime - this one's even funnier than the live action. i'm on episode 8 right now, where otani finally REALLY knew that risa is inlove with him. it took him so long bcoz he was DENSER than dense, lol. and tegomass songs in the opening and ending theme *doubly happy*
papa to musume no nanokakan - with gakki and shige!!! i swear if episode 5 doesn't show up anytime soon i'm gonna lose it. i'm experiencing withdrawal symptoms already! i definitely need to have a dose of koume and kenta-senpai!!! good thing someone took this subbing project up after the main subber decided to drop it! too good a show not to be subbed! i love how the papa acts like a teenage girl, hehe...
hanazakari no kimitachi e - omg!!! the spoilers for tonight's episode is really promising!!! makes me too excited i would even watch the raw (even tho i totally do not understand japanese)...and the preview for next tuesday is something to really look forward to (if ur a tomaki-shipper like me)
and lastly...
sore wa totsuzen arashi no you ni - episode 6 finally out *jumps all around* (omg!!! takuma totally doesn't care if kozue is married!) episode 5 was such a cliffhanger, but i couldn't be even more excited now awaiting episode 7, much more a cliffhanger than the previous one. what with saho accidentally seeing takuma and kozue hugging tightly in the dance hall!!! and to think kozue was supposed to truly end it (as what she told her mom), she did the opposite thing instead!!! omg, what's gonna happen now? she finally acknowledged the fact that she's inlove with takuma too! i'm so desperate i even want to watch the raws!!! the suspense is killing me! subbers, pls hurry up...
also, NewS' never ending wonderful story dvd has somewhat leaked out, and now i'm all crazy spazzing about the backstage footages, behind-the-scenes, and caps (tegoshi in a ponytail *dies* half-naked ryopi *dies* koyashige's hotel room show *dies*) didn't help at all!!! and then there's the recent shounen club perfs--news wo abake (the guys ganging up on shige, tego having the cutest chipmunk voice, ryo and the leader issue, koyashige arguing), yamapi's medley, sayaendou, tegomass, etc etc...*uber-happy NewS fan* i hope all of it gets uploaded soon :D
too tired to post pics, maybe next time...well OK, just one! tegoshi and his ponytail, such a pretty sight~heehee...
手越祐也の彼女@6:02 PM
crawled out from the hole
i guess i have been too comfortable enough in that hole to not be able to write even one little entry...yes, i have been too caught up with 'things' i didn't even bother to shout even a short 'hi'...this has been by far the most amazing/hectic/entertaining/crazy week in the life of an OL-addict like me (think camping out in front of the pc, and i'm not exaggerating!!!) but before i get into the gruesome fangirling details, a dose of my less enjoyable mundane life first...
going as far back as last last monday when han, razh, and i had our coffeedate part two. i wasn't able to take any evidences of the drama that has happened bcoz my phone was too full of camwhoring pics (note to self: buy memory card, or if not bluetooth usb asap!). so basically, the whole meeting was occupied with razh aka love doctor's thorough psychoanalysis of two stubbornly single girls (han and me), with a loud voice (to my chagrin), i think almost everyone at our corner of the cafe has heard of our 'big' problem. it seems like we had more issues than we had ever imagined, all excavated by the love doctor alone, being the expert that she is. i dunno, it feels weird to hear all those from another person, albeit i acknowledge each of the factors she has cited, but still finding it hard to give it a try. why do i feel so stiff with this topic??? this side of me is really annoying! it's almost as if i'm asking to be single forever, w/c for me isn't such a scary thing at all (since i have actually started considering that possibility)...
if i'm not mistaken, it has been three weeks. yes, three wonderful parent-free weeks! thanks for the hectic job schedule, it's keeping them occupied and away from home for a while now. i know it's a bit weird for me to say that i'm actually enjoying the freedom it brings. i can have free reigns (i sound so selfish) of everything--from eating time, to bedtime, EVERYTHING!!! my body clock has totally been out of whack--awake at night, asleep during the day (and again, i'm not exaggerating). i wake up, and soon enough the world around me is dark already! i know it's unhealthy, and i'm getting uglier day by day, but i'm such a hardheaded girl who doesn't seem to know where to stop! i don't need any more scoldings from others, i get enough of that from myself (aka konsensya) alone...
