that counting crows' song has suddenly become something of significance to me, esp in my current state. this is so not supposed to happen. i am inlove (or i think i am), and the worst part of it is i'm not even supposed to be liking this person in that extreme way. but as always, the heart often does not heed the commands of the mind, tsk tsk tsk...even tho i do this much to avoid him, the more i see him, the more i fall. it's a nice feeling, like ur soaring or always blooming, seeing him every time brings a smile to ur face, and ur catching urself daydreaming. but then on the other hand, u feel terrible bcoz it is wrong to be pining on that person. it's like ur torn between what u should do and what u wanna do...i had a chance to talk to my bestfriend about it, and it just makes me realize how i really like this guy, and her advice just added to my conviction of taking the road where i'll be happy. i mean she does have a point, and it actually just mirrored the exact thing i have been thinking over the past few days. so, i have arrived to a decision (after carefully thinking things over) and i'm gonna go with what i'm feeling, irregardless of all the cons it will bring, bcoz i know that i'll surely be feeling just as miserable if i keep pushing it away, i'm just gonna hurt myself in the process. so yeah, i'll just take whatever it slaps me with. 'bring it on' as donghae says, 'come what may' sings christian and satine, hehe...i just hope that ppl will understand my decision, and would not be the means that will sever good relationships. i swear if only i had control over it, i'd rather not be in this position right now. but i'm human, and i try deal with things the best way i can...
having gotten that out of my yesterday, we weren't able to go home from the foundation day celebration in carmen. it rained hard in the evening, the water from the river rose high enough the van couldn't possibly go across it. so we had to spend the night there, in a very rural area, with no cel wasn't really a bad thing coz i got to spend more time with leny which i haven't seen in months. unfortunately for her, bcoz i couldn't stop spazzing about my fangirl status, but apparently i got her interested in NwP and jenny juno, hehe...
手越祐也の彼女@10:05 PM
Saturday, June 23, 2007
eeeeek! what am i doing here? i have overslept. i was supposed to be meeting leny at the mall earlier but it turned out that we both woke up late...but why am i still here--typing, in front of the pc--instead of taking a bath and cramming to meet leny. we agreed to meet at 12:30, now it's 12:16 and i still have my butt sitting on this chair, hardheaded me. woke up and everyone was gone!!! no one even cared to wake me up and tell me that they were leaving, huhuuu...aaaah! i really have to get going -_-
手越祐也の彼女@12:13 PM
Friday, June 22, 2007
weeklong drought + spazzes
ah, i can't believe i have been so silent for a week, even tho i really was around. never gotten to posting things bcoz of too much jpop-ogling, hehe...BUT! before i go into all that spazzing, allow me to do a 'short' summary about mundane things in my life...
it turned out that i had mistook last saturday as the orphanage's foundation day...i tend to overlook things that's why i end up misunderstanding them (that's why i always have to keep reminding myself to think before i leap). and to think i wore my fave paisley shirt only to pull out teeth, good thing i always bring my scrub suit with me. and now, it leaves me no choice but to wear that purple shirt for tomorrow (not that i don't like it, it's actually one of my faves). argh! leny has been texting me, and i can't even tell her the details about tomorrow. somebody please give me credits! (hehe, i'm too lazy to do it myself)
so, yesterday i woke up miraculously early, did some sweeping, cooked breakfast (w/c was a rare occasion), in short i was being a good girl. i guess it felt nice not to be waking up so late for once, let the sun shine on you, break a sweat, making the 'rents feel good that they didn't have entirely useless kids. i was still sick but surprisingly i didn't feel tired after doing the laundry. my dad scolded me for bringing it (the colds) upon myself, but i told him i kinda liked the way i sounded (haha!) i sound like yamapi now (since he always sounds like he has colds but in a cute way). yeah i'm weird like that, just like the time when i was having sore throat and liking it a little (bcoz it's not everyday that my voice turns husky) i have been drinking tons of hot tea with calamansi which helps a lot, i think i am getting better.
grrrr, if i had known it would rain again in the evening i wouldn't have hung my laundry back just yet. now all my earlier efforts of keeping it from the rain were useless, they still got wet in the end and i was too tired/lazy to do what i did again. we do have a shaded clothesline but i don't like it there. so yeah, my nearly dry clothes were wet again, and today there wasn't even that much sunlight -_-
aaaah! i almost forgot to write--HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!! yup, it's his birthday today, and he didn't even stay for long. they just suddenly arrived from the orphanage only to leave minutes later. he apparently has tons of appointments with people, and sponsors, so busy for the foundation day tomorrow. poor dad, he can't even celebrate his birthday in leisure. normally we would go out or cook something special. we're really not big on parties, surprises, and stuff (heck, i even opted for a non-formal 18th bday celebration! for me debuts are so archaic. i didn't even dream about having it when i was young) sigh, at least i got to greet him and sang the bday song (well the first line at least, hehe) and kissed his cheek. i'm really not the showy type, i know i act so less, but really mean more in my heart. i hope my dad knows that. i love him no matter what *wipes tears*
and yesterday was wook's day. suju's eternal magnae, so full of talent. suju won't be suju without you--(BELATED) HAPPY BIRTHDAY WOOK!
days ago i dreamt that some american singer did an rnb version of rain's 'sad tango'...i was like whaaaaat?! i can't imagine how that would sound, but it was elevating to hear american artists do remakes of asian artists this time around. but then it was just in my dream. i was wondering why the heck would i dream of rain out of the blue, but then i understood the minute i woke up--'sad tango' was blaring from my ipod speakers! haha...
ahhhh, it seems that i have racked my brains dry from now, IT'S ALL SPAZZING FROM HERE! for those who don't want to hurt their eyes and allergic to jpop fangirling, STEER CLEAR!!!
i have fallen more deeply into my jap-obssession. i could actually say that i have temporarily switched from being a kpopper into a jpopper (w/c explains why i haven't been hanging around much in the sjphils forum BUT SUJU WILL ALWAYS BE MY NUMBER ONE!), only as of this moment. the past few days i have done nothing but dl jap songs, and watch tons of vids (thank god for youtube!!!)...falling more and more into news, i feel the same way i felt when i started obssessing with suju--first i dl all their songs and familiarize myself with them, then i watch mvs, perfs, random vids of them...presently my faves are tegoshi yuya and masuda takahisa...also love the subunit tegomass, their songs are just so inspiring and bubbly, makes me think of only happy days. sometimes i would go into teshi-mode (this boy's voice is heavenly), he really turned from baby to hottie, but everytime i see old tego i go back to being a big sister wanting to adopt him, hehe actually i love everyone in news (once again, like the situation in suju)...shige is so like me in many ways. i was laughing while reading his profile bcoz we have so many things in common--the fear of caterpillars and similar insects that crawl, the stuff about new jeans, always losing in games :P koyama reminds me of yunho (from the small eyes to the aura of being a leader), and he's hella funny. kusano!!! notti, the most baka member. he's my jap version of ryeowook (looks-wise) but unlike ryeo he acts so unpolished, everything he does is just funny to me. ryo, i can recognize his voice so easily. he always sings with uchi since they both have high voices among the group. he's actually the first guy i liked in news, but then he looks like he has anger-management issues (haha! all the members are afraid to invoke his wrath, he does look really scary when he's mad) but he's so handsome and he's a fan of leah dizon who is half-pinoy (that just had to mean something, call it filipino pride, hehe). tego--even tho he looks like a kid, he really has a voice that awes me. and now i understand why i kept pics of kim junghoon in my cel, it's now my wallie bcoz everytime i look at it i see tego and not junghoon! massu is my jap version of min. his face just strikes me the same way sungmin does. and he has the cuteness working for him too. min could pull off either the aegyo look and the hot look! same goes for massu. for one, he's one of the members who really works out (hences, the triceps and other toned muscles), and he has his own style (w/c is so adorkable. can u paint my nails too?). they even both love pumpkin! haha errrr, do i need to mention yamapi again? hehe, marga might protest *lips sealed*
and unintentionally i got to know ya-ya-yah, since they're always hanging out with news. saw shoon first with the guys, then shoon with massu in 'aiQ'...then bit by bit, i finally knew all the others' names. i'm seeing yabu kota the most (maybe bcoz he's the cutest? kinda like nakajima yuto from jj express)
ahhh, yes, i finally got myself into knowing kat-tun more, and liking them (yay! progress) but before everything lemme just say that KAME IS STILL MY ICHIBAN! after all those crash courses and researching on jpop, he still reigns supreme. it really puzzles me how someone like him could be my type, it just reduces me to giggles--he is just so lanky, and i adore his pretty eyebrows, i clearly dunno what had gotten into me! i watched the first episode of cartoon kat-tun and laughed at how hyper junno was, koki's gangsta humor, and maru (who reminds me of hyuk). it's so good to see ueda smiling and talking (since he doesn't do it often). he reminds me of my love-hate realationship with heechul back in 'twins' days. when i saw ueda for the first time, he freaked me out just like the way heechul freaked me out when i saw the mv for the first time. but then i got to see more of him, i actually admit he looks effin' sexy (hehe). maybe the cold exterior works on him and it would be weird if he was all chatty and stuff. his voice kills me in 'signal' along with junno's. junno's like the jap version of jerry yan and shim changmin, but the only difference he has is that of all those versions, i kinda liked junno the most. jin is a manwhore, haha! he's hot and all but i'm too busy with kame to even notice :P i almost didn't finish watching cartoon kat-tun episode2 with guest izumi mori bcoz i was so jealous! she was sitting right next to kame-chan. he even petted the cute pooch sitting on her lap after she did that paris hilton imitation (waaaah) can't believe she's an 81er. and kame likes older girls (i remember he even went out on a date with megumi who is older than me).
to end this post, i thought i'd do my own music review, (of news songs of course!) hehe...
+ sayaendou (peas)- soundtrack of the 7th one piece movie. lovelovelove the mv, with chibis and pirates, massu having a pig on his head instead of treasures. also love the perfs (tego's little sexy dance *dies*) + hadashi no cinderella boy (a barefoot cinderella boy)- love the trans, tego and massu's lines + yamapi's + hoshi wo mezashite (aiming for the stars)- i dunno why this song makes me cry. it's a hopeful, happy song, beautiful mv, massu looking at the camera is *kyaa* +nande x2 dame (why x2 can't i?)- upbeat song. makes me wanna go out and get a coconut juice, or go to the beach! + pain - great live perf, love their voices! one of my faves. + cherish - the song that got me hooked on news. very cute song. pink gloves!!! + kibou~yell (hopes~yell) - love notti's bridge part (i always love hearing notti sing) + yume no kazu dake ai ga umareru (love is born from the number of our dreams) - one of my faves!!! i'd love to sing this to my bestfriends. the blending of voices is great (esp in the a capella version) + yawaraka na mama de (still tender) - yamapi's voice fits the song (the drunk-sounding drawl, hehe). i love ryo and massu's bridge part! this song is growing on me. makes me feel so inlove, like i wanna walk with someone while holding their hand :P + akai hana (crimson flower)- love yamapi at the start. this song is so shige!!! + akaku moyuru taiyou (the burning red sun)- has a techno vibe, makes you wanna get up and dance. oh, and yamapi talks somewhere in this song, love his voice! waaaah! OK, i have to stop it right here, since there's still tons of news songs and i am nowhere near finishing (continue in the next post), and this post is unbelievably loooooong -_-
tego-nyan, why are you such a cutie???
手越祐也の彼女@2:15 PM
Friday, June 15, 2007
possible absence
waaaah! just a few minutes ago while i was doing a lot of things, my pc crashed!!! gone are my vids at crunchyroll (good thing i wasn't dling anything when it happened)! it just suddenly went off, and it won't turn back usual my paranoid self instantly went over the edge...then i tried inhaling, exhaling, calmed myself down...
after doing the dishes, i tried turning it on, and hallelujah, it did! i was so relieved...but now i'm still having dl-phobia, i'm afraid that they'll blame me again if the pc crashes in the i'll just stop right there.
i was on tegoshi-kusano-massu crack, not to mention all the other guys i'm 'seeing', hehe... oh yeah, lost my train of thought again, this might be the end of my posting streak for the week. my dad told me i shud get ready for a possible overnight at the orphanage, w/c meant an OL-less day for me T_T and i haven't even bought sterile needles! so to add more to the injury of being apart from the internet for a day, i apparently also have to wake up early in time for the ride to carmen, w/c also meant i don't have time to leisurely spare on dvd hunting...wah! i don't think i can last a day w/o my happy meal (suju+kame+ogurin+news) -_-
mental note to self: don't forget to bring cds too, since they have all decided to make me the singer at the foundation day program...honestly, aren't they sick of hearing me sing? and i don't even get paid to do it (ahaha! i'm actually complaining!)