i still can't understand why i feel so much anger/dislike towards my brother. it's a sad thing, him being the only sibling i have, and me having such ugly feelings towards him. i don't even remember when it started. it's like everything about him pisses me off. it seems like he's a magnet of everything stupid and annoying. really, seeing him makes my blood boil in an instant. i hate him to the point that i even wish i didn't have a brother at all. i feel like jennifer connelly in 'labyrinth' at that one scene where she summons the king of goblins to take her baby brother away. it would've been better for me to shoulder all the household responsibilities, rather than always having to remind him to do things he's supposed to do. he absolutely has no initiative to do things w/o being told. i always end up nagging him, w/c by the way takes huge amounts of energy, and always leaves me in a foul mood. why can't i have a brother like tego or ryuu? life is so unfair...sometimes i feel like i'm such a horrible human being for having such thoughts. believe me, i tried being the opposite, but he always does things to make me revert back. maybe he is thinking too how unfortunate he is to be stuck with a sister like me. as of now, the situation's the same, he doesn't seem to be growing up. i can only hope that in the future we could make a sort of peace or truce...
*big sigh* enough with the heavy drama! i recently discovered that i like milk (esp selecta's--tastes more like ice cream)!!! i used to wonder how ppl (like my dad and my bro) could stand drinking milk (it's like eeeew), but now my views have changed :P
my cat has been uberly-pestering me these days. she's always meowing, it just doesn't stop. and she's always following me around, even in the bathroom!!! somethimes i lock her in there, just so i could drown out the wails. sometimes i feel like kicking her when she comes grazing my feet! here i go again with my mean streak! seriously trying to annoy me, sitting on one of my slippers or the chair beside me, when i have a really sensitive nose = sneezing spells! yes, i've been having a lot lately, thanks to her. and now i feel like i'm gonna be sick =_= wagahai!!! pls take her away! i swear, i won't come looking for her...
omg!!! can't believe my dad just asked me if i was willing to donate blood to someone who has dengue! he's putting me in a situation where either way i'm doomed. yeah, i know i should think of the help i could give, but unnecessarily subjecting myself to be punctured by a needle is a nightmare! i know i endure all that back in school bcoz i had to, now i'm given a choice, but if i decline i would look bad and selfish, right? -_-
手越祐也の彼女@2:36 PM
you have stumbled upon my blog~ the chocoholic's refuge
feel free to wander around...
shout-outs are much appreciated :)
and one more thing,
this is my blog
if you don't like what you see
then GET LOST!
why are you here anyways?
>NewS 大好き!!!
>johnny depp
>tegoshi yuya ♥♥♥♥♥
>purple and green
>chocolates, coffee, cheese
>kpop, jpop, cpop, opm classics, oldies
>horror flicks
>great danes, rottweilers, yorkies, dachshunds, schnauzers
>halloween & christmas
>eeyore & doraemon
>noona songs
>potatoes & buttered toast
>paper & pens
>susan baker tea
>my lola's leche flan
>sleep overs
>ice cream sandwiches
>tumblers & coasters
>road trips
>picture books
>paisley & velvet
>candied fruits
>old wives' tales
>mang ambo by larry alcala
>pugad baboy by pmjr
>NewS' Never Ending Wonderful Story dvd
>G3-my partners in crime!
>worms, maggots, caterpillars, etc.
>rainy days and mondays
>cigarette smoke
>frying fish
>household chores
>my sensitive nose -_-
>two-faced ppl
>spicy food
>being pressured
>crappy service
>crowded places
>too much drama
>sad endings
>monthly periods
>chain letters
>exclusivity and all that shit
>backbiters and rumor-mongers
>being binbou -_-
>my full name
>my brother XP
>delusional fangirls
>unwanted admirers/suitors/textmates (GRRRR!)