手越祐也の彼女@12:56 AM
Thursday, June 14, 2007
suju updates - chunji's new djs and an upcoming movie
i seem to be on a posting spree, hehe... -------------ah yes...i forgot to write about the new chunji change the day it actually happened so i'm making up for it now...kangin has given up the position to sungmin and another sm trainee choi sooyoung...started last june 4 and airs every mon-sat, 9pm-11pm (phil time)...too bad i only learned how to watch it when it was min's turn -_- i love sooyoung--her looks, voice, personality...someone i wouldn't mind getting involved with suju, hehe...min and sooyoung, the aegyo djs!
yay! suju's finally doing a movie!!! i have been praying for this to happen...bcoz movies and dramas are more widely accepted here in the phils than gasoos...
手越祐也の彼女@3:42 PM
mixed like bento
yes, i'm guessing this post would be hella messy again...just like a bento lunchbox...
slept at 6am...not feeling a bit sleepy but i willed myself to get some sleep or i would be feeling horrible later...woke up just in time to watch detective conan on i only had 4 hours of insomnia is really getting matter how early i retire to bed, i still would end up sleeping late (like 2 in the morning regularly)...can't control it...
i dunno why but i have been feeling so hyper, giddy since yesterday...i mean nothing grand really happened...just got to know all of news' 8 members by name and face, and finding myself addicted to them (current LSS: cherish)...finding resemblances with k-guys here and there (kusano reminds me so much of ryeowook; tegoshi looks like kim junghoon; massu cuteness)...also went and 'studied' kat-tun (still like only kame, but i think jin is ok, junno reminds me of jerry yan/shim changmin, ueda just scares the hell out of me!), d-boys (gah! this one i couldn't take...still can't recognize them except for shirota yuu, adachi osamu, and nakamura yuichi), smap, ya ya yah, kanjani8, kitty gym...still have lots more to know!!!
i seem to be obssessed with yamapi's perfs lately...dunno why it's so addicting (daite daite daite senorita~*pelvic moves* haha!)...and i'm being depressed over kurosagi!!! why did it have to be unavailable now (got removed from youtube, still not uploaded from crunchyroll)...i wanted so much to watch the yamaki love in there but i have a hard time looking for vids -_- in the meantime, i'm gonna get busy with 'dragon sakura', horror flicks and other miscellaneous things...
i heard dia's voice!!! whee~she called a while ago, and we got to talk a bit before it got cut off...she sounded kinda the way i imagined she would...sweet voice...sounds a bit like marga but higher timbre...and i made a multiply acct just so i could leave a message, haha! i dunno if i could ever update it...i suck at it, y'know, my cy acct is gathering dust and cobwebs...i guess i'm the type who can only get my hands full with only one of those, so i guess it's blogspot now...
my ryeowook dream days ago: i dreamt of seeing ryeowook (and only ryeowook) go on a vacation to london (the kind of thing where you go to a place and one tv show takes video footage of you)...ryeowook was in a van and he was taking a video of the scenery outside...dunno why he keeps on filming the sky and the trees (i kinda saw cherry blossoms?!)...then suddenly i was staring at this pic of london...then i was surprised that i can go through it (ala-majika where u go to another place by going into the picture)...the next thing i know i was in london!!! i started walking, walking, and i kinda thot to myself that london wasn't so different from manila after all (?)...then i arrived at this hotel, and suddenly i was working there (without going thru applications O.O) opening doors to guests at the casino!...apparently i was such a chatterbox...i keep on asking about everything!
手越祐也の彼女@1:09 PM
tequila and salt
something inspiring about friendship and self-worth...whenever you feel like hating yourself, read this... ~~~~~~~
This should probably be taped to your bathroom mirror where one could read it everyday. You may not realize it, but it's 100% true.
1. There are at least two people in this world that you would die for. 2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way. 3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you. 4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you. 5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep. 6. You mean the world to someone. 7. You are special and unique. 8. Someone that you don't even know exists loves you. 9. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it. 10. When you think the world has turned its back on you take another look. 11. Always remember the compliments you received. Forget about the rude remarks.
So...........If you are a loving friend, send this to everyone...
And always remember....when life hands you Lemons, ask for tequila and salt, and call me over!
Good friends are like stars........You don't always see them, but you know they are always there.
"Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway"
I would rather have one rose and a kind word from a friend while I'm here than a whole truck load when I'm gone.
手越祐也の彼女@12:57 PM
nobuta power, enter!
finally! last saturday i vehemently decided to finish watching this dorama once and for all, it has become a hassle for me to watch one episode per day, so i went and finished all 6 remaining vids, no matter how loooong it will take me...true enough i felt like my eyes would fall off after...but the mood was happy...i LOVE this dorama! i'm happy marga made me promise to watch it first before moving on to HYD2...bcoz it got me hooked (on the story, on shuuji, on akira, on nobuta)...i found myself laughing at akira's antics and nonsense, crying a few the end valuing what this series is all about...a very special thing called friendship. i was surprised to find out that this wasn't just another dorama out there, it actually has good morals you can learn from, definitely one of the best i've seen!...sigh, i'm surely going to miss this drama...
Kiritani Shuji is the popular guy who gets along with everyone, from the jerks to the nerds to the just plain weird. He's the one that everyone can count on. However, what they don't know is that Shuji knows how predictable his classmates are and he plays off their predictability to his advantage. His day-to-day existence as "Shuji-kun" is just a facade he uses to play in the school popularity game. Truth be told, Shuji is bored.
The one person Shuji cannot stand is Kusano Akira. To Shuji, Akira is just plain annoying. He laughs, talks and acts funny. Nobody in class takes Akira seriously. Shuji can't stand the sight of Akira and it drives him nuts that Akira does whatever he wants despite Shuji's expressed dislike of him.