>Tegoshi and RyoTego haters
>'MEMOIRS' philippine release
>TegoMass concert dvd
>a Coraline doll
>harry potter and the deathly hallows
>a series of unfortunate events (complete)
>more neil gaiman books
>the adventures of tin-tin
>my own dika
>new celphone
>jenga and twister games
>revel bars!!! *drools*
>body shop's olive oil
>maltese or yorkie
>electronic dictionary
>the nightmare before christmas merchandise
>JE merchandise
>lose weight overnight
>mole under left eye
>learn how to play violin/cello
>learn how to bake
>bungee jump
>vacation to japan, thailand, korea
>go to a NewS concert
>my own tegoshi yuya XD
>more ryotego fics
>tegoshi singing nino's niji
-itteQ-tegoshi eps
-massu's 'musashi'
-pi's 'byakkotai'
-ie ga tooi-news epi
-kei's high school musical
-kei's 'nurse aoi'
-kisarazu cat's eye
-princess d
+ the nightmare before christmas + harry potter + romeo and juliet + city of angels + now and then + moulin rouge + chocolat + from hell + the neverending story + the labyrinth + a walk to remember + the chocolate factory (willy wonka and charlie versions) + the secret garden + snow white: a tale of terror + great expectations + don juan de marco + napoleon dynamite + sleepover + sleepy hollow + centerstage + the sisterhood of the travelling pants + tuck everlasting + what a girl wants + casper + bourne identity + ocean's eleven + mr. bean + the abyss + deep blue sea + ghost ship + titanic + jurassic park (1,2&3) + resident evil (1,2&3) + the land of the dead + the dawn of the dead + ella enchanted + shrek (1,2&3) + face off + con air + the x-files + coach carter + time machine + the land before time + mulan + hocus pocus + interview with a vampire + practical magic + princess diaries + miss congeniality + queen of the damned + romeo must die + the others + thumbelina + ever after + breakfast at tiffany's + gone with the wind + west side story + bridget joneses diary (1&2) + brokedown palace + darkness falls + valentine + the exorcism of emily rose + witches + the count of monte cristo + shakespeare in love + love actually + the man in the iron mask + four weddings and a funeral + the island of dr. moreau + narnia: the lion, the with, and the wardrobe + the cube + the mummy (1&2) + identity + beetlejuice + frequency + phenomenon + the guru + stardust + pursuit of happyness + stardust + coraline + the lake house + the sorcerer's apprentice +
+ the twins effect + the death curse + hero + the house of flying daggers + crouching tiger, hidden dragon + the curse of the golden flower + infernal affairs (1,2&3) + my sassy girl + il mare + the classic + a millionaire's first love + kawi + koma + the uninvited + vacation (dbsk) + 200 pounds beauty + jenny&juno + one missed call (1,2&3) + the phone + the eye + a tale of two sisters + nana + death note1&2 + six + shutter + lovely complex + kanojo to no tadashii asobikata + chinese odyssey + protege de la rose noire + house of fury + spy dad + diva ah-hey + chinese tall story + new police story + 6AM + ab-normal beauty + battle royale + wishing stairs + the red shoes + shissou/dead run + one missed call 2 + attack on the pin-up boys (suju's movie) + cinderella ni naritai + boys love + kurosagi the movie + calling you + L change the world + koizora + crows zero + cyborg girl + tada, kimi wo aishiteru + 4bia/phobia + phobia 2 + coming soon + liar game: the final stage +
+ harry potter (j.k. rowling) + series of unfortunate events (lemony snickett) + stories of eva luna (isabel allende) + daddy long legs (jean webster) + behind the attic wall (sylvia cassedy) + how stella got her groove back (terry mcmillan) + pet sematary (stephen king) + stardust & coraline (neil gaiman) + robert fulghum books + roald dahl + frances hodgson burnett + grimm brothers + hans christian andersen + memeoirs of a teenage amnesia (gabrielle zevin +)
+ csi las vegas + criminal minds + gilmore girls + supernatural + house m.d. + oprah + will and grace + extreme makeover (home edition) + charmed + joan of arcadia + dark angel + tru calling + angel + monk + the pretender + moonlight + i survived a japanese game show +