Shuji has a daily ritual of touching a certain willow tree for good luck. One day, he is startled to find out that his willow tree was uprooted and in its place, a freaky-looking girl telling him that some people took the tree somewhere else to be spotted. She told him that she was planning to hang herself from that tree. Scared, Shuji runs away.
Things heat up when a new student comes to school. Shuji is shocked to find out that the new student was the freaky girl he saw the day his willow tree disappeared. Her name is Kotani Nobuko, a girl who has no self confidence at all and is content at being made fun of and bullied in school.
Shuji and Akira come to an accord that in order to make use of their "youth" they will "produce" Nobuko as the next popular girl. One of the conditions, however, is that nobody should find out that they are working together as a team to make this concept possible.
Of course, there can be no protagonist without an antagonist. There is a mysterious girl in school jeopardizing the duo's plan to make Nobuko popular. The mystery continues to unfold.
Unveiled here is the story of true friendship between three unlikely candidates who would not have been friends if not given the special circumstances. ~~~~~~~~
faves: - akira shock! - nobuta power, chuu-nyuu! (invented by akira for nobuko) - akira down! - akira's 'kon' finger thingy - soymilk-drunk akira - nobuta's smile - shuuji's 'bye-cycle' greeting - akira's flapping hands every time he goes down the stairs - shuuji and akira's water spout hairstyles - shuuji and akira teaching nobuta how to act on a date - akira's feelings for nobuta (yamakiiiiiiiiiii) - akira's habit of resting his chin on ppl's shoulders - shuuji's cute brother koji - bando's good side - the haunted room scene at the school festival - the ending theme - seishun amigo (by shuuji to akira)...became my LSS and got me hooked on the dance steps... - toda erika as uehara mariko - the weird and funny characters--destiny, delphine, vice principal, shuuji's mom, the myna (?!) - EVERYTHING!!! haha
手越祐也の彼女@4:48 AM
korean version of 'dragostea din tei'
i remember i mentioned this song just nights ago...well, hyunyoung (of heroine6) has a version of this (so instead of 'numa numa' it goes 'nuna nuna' haha!) and even sang this in 'bad family' hyunyoung, she's sooo funny! the mv's funny too (the guy in the mv is kyoot)! (yt link for those curious enuf...
It's doubtful... Well, let's see... You wouldn't know right Don't avoid my mysterious stares and my calling you Enjoy it, sense it Right now, as luck would have it, for the first time, you are the hero in my dream It's you
Call me touch me Noona Noona's Noona Noona's Noona Noona Noona's Look at my heart, it's filled with love. Who cares about age and such? So, how about it?
Hold me Kiss me Noona Noona's Noona Noona's Noona Noona Noona's Look for Noona's dream. Will you put your trust it in? I will stay with you forever
I want to live a life of a constant yearning desire and wonder Caught in my trap (you must not go anywhere) You pass by, and as long as you are in my sight, you won't be going anywhere
Call me touch me Noona Noona's Noona Noona's Noona Noona Noona's Come to my bosom. I won't refuse you Believe and follow only me
Hold me Kiss me Noona Noona's Noona Noona's Noona Noona Noona's Hold my hands and I will embrace you right away All I need is for you to be happy
Call me Touch me Noona Noona's Noona Noona's Noona Noona Noona's Look at my heart, it's filled with love. Who cares about age and such? So, how about it?
Hold me Kiss me Noona Noona's Noona Noona's Noona Noona Noona's Look for Noona's dream. Will you put your trust it in? I will stay with you forever
手越祐也の彼女@3:40 AM
Saturday, June 9, 2007
late night spazz
aaaaargh! it's almost midnight and i haven't even gone anywhere with NwP at crunchyroll T_T
i got so caught up with finding songs, and can u imagine how happy i was to know u can just dl songs easily from esnips? hihi...but i still got some help from my good old limewire (w/c is very nice to me tonight for she gives me whatever i want, hehe) i finally got hold of some songs i love from a few years back (super-emo: i love you by fun factory; first love by kristy mcnichol and christopher atkins)!!! yay yay yay! now i am really convinced that i wasn't just imagining that these songs exist. now i can listen to it until i get tired and move on to other songs...
ahaha!!! i just found this song i kept singing to piss my bestfriend off! it goes 'maiyahi, maiyahu, maiyaha, maiyahaha~'...omg, she absolutely hates that song! i remember i used to get a kick at teasing her *evil me*...can't believe it actually has a title (duh, hehe), and it's actually a romanian song (title: dragostea din tei)...i'm dancing like silly in my seat and grinning stupidly from the memory of my bestfriend...
手越祐也の彼女@11:40 PM
as of the moment
aaaaah! something went wrong with my layout so i had to change it for now, huhuuuu...i don't like this one as much as i liked my first but it has to suffice for now, as i am very tired of editing it for HOURS -_-
enough of my worries...i have been blessed with a day w/o the folks, they went to negros (AGAIN)...something to do w/ my stepmom's mom's newly renovated house...
just the other day i woke up from dreaming i was in a kind of 'pretty woman' movie (except for the wh*re thing)...but the story is similar...the guy is a foreigner, really rich, but extremely jealous...i mean really! little things tick him off! he easily had me replaced :( w/c was kinda unfair coz i didn't even do anything wrong...
last night while i was watching oprah, i got to see (yet again) another idol-fan moment! my heart went out to the girl. i also felt like crying when she did (out of joy). it makes me think about suju and my dream that they went to my hometown, haha! well, it doesn't hurt to dream...
apparently, my jap-obssession is growing. it's crazy, kame is on my mind most of the time. and i keep on rejoicing over the fact that he prefers older girls (like moi, hehe). it makes me feel envious that my bestfriend actually lives in japan and has maybe seen some celebs (waaaaah). sigh, i wish i could go there too...
手越祐也の彼女@7:57 PM
Thursday, June 7, 2007
KAME - my current obssession
OMG!!! i'm inlove with kame right now! even tho he reminds me of david bowie >.< ---------------
Name (Japanese): Kamenashi Kazuya Name (English): Kazuya Kamenashi Nicknames: Kame, Kame-chan, Kamenashi-kun, Kamehameha, Kamerin, Kazuya-kun, Ka-kun Date of Birth: 23rd of February, 1986 Age: 21 Birth Place: Tokyo, Japan *Star Sign: Pisces Chinese Sign: Tiger **Blood Type: B Marital Status: Single Height: 171 cm Weight: 53 kg Favourite Colour: Black, White, and Blue Favourite Food: Steak and Rice Favourite Sport: Baseball, Snooker (Billiard/Pool), Bowling, Basketball, and Water Sports Favourite Subject: PE (Physical Education) Favourite Body Part: Arms, and the Mole on his Left Cheek Family: Mother, Father, 2 Older Brothers (Yoijiro; 25; 4 years older, and Koji; 23; 2 years older), and 1 Younger Brother (Yuya; 17; 4 years younger) Best Friends: Akanishi Jin (KAT-TUN), and Nishikido Ryo (NEWS) Entered Johnny's Jr.: 8th of November, 1998 (at the age of 12)
*Pisces: Charming, talented, moody, friendly, generally nice, but complicated people. They are creative in all senses; most likely to be gifted in music (both singing and instruments), art, dancing, etc. Pisces is a water sign, so would most likely enjoy skiing, ice skating, swimming, etc. Most of them are shy by nature, but enchantingly charming. They are sensitive souls, and are prone to drown you in tears (even the guys ;P). Because they are so vulnerable, the male Pisces especially, tends to put on a brave front, seemingly tough and cool. But they are romantic and sincere, never wanting to hurt anyone. On the downside, their emotions change at the slightest of things; they can be happy and social one moment, and then be depressed and lonely. They like to be alone from time to time, to re-energize themselves. Most Compatible Signs: Scorpio, Cancer. (Ryo's a Scorpio, and Jin's a Cancer . . . coincidence? ;p)
**Blood Type B: A practical person, this type of person is a specialist in what they do. When starting a project, they will spend extra time understanding and making sure to follow directions than people of other blood types generally would, and anything that they are doing gets all of their attention and focus. A person with B blood will stick to a goal, always following it through to the end even when it seems impossible. They are not really cooperative and tend to follow their own rules/ideas, as well as tend to be individualists. A person with B blood will pay more attention to their thoughts than feelings, and have the possibility of coming off as very cold and serious. Nevertheless, a person with B blood is usually considered to be more relaxed and unconventional than the other blood types, sometimes but not always to an unacceptable degree.
Random Facts
His parents named him "Kazuya" after the character of the younger twin brother on an anime called "Touch", which is now ingrained into Japanese culture. What I find odd is that the older twin brother is named "Tatsuya" . . . What a strange coincidence! =P His dad took him to audition for Johnny's on the 8th of November 1998, and on the 12th of November he backdanced at the very back to the song "Can do, Can go" When he was younger, he wanted to become a professional baseball player "Kame" means "Turtle", that's why he says his animal analogy is a turtle He hates tomatoes and green pepper His "first love" was in kindergarten. =P He was doing a play where he had 'love scenes' with this girl, and he liked her eyes. He ended up "falling for her" and thus, his first kiss was also in kindergarten =P In kindergarten, he also had a secret crush on his teacher =P An owner of a store that was near where he lived got him into baseball in 1st grade In Grade 4, some girl gave him strawberry chocolate (his first Valentines, lol) but he didn't bring it home (I take it he was bashful ^-^) and after three days, it expired and he couldn't eat it anymore, lol In 1999, he got into his schools basketball team, 'cause apparently, he could slam dunk. @.@;; No comment. May of 1999 was his first concert, the "Johnny's Jr. Fresh Spring Concert '99" His desired girl; One that doesn't talk that much, isn't overbearingly loud and annoying, and who is preferably older than he is, 'cause he wants her to be mature The first thing he notices about the opposite sex is their eyes On the 10th of December '99, he made his first appearance on Music Station, if you could call it that. =P He stayed mute throughout the whole thing. XD On the 18th of December '99, at J2000 @ Chiba Marine Station, he was the pitcher for the baseball team, and also the captain ^^ In 2000, he joined his school's soccer team In April of 2000, he had his first appearance on Shounen Club He likes to have "alone time" He comes from a wealthy family, apparently . . . He's one of the most popular 'seniors', if not the most popular senior, amongst the younger Jrs. (Kusano, Yabu, Hikaru, Yuto etc. all admire him ^-^) He admires Kimura Takuya (SMAP) and Imai Tsubasa (Tackey&Tsubasa) He smokes, apparently . . . He has his left ear pierced He dropped out of school Nakamaru Yuichi (KAT-TUN) believes Kazuya is the "true" leader of KAT-TUN ^o^ He got his nickname "Kame" from the people at Johnny's His close friends and family call him "Ka-kun" In Primary school he had a lot of interests; he even cooked! ^-^ He's very much into clothes and fashion Lately (meaning 2004, hehe), he's been spending a lot of time with Imai Tsubasa (Of Tackey&Tsubasa; TxT)
手越祐也の彼女@3:48 PM
Monday, June 4, 2007
woke up with a headache which instantly sets my bad mood. i hate headaches, but as always i was the one to blame. i brought this upon myself and i have no right to complain. i feel nauseous. woke up at 2pm, my body clock is really wired up now. i would've popped some painkillers in an instant but i couldn't find any paracetamols lying around, so i had to endure the pain after i had taken a bath, and eaten a very late lunch. the darn mefenamic acid still has not taken effect.
also, my period came. as if i don't feel bad enough as it is. my most dreaded time of the month has come, taking along with it--menstrual cramps, headaches, tremors, and the feeling of hurling every minute. i really don't wanna take anything by mouth right now bcoz i can't trust myself not to expel it out T_T being a girl is this tough for me. why can't my period come and go in peace? but no, it has to make me feel miserable...
but despite feeling terrible, i just had to pass by the forum. it has been a part of my daily ritual. it feels like i left one of my veins in there. haha, yes it is that vital to me. laugh if you want.
and i suddenly had the urge to listen to laura pausini's 'loneliness' where did that come from?
ok, i'm so getting coffee after my nap...
手越祐也の彼女@4:38 PM
Sunday, June 3, 2007
one last post before i go...
surveys!!! haha! it's been a while since i answered one...