+ beautiful days + love letter + winter sonata + my name is kim sam soon + my sassy girl chun-hyang + sweet 18 + meteor garden1&2 + dbsk's banjun drama + full house + goong + hana yori dango + bad family + nobuta wo produce + proposal daisakusen + kurosagi + my boss my hero + dragon zakura + hana yori dango2 + 1 litre of tears + 1 litre of tears sp + gachi baka + papa to musume no nanokakan + hanazakari no kimitachi e + himitsu no hanazono + tsubasa no oreta tenshitachi - season 1 + tsubasa no oreta tenshitachi - season 2 + tantei gakuen Q + liar game + shabake + sore wa totsuzen, arashi no you ni + sugata sanshirou + yukan club + deru toko demashou + lost time life (kei's episode) + waraeru koi wa shitakunai + anego + kakure karakuri + car radio ga owareba + last friends + absolute boyfriend + what's up, fox? + binbou danshi + 14 sai no haha + code blue + ryusei no kizuna + atashinchi no danshi + koishite akuma + buzzer beat + guests of room zero (koyama's & shige's episodes) + orthros no inu + you're beautiful + hidarime tantei eye + troubleman + sunao ni narenakute + loss time life + hyoten +
+ fushigi yuugi + master of mosquiton + monster rancher + doraemon + fruits basket + trigun + sugar sugar rune + alice academy + cardcaptor sakura + time quest + ranma 1/2 + lovecom + gravitation + black blood brothers + ouran high host club + yamato nadeshiko shichi henge (the wallflower) + howl's moving castle + spirited away + kimi ni todoke +
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++ jang woohyuk (h.o.t.) + micky yoochun (dbsk) + kim junghoon + jo insung + lee sangwoo + lee junki + kim jihoon + im joohwan + brian joo (ftts) + tablo (epik high) + t.o.p. (big bang) + attack (trax) + jin taehwa (battle) + kim dongwan (shinhwa) + park jinwoo + kim hyeseong + hyunbin + jang geunseok + wonbin (f.t island) + jung yonghwa (cnblue)
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++++ vanness wu (f4) + edison chen + jay chou + kenny kwan (boyz) + daniel wu + stephen fung + ananda everingham + golf + ray macdonald +
+++++ john lloyd cruz + jc de vera + enchong dee + hideaki torio +
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+ nicole kidman + charlize theron + sandra bullock + anne hathaway + alexis bledel + evan rachel wood + amanda bynes + alexa vega + rachel mcadams + uma thurman + leelee sobieski + eliza dushku + emily browning + emma watson + dakota fanning + annasophia robb + alicia morton + kate maberly + mia maestro + jennifer connelly + paz vega + emmanuelle chriqui + hilary duff + marisa tomei + helena bonham carter + amber tamblyn + julia stiles + meredith bishop + thora birch + jessica alba + kristin kreuk + sara paxton + monica keena + katie holmes + marley shelton + camilla bell + angelina jolie + milla jovovich + amanda seyfried +
++ choi jiwoo + song hyegyo + jeon jihyun + son yehjin + goo hyejin + park shinhye + go ara + han jimin + lee yeonhee + bae seulgi (the reds) + ayumi (sugar) + song jihyo + yoon eunhye (baby vox) + han chaeyoung + kim taehee + han jihye + park bom + park heebon (milk) + kim bomi (milk) + chaeyeon + nam sangmi + cats + kara + lina and sunday (csjh) + sunye (wg) + kim ah-jung + uhm hyunkyung + yoo hyunyoung + choi sooyoung + han gain + kim junghwa + go eunah + goo hyesun + jung ryeowon (chakra) + kang junghwa + so yihyun + jo jungrin + kim ok-bin + eunseong + min seohyeon +
+++ nakashima mika + aoi miyazaki + horikita maki + toda erika + aragaki yui + shida mirai + uno misako + ueto aya + ueno juri + kashii yu + ito misaki + maya miki + ayase haruka + karina + narumi riko + kato rosa + naka riisa + esumi makiko + ito yuna + mimura + leah dizon + kiritani mirei + aoi yu +
++++ twins + miriam yeung + angelica lee + jolin tsai + rainie yang + niki chow + race wong + yumiko cheng + isabella leong + joey yung + stephy tang + janice wei vidal + vivian hsu +
+++++ maja salvador + erich gonzales + vaness del moral + jennica garcia +