1. Are you currently mad at someone?: > nope
2. Which of your family members has the worst temper? > my dad
3. Have you ever thrown something at anyone? > well, i don't really intend on hitting them...
4. Is anyone mad at you? > dunno
5. Are you usually mad? > haha! yup, defense mechanism i guess :P
6. When you're mad do you prefer to stare angrily or yell? > i'm not really the type of person who acts...i'll just stay quiet and prefer to kill them in my head, until i actually make myself believe that they do not exist anymore *evil grin*
1. Has anyone ever thrown a surprise party for you? > nope :(
2. What event is coming up that you're most excited about? > halloween (love watching ghost stories on tv, haha!)
3. If you won 10 million dollars,what would be your first thought? > oooh, the things i would buy, the places i would go to...i might even find a place of my own (so sick of living with restrictions) haha!
4. If you could have anything right now what would it be? > anything? everything!!! *greedy*
1. Name: > nadem janeo carpintero
2. Birthday: > december 15
3. What's your main goal in life? > establish career. have a lovelife (optional). korea.
4. Do you want to have children? > yup
5. When do you want to die? > when i'm old and contented
1. Are you against gay marriage? > no
2. Lower the drinking age? > what's the point? it always gets violated anyways.
3. Capital Punishment? > i'm pro-life
4. Abortion > nonono
1. Do you love someone? > yes!
2. Do you believe in love at first sight? > nope
3. Do you believe in Love? > yes
Q: how many beds did you lay in today? A: zero
Q: What color shirt are you wearing?: A: lime
Q: Name one thing that you do everyday?: A: listen to music
Q: Is Tom on your Top friends list? A: no. i only know one tom, and we're not even close.
Q: Look to your left. What's there?: A: a choco-chip cookie tin can
Q: What's the last piece of clothing you wore? A: pjs
Q: What website(s) do you visit the most during the day? A: sjphils, crunchyroll
Q.Do yo have plants in your room? A: no
Q: Does anything hurt on your body right now? A: yup, my neck and back
Q: Recent time you were really upset? A: a week ago, i was really depressed
1. Person you saw: > my brother
4. Song you listened to: > way back into love (hugh grant & drew barrymore)
5. Person you talked on the phone with: > my dad
6. Did you notice that the question 2 was gone: > no! haha
1. What are you doing right now? > watching vids
2. What are you doing tonight? > sleep
3. What are you going to eat? > uh, i't not wise to eat at this hour
1. Is: > monday
2. Are you looking forward to it? > no, i hate weekdays
3. Are you going to laugh? > if there is a reason to laugh, yeah i would.
手越祐也の彼女@11:43 PM
old fic
this was something i wrote 2 years ago when i got caught up with reading cpop fics...
chapter 1: tarnished jewel
The Club is opening a few minutes from now. I'm in the backstage of the glamorously decorated platform where I'll be performing later. Earlier when I arrived, I immediately slipped into this red body hugging slinky dress and fitted the 3-inch stilettoes into my feet.
The show hasn't started yet but I feel so drained of my energy. I haven't had sleep for a few nights now. I managed to get the boss to give me a day off because I felt like I was coming down with something.
It was dark when I arrived home. I stumbled upon scattered beer and rum bottles and they made a very unpleasant noise. My heart nearly stopped when I heard my stepdad's voice coming from the couch.
"Hey bitch! Can't you see I'm sleeping here?!" he screamed at me in a slurry but equally scary voice, but he didn't rise from his position in the couch. I let out a sigh of relief. It was a good thing he was so drunk, or I would've been yet another punching bag. Slowly, I tiptoed into my room. I didn't bother to take off my shoes. It didn't matter anymore. All I wanted was to get some rest...
I was still in dreamland when I felt the door of my room creak open and I saw a blurred figure enter. I was still too tired to really see who it was. Then I heard noise, rustling, like someone was looking for something. I willed my eyes to open and saw my half sister Nancy going through my belongings. She hastily threw them aside as if she didn't find what she was looking for. Then her hand caught hold of my bag.
"What are you doing?" my voice came out weak. She wasn't startled at all and continued on rummaging through my bag. She didn't even care to answer me. Then she smiled. I watched in horror as her hand came out clutching bills of my hard-earned money. I managed to groggily stand up and take back my money but Nancy was much stronger than me. Still I tried, and that was when she slapped me. The impact was so strong that I fell on the bed, defeated. Then she smiled triumphantly and left with my money.
I snapped back from the memory of yesterday. I can hear the host's voice from outside. I will be called to the stage any time now. I hurriedly put on make-up. I covered a thick layer of concealer where my sister left a red imprint of her hand on my cheek. I can still feel it sting. From my bag I took out a bottle of pills. I took three and gulped it down with tequila. It always makes me feel a bit better, enough to last me through my rounds.
"...Come on out, Jewel!!!" that was my cue. I picked up the microphone from the stand and took a deep breath before stepping into the stage, through the curtain, into the spotlight, amidst hoots of the audience, I closed my eyes and started to sing...
手越祐也の彼女@6:40 PM
you're still the one
sigh, just when i feel like i'm close to giving up, i see you like this, then i fall all over again...
手越祐也の彼女@5:03 PM
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! i just wanna flip out seeing my fave HYD-f4 members together, heehee. shota and shun--they are so hot!!! :P
and what a surprise! i just found out that shota was ryuhei's brother, the guy i was crushing on back in my nana days. i wouldn't have thougt it since they don't look alike, except maybe for their eyes. but they are both hot, hehe...
手越祐也の彼女@4:20 PM
Saturday, June 2, 2007
under renovation
i haven't been OL for nearly a week. my folks were home the entire time, working round the clock for the orphanage's quarterly newsletter. i was stuck in my room, trying to do things to occupy the hours. good thing suju hasn't been doing a lot of stuff lately or it would have been a very very bad case of backlogging.
today (believe it or not), i had just found out how the heck ppl change blogskins. finally, someone had offered to help enlighten me, i am very grateful to her. i still have a looooong way to go, i'll be expecting more headaches to come. my blog looks bare again, i still haven't figured out how to transfer my old stuff here. i feel like i'm back to square one with this. i absolutely have no idea when i'll be fully done -__-
darn it! i got caught up now i don't have time for crunchyrolling, huhuuu. sorry NwP, HYD2, HnH, my hot jap boys...i guess we'll see each other after i get some sleep...
手越祐也の彼女@11:27 PM
you have stumbled upon my blog~ the chocoholic's refuge
feel free to wander around...
shout-outs are much appreciated :)
and one more thing,
this is my blog
if you don't like what you see
then GET LOST!
why are you here anyways?
>NewS 大好き!!!
>johnny depp
>tegoshi yuya ♥♥♥♥♥
>purple and green
>chocolates, coffee, cheese
>kpop, jpop, cpop, opm classics, oldies
>horror flicks
>great danes, rottweilers, yorkies, dachshunds, schnauzers
>halloween & christmas
>eeyore & doraemon
>noona songs
>potatoes & buttered toast
>paper & pens
>susan baker tea
>my lola's leche flan
>sleep overs
>ice cream sandwiches
>tumblers & coasters
>road trips
>picture books
>paisley & velvet
>candied fruits
>old wives' tales
>mang ambo by larry alcala
>pugad baboy by pmjr
>NewS' Never Ending Wonderful Story dvd
>G3-my partners in crime!
>worms, maggots, caterpillars, etc.
>rainy days and mondays
>cigarette smoke
>frying fish
>household chores
>my sensitive nose -_-
>two-faced ppl
>spicy food
>being pressured
>crappy service
>crowded places
>too much drama
>sad endings
>monthly periods
>chain letters
>exclusivity and all that shit
>backbiters and rumor-mongers
>being binbou -_-
>my full name
>my brother XP
>delusional fangirls
>unwanted admirers/suitors/textmates (GRRRR!)
>Tegoshi and RyoTego haters
>'MEMOIRS' philippine release
>TegoMass concert dvd
>a Coraline doll
>harry potter and the deathly hallows
>a series of unfortunate events (complete)
>more neil gaiman books
>the adventures of tin-tin
>my own dika
>new celphone
>jenga and twister games
>revel bars!!! *drools*
>body shop's olive oil
>maltese or yorkie
>electronic dictionary
>the nightmare before christmas merchandise
>JE merchandise
>lose weight overnight
>mole under left eye
>learn how to play violin/cello
>learn how to bake
>bungee jump
>vacation to japan, thailand, korea
>go to a NewS concert
>my own tegoshi yuya XD
>more ryotego fics
>tegoshi singing nino's niji
-itteQ-tegoshi eps
-massu's 'musashi'
-pi's 'byakkotai'
-ie ga tooi-news epi
-kei's high school musical
-kei's 'nurse aoi'
-kisarazu cat's eye
-princess d
+ the nightmare before christmas + harry potter + romeo and juliet + city of angels + now and then + moulin rouge + chocolat + from hell + the neverending story + the labyrinth + a walk to remember + the chocolate factory (willy wonka and charlie versions) + the secret garden + snow white: a tale of terror + great expectations + don juan de marco + napoleon dynamite + sleepover + sleepy hollow + centerstage + the sisterhood of the travelling pants + tuck everlasting + what a girl wants + casper + bourne identity + ocean's eleven + mr. bean + the abyss + deep blue sea + ghost ship + titanic + jurassic park (1,2&3) + resident evil (1,2&3) + the land of the dead + the dawn of the dead + ella enchanted + shrek (1,2&3) + face off + con air + the x-files + coach carter + time machine + the land before time + mulan + hocus pocus + interview with a vampire + practical magic + princess diaries + miss congeniality + queen of the damned + romeo must die + the others + thumbelina + ever after + breakfast at tiffany's + gone with the wind + west side story + bridget joneses diary (1&2) + brokedown palace + darkness falls + valentine + the exorcism of emily rose + witches + the count of monte cristo + shakespeare in love + love actually + the man in the iron mask + four weddings and a funeral + the island of dr. moreau + narnia: the lion, the with, and the wardrobe + the cube + the mummy (1&2) + identity + beetlejuice + frequency + phenomenon + the guru + stardust + pursuit of happyness + stardust + coraline + the lake house + the sorcerer's apprentice +
+ the twins effect + the death curse + hero + the house of flying daggers + crouching tiger, hidden dragon + the curse of the golden flower + infernal affairs (1,2&3) + my sassy girl + il mare + the classic + a millionaire's first love + kawi + koma + the uninvited + vacation (dbsk) + 200 pounds beauty + jenny&juno + one missed call (1,2&3) + the phone + the eye + a tale of two sisters + nana + death note1&2 + six + shutter + lovely complex + kanojo to no tadashii asobikata + chinese odyssey + protege de la rose noire + house of fury + spy dad + diva ah-hey + chinese tall story + new police story + 6AM + ab-normal beauty + battle royale + wishing stairs + the red shoes + shissou/dead run + one missed call 2 + attack on the pin-up boys (suju's movie) + cinderella ni naritai + boys love + kurosagi the movie + calling you + L change the world + koizora + crows zero + cyborg girl + tada, kimi wo aishiteru + 4bia/phobia + phobia 2 + coming soon + liar game: the final stage +
+ harry potter (j.k. rowling) + series of unfortunate events (lemony snickett) + stories of eva luna (isabel allende) + daddy long legs (jean webster) + behind the attic wall (sylvia cassedy) + how stella got her groove back (terry mcmillan) + pet sematary (stephen king) + stardust & coraline (neil gaiman) + robert fulghum books + roald dahl + frances hodgson burnett + grimm brothers + hans christian andersen + memeoirs of a teenage amnesia (gabrielle zevin +)
+ csi las vegas + criminal minds + gilmore girls + supernatural + house m.d. + oprah + will and grace + extreme makeover (home edition) + charmed + joan of arcadia + dark angel + tru calling + angel + monk + the pretender + moonlight + i survived a japanese game show +
+ beautiful days + love letter + winter sonata + my name is kim sam soon + my sassy girl chun-hyang + sweet 18 + meteor garden1&2 + dbsk's banjun drama + full house + goong + hana yori dango + bad family + nobuta wo produce + proposal daisakusen + kurosagi + my boss my hero + dragon zakura + hana yori dango2 + 1 litre of tears + 1 litre of tears sp + gachi baka + papa to musume no nanokakan + hanazakari no kimitachi e + himitsu no hanazono + tsubasa no oreta tenshitachi - season 1 + tsubasa no oreta tenshitachi - season 2 + tantei gakuen Q + liar game + shabake + sore wa totsuzen, arashi no you ni + sugata sanshirou + yukan club + deru toko demashou + lost time life (kei's episode) + waraeru koi wa shitakunai + anego + kakure karakuri + car radio ga owareba + last friends + absolute boyfriend + what's up, fox? + binbou danshi + 14 sai no haha + code blue + ryusei no kizuna + atashinchi no danshi + koishite akuma + buzzer beat + guests of room zero (koyama's & shige's episodes) + orthros no inu + you're beautiful + hidarime tantei eye + troubleman + sunao ni narenakute + loss time life + hyoten +
+ fushigi yuugi + master of mosquiton + monster rancher + doraemon + fruits basket + trigun + sugar sugar rune + alice academy + cardcaptor sakura + time quest + ranma 1/2 + lovecom + gravitation + black blood brothers + ouran high host club + yamato nadeshiko shichi henge (the wallflower) + howl's moving castle + spirited away + kimi ni todoke +
+ chad michael murray + vincent kartheiser + jensen ackles + wentworth miller + james franco + sean faris + joseph fiennes + ewan mcgregor + ethan hawke + drew fuller + christopher gorham + channing tatum + liam aiken + topher grace + dhani lennevald + brad renfro + ralph fiennes + nicolas cage + jason statham + hugh jackman + diego luna + adam garcia + david duchovny + enrique iglesias + will estes + colin firth + dougray scott + antonio sabato jr. + alex o'loughlin + luke grimes +
++ jang woohyuk (h.o.t.) + micky yoochun (dbsk) + kim junghoon + jo insung + lee sangwoo + lee junki + kim jihoon + im joohwan + brian joo (ftts) + tablo (epik high) + t.o.p. (big bang) + attack (trax) + jin taehwa (battle) + kim dongwan (shinhwa) + park jinwoo + kim hyeseong + hyunbin + jang geunseok + wonbin (f.t island) + jung yonghwa (cnblue)
+++ tegoshi yuya + shun oguri + hongo kanata + news + kenichi matsuyama + ryo nishikido (news) + kazunari ninomiya (arashi) + matsuda shota + matsuda ryuhei + kaname jun + yamapi (news)+ tatsuya fujiwara + mizushima hiro + tsubasa imai (t&t) + wakaba ryuuya + hiraoka yuuta + tsukamoto takashi + tamayama tetsuji + yonemura daijiro & yodogawa yoshihiro (question?) + arioka daiki & yamada ryousuke (hey!say!) + ohkura tadayoshi (k8) + nakamaru yuichi (kat-tun) + oshinari shugo + tamaki hiroshi + mukai osamu + koide keisuke + miura haruma + seto koji + nakayama yuma + inohara yoshihiko (v6) +
++++ vanness wu (f4) + edison chen + jay chou + kenny kwan (boyz) + daniel wu + stephen fung + ananda everingham + golf + ray macdonald +
+++++ john lloyd cruz + jc de vera + enchong dee + hideaki torio +
+ the corrs + sarah mclachlan + shawn colvin + michelle branch + selena + mariah carey + lee sooyoung + jewel + aaliyah + craig david + jason mraz + josh groban + boa + dbsk + lene marlin + frou frou + enya + leann rimes + big bang + sung sikyung + sg wannabe + se7en + epik high + clazziquai + loveholic + sugababes + all saints + lara fabian + gregorian chant + vonda shepard + foofighters + green day + rachael lampa + bosson + linda ronstadt + the cranberries + the cardigans + india arie + seal + george michael + lighthouse family + sting + garbage + dc talk + duncan sheik + coldplay + jars of clay + blur + third eye blind + john mayer + fiona apple + spice girls + kelly clarkson + utada hikaru + 'd sound + jim croce + david foster + eric clapton + boyz 2 men + babyface + alison krauss + richard marx + the company + jose mari chan + martine mccutcheon + kathy troccoli + jj lin + dream + honeyz + foj + darius + maksim + aaa + haley bennett + perfume + teddy geiger + yui + shimizu shota + kato miliyah + jyongri + coraline soundtrack +
+ nicole kidman + charlize theron + sandra bullock + anne hathaway + alexis bledel + evan rachel wood + amanda bynes + alexa vega + rachel mcadams + uma thurman + leelee sobieski + eliza dushku + emily browning + emma watson + dakota fanning + annasophia robb + alicia morton + kate maberly + mia maestro + jennifer connelly + paz vega + emmanuelle chriqui + hilary duff + marisa tomei + helena bonham carter + amber tamblyn + julia stiles + meredith bishop + thora birch + jessica alba + kristin kreuk + sara paxton + monica keena + katie holmes + marley shelton + camilla bell + angelina jolie + milla jovovich + amanda seyfried +
++ choi jiwoo + song hyegyo + jeon jihyun + son yehjin + goo hyejin + park shinhye + go ara + han jimin + lee yeonhee + bae seulgi (the reds) + ayumi (sugar) + song jihyo + yoon eunhye (baby vox) + han chaeyoung + kim taehee + han jihye + park bom + park heebon (milk) + kim bomi (milk) + chaeyeon + nam sangmi + cats + kara + lina and sunday (csjh) + sunye (wg) + kim ah-jung + uhm hyunkyung + yoo hyunyoung + choi sooyoung + han gain + kim junghwa + go eunah + goo hyesun + jung ryeowon (chakra) + kang junghwa + so yihyun + jo jungrin + kim ok-bin + eunseong + min seohyeon +
+++ nakashima mika + aoi miyazaki + horikita maki + toda erika + aragaki yui + shida mirai + uno misako + ueto aya + ueno juri + kashii yu + ito misaki + maya miki + ayase haruka + karina + narumi riko + kato rosa + naka riisa + esumi makiko + ito yuna + mimura + leah dizon + kiritani mirei + aoi yu +
++++ twins + miriam yeung + angelica lee + jolin tsai + rainie yang + niki chow + race wong + yumiko cheng + isabella leong + joey yung + stephy tang + janice wei vidal + vivian hsu +
+++++ maja salvador + erich gonzales + vaness del moral + jennica garcia +